Snapshots 1




Michigan 2003
Monroe 2002
Kansas 2002
Ireland 2002
Crufts 2002
Kansas 2001
Eukanuba 2001
Colorado 2001
Georgia 2000
Westminster 2000
Westminster 1999
Texas 1999
Colorado 1998
Kansas 1997
Florida 1996

Snapshots 1
Snapshots 2
Snapshots 3
Snapshots 4








USASA Journal * May June 2002

Aussie News * The Newsletter of the Australian Shepherd Club of the UK

No. 60 * March 2002

Top Dog

Am Ch Thornapple Climate Controlled

Stop Press: Best of Breed and Pastoral Group 2 * Crufts 2002

BOB and Pastoral Group 1 St. Patrick's Day Show

Irish Kennel Club 2002

Congratulations to Jayne & Wally Holligan

candid shot by Natasha Baxter

candid shot by Natasha Baxter

Lorenzo on the table with Jayne

Sarah with CH Tri Ivory Mojo Flair

The Applethorns on the bench!

The Aussie benching area.

The Aussie benching area.

Discover Dogs Aussie Breed Stand

Ooops ... do they spell shepherd differently in England?

Lorenzo Best Dog & Best of Breed

Best Bitch & Best Dog

Am CH Snowcrest Shameless Flirt

Am CH Thornapple Climate Controlled

Best Bitch & Best Dog

Best Bitch Am CH Snowcrest Shameless Flirt

Best Dog & Best of Breed

Am CH Thornapple Climate Controlled

Lorenzo ... Best of Breed!

List of Crufts Halls

Crufts Ring

Programme of Events

Setting up displays

Pedigree Stand ... 2 story .... amazing!

Hospitality stand with free food, drinks & gifts


Pedigree Stand

Back side of Pedigree stand

Back side of the Pedigree stand

Wally and Jayne conferring!

Sarah, Matt, Wally & Jane

setting up the Discover Dogs Stand

Crufts * Dogs In Review * May 2002

Page 1

Crufts * Dogs In Review * May 2002

Page 2

Crufts * Dogs In Review * May 2002

Page 3

Crufts * Dogs In Review * May 2002

Page 4

Crufts * Dogs In Review * May 2002

Page 5

Crufts * Dogs In Review * May 2002

Page 6

Crufts * Dogs In Review * May 2002

Page 7

Aussie News * June 2002

The Newsletter of the Australian Shepherd Club of the UK

Page 1

Aussie News * June 2002

The Newsletter of the Australian Shepherd Club of the UK

Page 2

Aussie News * June 2002

The Newsletter of the Australian Shepherd Club of the UK

Page 3

The Eukanubamobile!

Lorenzo competing in group

Lorenzo competing in group

Jayne talking with the media


Crufts Dog Show * March 2002