Kentucky Photos2




Crown Classic 2005
Jaxon Kennel Club & Ingham KC *
Wine Country 2005
St. Clair KC 2005
Popcorn Cluster 2005
Grand Traverse KC 2005
Mt. Pleasant KC 2005
Great Lakes Specialty 2005
Apple Blossom 2005
Kokomo Cluster 2005
Midland KC 2005
Terra Haute 2005
Louisana 2005
Auburn 2005
Westminster KC 2005
Chicago Int'l 2005
Novi Michigan 2005
Brooksville Clusters 2005

Kentucky Photos1
Kentucky Photos2
Tar Heel Photos1
Tar Heel Photos2
Tar Heel Photos3








Amy & Courage

practice makes perfect!

Juniors attend the Junior Handling seminar

Steven & Courage

Grooming Courage

Grooming Lumidee!

Amy's mother-in-law, Sharon with her Sharon's sister & family.

Amy's nephew, Stephen, helps with Lumidee

Sharon Garrison brushing Miss Lumidee!

Amy grooming Courage

Beagle love!

Coldwater Fairy Tale Dreams "Tyra"

Our sweet Tyra!

Candy & Erika grooming Kia

Grooming Kia!

Vikki Davidson & Kelly Zartman


Austen tries to steal the beagle!

Shayna grooming Lumidee for Junior Showmanship

Maria & Debbie grooming Cole

Thornapple Tandem Axel handled by Vikki Davidson

Thornapple Red Hot Outlaw "Scorch" handled by Maria Neff

Scorch & Cole in Winners Dog

Scorch & Cole

Thornapple Kiddie Cocktail "Shirley"

Thornapple Pure Poison "Dior"

Thornapple I'll Never Leave "Lumidee"

Maria Neff made the cut with Grace in a special Pedigree Junior Showmanship competition