



Crown Classic
Winterland Classic
Wapakoneta UKC
Leatherstocking Cluster
Mid Ohio Cluster
West Michigan Harvest Cluster
Old Fort Cluster * Nov 06
Holland KC Oct 06
Urbana Ohio Shows   October 13
USASA Spec & Monroe
St. Clair KC 2006
Pontiac KC 2006
Livonia KC 2006
Chagrin Falls
Iced Tea Cluster 2006
Marshall 2006
Popcorn Cluster 2006
Grand Traverse KC
Mt. Plesant KC
Apple Blossom Cluster
Midland KC 2006
Terre Haute 2006
Purina Farms 2006
Chicago Intn'l 06
Westminster KC 2006
Brooksville Cluster 2006
UKC SHOW * Kalamazoo

Junior Handling
Puppy Match 1
Puppy Match 2








Not just another pretty face in the show ring! This girl can work it!

Vikki Davidson's chi hua hua .... Princess Raina!

Thornapple Island Kiss "Kauai"

Thornapple Move Over "Chauncey"

Our pretty new collapseable trash bin! Thank you Bill Burns & Carolyn Zernick for my most wonderful birthday present! Love, E

Moon Rise Global Player "Player"

Erika Prince & Shayna Garrison

A beautiful summer day in northern Michigan. We enjoyed temps in the 70s and lots of sun!