



Crown Classic
Winterland Classic
Wapakoneta UKC
Leatherstocking Cluster
Mid Ohio Cluster
West Michigan Harvest Cluster
Old Fort Cluster * Nov 06
Holland KC Oct 06
Urbana Ohio Shows   October 13
USASA Spec & Monroe
St. Clair KC 2006
Pontiac KC 2006
Livonia KC 2006
Chagrin Falls
Iced Tea Cluster 2006
Marshall 2006
Popcorn Cluster 2006
Grand Traverse KC
Mt. Plesant KC
Apple Blossom Cluster
Midland KC 2006
Terre Haute 2006
Purina Farms 2006
Chicago Intn'l 06
Westminster KC 2006
Brooksville Cluster 2006
UKC SHOW * Kalamazoo








Best In Show lineup at the Traverse City Kennel club show June 17, 2006

CH Thornapple Powercore "Spitfire" winner of the herding group at the Traverse City Kennel Club show June 17 under Judge Mr. Rick Gschwender.


CH Thoranpple Seminole Wind "Keziah" celebrated her 9th birthday with us at the Traverse City Kennel Show. Happy Birthday Keziah!

Keziah brought a "present" for all of the guests. Bacaradi enjoyed his pineapple!

Ashton loves his Blue Clues toy!

Kauai has a thing for strawberries! And so do we! Erika Prince made us the most delicious strawberry shortcake ever! Not to mention her potato salad and bean casserole was out of this world as usual! You never go hungry when Erika and Candy Prince do the cooking. Thank you Laura Baylis for bringing the incredible porterhouse, delmonico, t-bone and tenderloin steaks! And of course ... thank you Laura for THE best cherrry pies anywhere .... made from Michigan cherries at The Pie Hut in Beulah, Michigan! There are NO others!!!!

Miss Lucy loves piggies!

Oh no ... Ashton stole Kauai's strawberry! Actually, he didn't steal it ... Kauai tossed it over the side of the ex-pen, right into Ashton's x-pen!

Sooo .... feeling sorry for Kauai .... someone snuck Ashton's blue's clues toy and gave it to Kauai!

Topper stands guard over his prize!!!!

A beautiful guest for Keziah's party. She came along with her owner Mary Billman.

Amy's husband, Shane, joined us for the weekend!