Bitches 12




Crown Classic
Harvest Cluster
Monroe KC
Gtr Lafayette KC
Fall Festival Of Shows
Popcorn Cluster
Mt. Pleasant KC
Apple Blossom Cluster
USASA National07
Tar Heel Circuit
Chicago Intl 07
Brooksville Clusters
Detroit Fairgrounds

Futurity 1
Futurity 2
Futurity 3
Sweeps 1
Sweeps 2
Sweeps 3
Sweeps 4
Sweeps 5
Sweeps 6
Sweeps 7
Sweeps 8
Sweeps 9
Dogs 1
Dogs 2
Dogs 3
Dogs 4
Dogs 5
Dogs 6
Dogs 7
Dogs 8
Dogs 9
Dogs 10
Dogs 11
Versatile Awards
Bedford Herding
Bitches 1
Bitches 2
Bitches 3
Bitches 4
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Bitches 11
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Bitches 19
Bitches 20
Veterans 1
Veterans 2
Winners Bitch 1
Winners Bitch 2
Best Of Breed1
Best Of Breed2
Best Of Breed3
Best Of Breed4
Best Of Breed5
Best Of Breed6
Best Of Breed7
Best Of Breed8
Best Of Breed9
Best Of Breed10
Anna-Lena Photos








Thornapple Glam It Up "Glamour"

Glamour ** 1st Place! Good job, Vikki!

Shayna & her good Easy Aussies friend, Angela, all the way from Sweden!

Miss Tammy Tu Tu is happy for Miss Glam!

Nandi and Zippo's mom, Di with her good friend, Coralee ... all the way from New Zealand!

Celebrating Glamour's win ... Janet Baxter from South Africa ... Janet wants to sneak Miss Glamour to South Africa!

Natasha Baxter ... Janet's daughter ... from Strathaven Aussies, South Africa. Thank you for sharing your National's photos, Natasha!

Janet, Carolyn & Natasha!

Hard working Thornapple, Carolyn Zernick celebrates Glam's win. 2007 Nationals was the first Nationals for Carolyn. After all of the hard work, we hope it won't be her last! :))) Carolyn was an incredible help to us! We couldn't have done it without her!! Colorado 2008 Carolyn!