Photos 1




Crown Classic
Harvest Cluster
Monroe KC
Gtr Lafayette KC
Fall Festival Of Shows
Popcorn Cluster
Mt. Pleasant KC
Apple Blossom Cluster
USASA National07
Tar Heel Circuit
Chicago Intl 07
Brooksville Clusters
Detroit Fairgrounds

Photos 1
Photos 2
Photos 3
Photos 4
Photos 5








Shayna Garrison

Ch Thornapple Single Barrel "Cruzan" & Shayna Garrison * Junior Handling competition

Shayna & Cruzan

Ch Thornapple Git R Done "Larry" & Maria Neff

Maria & Larry

Larry & Maria * Junior Handling competition

Shayna & Cruzan

Best Of Breed competition * Ch Thornapple Single Barrel "Cruzan" handled by Amy Garrison


Maria Neff with Ch Thornapple Git R Done "Larry"

Maria & Larry

Maria & Larry