Welcome to a Gallery of some of
Amy's favorite photos.
Amy was asked to put together
some fun photos from the past
and some cute photos from the present for a Hospitality Night
slide show at the USASA Nationals. We just have to share!
Amy pictured with Ch Thornapple Dazzlin'
Sapphire. Sapphire finished her AKC Championship April 11, 1993.
Ch Thornapple My Baby Loves Me "Martina" &
Amy * Artwork by McCartney
Sleepy babies!
Slylar & Quinn
Roxie & Riddick
Ch Thornapple Breakn' New Ground "Billy"
with ASCA Breeder Judge Nikki Hengy
ASCA Ch Thornapple Hershey Kiss with ASCA
Breeder Judge Nikki Hengy & Amy
Pinecone Puppy
In the doghouse!
Ch Propwash Hey Jude - one of our foundation
Ch Thornapple Breakn' New Ground "Billy" *
AKC Best In Show Winner