SITREP 31 03 JUN 05 GENERAL SITUATION: JMC is wrapping up, and we were advised that we (the
American monitors) will depart Tillo HQ on 20 JUN 05. The UN continues to Let me state once again that it is the permanent UN
bureaucrats who are responsible for this sorry state of affairs, not the Just by way of providing a frame of reference, JMC went
from nonexistent to operational in about four months, cost a total JMC OPERATIONS: My colleague, Nick Burrows trained the senior Nuba area
UNMO command element, and one other team while I was on leave. We are anticipating the arrival of at least two more
groups prior to the termination of JMC operations. One is scheduled to With definite termination and departure dates, the most
dedicated are experiencing a certain amount of “short-timer’s” syndrome, MICHAEL’S WORLD: Priority One is getting as many UNMOs trained in what time remains. Upon termination of my duties here I will be spending
approximately five weeks in Germany while I satisfy the IRS requirement SITREP 32 10 JUN 05 GENERAL SITUATION: The UN bureaucrats continue to demonstrate that they would
undoubtedly screw up the order of march of a one truck convoy. This is the bang you are getting for your one billion bucks
budgeted for the first year of UN Mission,Sudan (UNMISUD), JMC OPERATIONS: With five more days to operate, and ten days until the
departure of all the operational personnel and most of the support staff, MICHAEL’S WORLD: This will probably be the last Sudan SITREP, as I am not
certain that we will still have internet access in another week. There will be an after action report (AAR) at some point
after my departure. This will deal with matters which for reasons of I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of you who
kept in contact with me during this deployment. Your interest, I would also like to thank Ellen Brandenburg of Thornapple
Australian Shepherds who kindly and voluntarily posted So until I see you all again, take care and keep well. That’s it from this end. Michael