Thornapple Kiss Me Nellie JWW,
NAP, NJWWP NADAC Novice tunnelers TN-N
Open Tunnelers TN-O ASCA - Novice Jumpers JSN
* Novice Gamblers GSN She has done extremely well in Rally and has earned RN
Rally Novice.RA Rally Advanced, and has one more leg to get Rally Excellent.
Happy Mother's Day!
finished her Novice Obedience title today! Blue Merle Bitch * 3/7/02 Sire: CH Ragtime Set In Stone Owned, loved & handled by Jenny Addie * Martinez, Georgia
November 19, 2006 * N ell finished her RAE title this weekend. Ten double qualifying rounds in twelve weeks.I am going to try and send a picture. I also had an official picture taken with the judge yesterday. Nell met a lovely group of young people at the show that became her own cheering squad. She truly does have an incredible temperament. Have a wonderful family Thanksgiving. Our family Blessings, Love Jenny and NELL