Shayna Melinda Garrison

Long Beach, California ** December 1 & 2 2007
The AKC/Eukanuba National Championship airs on Animal Planet & Discovery Channel on February 28, 2008.
Check your local listings for air times.  For more information about the AKC/Eukanuba National Dog Show,
please visit

Shayna & Shamba competing in Junior Handling at the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship.
Congratulations, Shayna, on making the first cut!
From Ami Romanelli --- Mitchel Balmayne
posted these photos to the Aussie board and I thought
you would enjoy them. He took them as he was passing
by which he says accounts for the slight blur. Shayna
and Shamba looked good nonetheless!

November - December 2007 USASA Journal Back Cover ad featuring Miss Shayna Melinda Garrison!
HAPPY 12TH BIRTHDAY *** November 25th!
We love you!


Congratulations, Shayna!  1st Place Open Junior Handler
2007 USASA National Specialty * April 2007

Qualified for Westminster with 10 First Place wins in 2007!

**** 2007 Shayna Update ****

Shayna began her AKC Junior Handling career at 9 years of age.  She quickly acquired her mandatory three,
1st place wins from the Novice Junior Class, advancing her to the Open Junior Class (where we find her competing today).

Shayna works hard training, conditioning and grooming her dogs.  She likes to challenge herself by exhibiting various
Thornapple Aussies during Junior handling competitions.  She feels it helps her develop better handling skills and finds
both challenging and rewarding.  To date, she has earned many Best Junior awards with 6 different Junior Handling dogs.
In 2006, Shayna was ranked and awarded the #8 Herding Junior Handler award by AKC.  Way to go, Shayna!!!  She has
been the top USASA Open Junior for 2 years in a row.  Not only does Shayna excel at showmanship, she is also very
successful academically, earning A's and B's in school!  This does not go unnoticed in the dog show world.  By maintaining
a 3.0 grade point average or higher and earning a set number of junior handling points, Shayna has continued to qualify
for The Eukanuba/AKC Invitational show and is a member of the USASA Optimum Club (which offers scholarship funds).
She has qualified for Westminster each year and in fact was the 1st 9 year old handling an Australian Shepherd to qualify!
Westminster was a show and experience Shayna will never forget.  She handled Flame (Thornapple Flirtin' With Fire) and did
an outstanding job, giving the "older" junior handlers some tough competition!

We can count on Shayna to lend a helping hand at the dog shows.  She is always ready to feed, water, exercise (on her *cool*
new bike!) and groom the dogs.  Shayna has taken a special interest in helping professional handlers prep and groom their
exhibits and enjoys the opportunity to show different breeds.  Shayna especially loves to assist Joseph with his beautiful poodles,
grooming them and sometimes helping with handling.  Thank you Amy Rodriquez and Phil Booth for giving Shayna the opportunity
to learn about different breeds and showing her the ropes of being a professional handler.  You guys rock!!  Shayna has also
enjoyed helping Mary Alderman with her whippets.   Thanks, Mary!

Although Shayna keeps herself busy by helping others, her heart and loyalty remains in the Australian Shepherd breed ring.
You can find Shayna handling her own exhibits in the breed ring and is always willing to lend a helping hand to our fellow breeders.
Shayna has pointed many Thornapple Aussies toward their AKC Championships.  She has also won Best Of Breed wins, Group Placements,
and AKC Best Puppy In Show and Best In Match wins!

Shayna is known for always wearing her "Thornapple Smile!"  The dog fancy has complimented her many times for her beautiful smile,
great attitude, excellent showmanship and handling skills!  We can also let everyone in on a little secret ... Shayna is also a very
accomplished photographer.  We credit Shayna for many of our beautiful photos. 

Shayna has been a dedicated member of our Thornapple family from the moment she was born.  In her early years, you would find
Shayna being held by a family member or sitting ringside in her stroller watching the show.  She certainly was Thornapple's #1 fan!
From the moment she could grasp a leash, she was showing her doggies.  As a toddler, a collection of stuffed dogs of many breeds
traveled with Shayna to dog shows around the country.  Shayna spent hours grooming her "exhibits."  The beginning of her show
career was the Tot Handling Class at an ASCA pre-show during the USASA National Specialty in Denton, Texas, where she took
home beautiful rosettes and lots of wonderful prizes.

What more can we say?  Shayna definitely has "the dog show fever!"  She is a great asset to our breed and we are proud of her
accomplishments and for her wonderful attitude.  Keep up the great work, Shayna!  You are our future!  We LOVE YOU!!!!!

Shayna's Gallery 1

Shayna's Gallery 2

Shayna's Gallery 3

Shayna 2007 Awards

Jane Gottschalk pictured with her special doggy, Nugent!
NOVEMBER 2007 *** Thank you, Jane & Alex Gottschalk, for making dreams come true!
Because of your generous gift, Shayna is able to travel to California to
compete at the Invitational! We designate you VITs!!! VERY IMPORTANT THORNAPPLES!
You are very special to us! xxxoo
  Shayna & Shamba send BIG HUGS yours way!  Love, Amy & Shayna & Ellen

Alex puts Nugent through his agility paces!

Shayna with her Best in Match winning Minature Poodle, Giselle *** September 2007


Back to Back Best Junior Handler Awards!
Kalamozoo Apple Blossom Cluster * June 2006
Shayna now has 10 wins to qualify her for the Westminster Kennel Club show!

And ... it's a HUGE brag for Miss Shayna M. Garrison!
Shayna received an official AKC certificate today
awarding her #8 Herding Group Junior Handler for 2006!
This is an amazing accomplishment for a 10 year old Junior Handler!

Mom & Dad, Auntie and Uncle, Cousins and all of the Thornapples salute you, Miss Shayna!

From Amy -- What a surprise to receive the AKC certificate in the mail!  Shayna was thrilled!! 
We are so proud of her hard work, dedication and great sportsmanship ....
all accomplished from the Open Junior Class, at the tender age of 10!!! 
I quickly glanced at the Best Junior web site and counted roughly 651 kids who showed Herding dogs!! 
 AMAZING!!  Way to go Shayna!  Keep up the great work!  We love you!!
Mom & Dad and all your doggies that love you just as much!!!

Best Junior Handler * Mt. Pleasant Kennel Club * June 2006

Best Junior Handler * Grand Traverse Kennel Club * June 2006


"She brought tears to my eyes."  ....  Mrs. Szomoru after judging Shayna.

We are very proud of you, Shayna!
Love Mom, Dad & Austen & Auntie Ellen, Rachel & Chelsea
 (and Uncle Tom, Aaron & Cyrus & Grandpa Jim too!)

Best Junior Handler * Ingham County KC * December 2005 * Judge Mr. Jon B. White

1st place Open Junior * Thank you Judge Thomas W. Carneal.

Shayna's Junior Handling debut!  Novi, Michigan, January 2005!
1st weekend out, Shayna wins 2nd place, 1st place & 2nd place in the Novice Junior class!
We are very proud of you, Shayna! 
Shayna handles Thornapple Straight Up in Novice Junior Handling.

Congratulations, Shayna! 

Shayna won a large class of 8 Novice Juniors
at the Midland KC Shows May 14 under Mrs. Robert Thomas
This moves Shayna up to Open Junior Handling!

and next weekend out ... BEST JUNIOR HANDLER!!!!
Shayna take Best Junior Handler from the Open Novice Class
with a total entry of 33 Juniors at the Apple Blossom Cluster in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Judge Mrs. Linda Berberich * Pontiac KC * September 2005

Shayna took 2nd place on her first day in Open Juniors.
Midland KC Shows * May 15 * Mr. Robert Thomas

Shayna Garrison handles "Lumidee" (Thornapple I'll Never Leave)
to BEST PUPPY IN SHOW at the Toledo Kennel Club Show May 29, 2004!!
Another day at work for Shayna!!!!

We are very proud of you, Shayna!

Shayna & Lumidee each take their FIRST AKC points!
Winners Bitch * Valparaiso KC

Lumidee visits Shayna's class on PET DAY * June 2004!
Miss Lumidee and Shayna are busy breed ambassadors!

Shayna wins BEST IN MATCH!!!!!  Ann Arbor Kennel Club
Ann Arbor Kennel Club (entry 140) * July 5, 2003
Shayna is the youngest Thornapple to win Best In Match!
Thornapple Hearts On Fire!


Shayna Wins Book Club Award!
"My Dog Show" written and illustrated by Miss Shayna Melinda Garrison

Shayna gaiting Neela * CH Thornapple Pillow Talk
(photo credit Pet Personalities)

Shayna celebrates her 9th birthday!
This is a milestone birthday as now Shayna can compete in AKC Junior Handling!

Wishing for big wins in AKC Junior Handling!

Shayna is a dedicated member of the Thornapple Gang!  From the moment Shayna could grasp a leash, she was "showing" her "doggies."  As a toddler, a collection of stuffed dogs of many breeds traveled with Shayna to dog shows all over the country.  Shayna spent hours grooming her "exhibits."  The beginning of Shayna's show carreer, was the Tot Handling Class at an ASCA PreShow at the USASA National Specialty in Denton, Texas  and the ASCA National Specialty in Greely, Colorado.  Shayna's most recent ASCA nationals was the ASCA National Specialty in West Bend Wisconsin.  Shayna showed Mattie in Sub Junior in 3 Pres Shows and the Nationals.  Shayna  took home 4 beautiful rosettes and lots of wonderful prizes.  Shayna also won 1st place 2-4 blue merle puppy bitch at the ASCA PreShow with her puppy, Thornapple I'll Never Leave. She placed at 2 other PreShows.  Shayna has worked very hard with "Lumidee" to train her for the show ring.  Shayna loves Miss Lumidee.  They will make a formidable team!  Summer 2003, Shayna achieved a first in her show career.  Shayna won Best In Match at an AKC sanctioned puppy match.  Shayna and Deliah made a team that was hard to ignore!  The crowd cheered for them and the judge loved what he saw.  In May of 2004, another 1st for Shayna at the Toledo Kennel Club show, Shayna won BEST PUPPY IN SHOW with Lumidee!  What an exciting moment for all of us Thornapples!  The judge complimented Shayna's excellent showmanship and great handling skill.  Shayna may be a star but she is always ready to lend a helping hand at the dog shows.  We can always count on Shayna to exercise, feed and water the dogs.  Shayna still grooms her own exhibits AND helps groom her mom's entries.  Shayna is the proud owner of a beautiful schipperke bitch, CH Rivendal's Told Ya So.  Shayna counts the days until January 1, 2005 when (thanks to an AKC rule change), Shayna can now compete in Junior Handling at the age of 9. On November 25, 2004, Shayna celebrated her 9th birthday.  The January Novi shows found Shayna in the Junior Handling for the very first time!  Shayna did a great job taking a 2nd, a 1st & and a 2nd against approximately 9 tough competitors.  Chante and Lumidee are Shayna's Junior Handling dogs. On May 14, 2005, Shayna won a large class of 8 Novice Junior Handlers under Mr. Robert Thomas at the Midland KC show to advance her to  the Open Junior Handler class.  Shayna hopes to qualify for the Westminster Kennel Club show and the Eukanuba National Championship.   Shayna also plans to compete for Pedigree points and top USASA Junior Handler in her age group.  And last, but not least, Shayna plans to finish Lumidee's AKC championship, making Lumidee her 1st AKC champion!  Not many people know this, but Shayna is also an excellent photographer.  Shayna is well known in Thornapple circles for her awesome breed photography!  Shayna's proud parents are Shane and Amy Garrison, proud aunt and cousins, Ellen Brandenburg, Rachel Brandenburg, and Chelsea Brandenburg.

Shayna with Thornapple I'll Never Leave "Lumidee" in Marquette, Michigan (above)
and taking a break with friends (below), after an afternoon fall puppy photo shoot at the kennel!

Shayna on her way to her 2nd National Specialty!