Kentuckiana Cluster & Tar Heel Circuit
March 2005
We spent our Easter Week
vacation at dog shows
in Louisville, Kentucky & Raleigh, North Carolina!
Maria Neff on winning Best Junior
at the Alamance Kennel Club show!
Thornapple Reaction "Cole" (middle - front is Scorch
also handled by Maria) took
Reserve Winners Dog to a major under Mrs. James Edward Clark at the Louisville
show from the 6-9 puppy class. Cole was handled by Maria Neff
in his puppy class and by Amy in Winners Dog.
Thornapple I'll
Never Leave "Lumidee" took Reserve Winners Bitch to a major
under Mrs. James Edward Clark at the Louisville KC show on Sunday, March 20,
from the Open Blue class. Lumidee is handled by Shayna Garrison.
Maria Neff
made the cut to compete in the special Pedigree Junior Handling competition
under Mrs. James Edward Clark at the Louisville KC show on Sunday.
Watch for Maria & Grace at the USASA Nationals.
After the show on Sunday, Kelly,
Vikki, Ellen, Debbie & Maria packed up
and headed south to Raleigh, North Carolina for the Tar Heel Circuit.
We did 5 of the incredible 8 days of shows! What a blast!
The weather was glorious & we were thrilled to spend time with
with our good friends, James Smith (who flew in with his Greater Swiss
Mountain Dog)
& Sandy & Russell Sharp (who own beautiful Angel).
(Celebrations included BIG strawberry margaritas at Lonestar Steak House
& lots of chips & salsa at the official Thornapple Family Restaurant,
Next year, we plan to hit all 8 shows!
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Tar Heel
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Tar Heel
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Tar Heel
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Thornapple Red Hot
Outlaw "Scorch" was
HOT taking Winners Dog & Best Opposite
over specials for 2 points under Mr. John P. Wade at the Danville KC show
AND Best of Winners for a 4 point major under Mrs. James C. Mulvey at the
Durham KC show.
Scorch is handled by Maria Neff.
Scorch taking Best Of Winners for a 4 point major under Mrs.
Pictured behind Scorch is our beautiful puppy, Dior, who took Winners Bitch for
a 4 point major!
Scorch beautifully presented by Maria.
Watch for Scorch in the Open Red Tri Dog class at the USASA Nationals.
Thornapple Pure Poison "Dior," amazed us by taking
TWO 4 point majors
from the 6 - 9 puppy bitch class! Dior won under Mrs. James C. Mulvey at
Durham KC show & Mr. Norman Herbel & the Raleigh KC show.
Dior was handled at the cluster by her Auntie Kelly, Coleen Zartman.
Dior & Scorch have fun in Best of Breed at the Durham
KC show!
A little pep talk by Auntie Kelly!
Dior's brothers, Cole (above) & Lunar (below) shared the 1st
place wins
in their puppy class in Kentucky & North Carolina! Cole took Reserve
Winners Dog
under Mrs. Lee Canalizo, Alamance KC show.
Cole, Lunar & Dior are sired by Ch Bluestem's
Their dam is CH Thornapple Honey I'm
Watch for our beautiful Yukon puppies at the USASA Nationals in the puppy class,
sweeps & futurity! Watch for Honey & kids in the Brood Bitch
Thornapple Moon On
Fire "Lunar"
Lunar is owned by Anna-Lena & Niklas Munkvall of Sweden.
Axel thanks Purina Pro Plan for sponsoring the Tar Heel
Thornapple Tandem
Axel took his Open Black Tri Dog class 4 of the 5 shows.
Axel LOVES his handler, Vikki Davidson!