Photos 6




Crown Classic 2005
Jaxon Kennel Club & Ingham KC *
Wine Country 2005
St. Clair KC 2005
Popcorn Cluster 2005
Grand Traverse KC 2005
Mt. Pleasant KC 2005
Great Lakes Specialty 2005
Apple Blossom 2005
Kokomo Cluster 2005
Midland KC 2005
Terra Haute 2005
Louisana 2005
Auburn 2005
Westminster KC 2005
Chicago Int'l 2005
Novi Michigan 2005
Brooksville Clusters 2005

Photos 1
Photos 2
Photos 3
Photos 4
Photos 5
Photos 6
Juniors 1
Juniors 2
Juniors 3
Juniors 4








Jenny talking jewelry with a vendor

Miss Shayna Melinda has a makeover by our personal Thornapple hair stylist, Vikki Davidson!

Shayna models her new do!


Miss Lumidee naps after a very busy winning weekend! It's hard work taking your handler to a Best Junior Handler win AND taking Best of Winners for a 3 point major ... all in 1 day!

The resident robin enjoys the dog show!

A baby pug bred by Barry Christie and Cynthia Allen of Aramis Kennels!


So cute!

Simone waits for best of breed judging.

Our baby boy, Sinatra! Sinatra took Reserve Winners Dog on Monday.

Shakespeare with Bill handling

Amy & Lunar




Winners Dog line up on Monday



Winners Dog lineup on Monday

Shayna taking Lunar in for reserve judging.

Lumidee ... handled to Winners Bitch for 2 points on Monday by Shayna.

Shayna & Lumidee

Carolyn & Bailey in Best of Breed judging on Monday. Ch Thornapple Cafe Mocha




Jenny Poe models her dichroic glass pendant with an aussie head

Jenny does beautiful glass!

Our last trip back to the campground from the show rings! SAD to be leaving a very fruitful and enjoyable weekend!