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Crown Classic 2005
Jaxon Kennel Club & Ingham KC *
Wine Country 2005
St. Clair KC 2005
Popcorn Cluster 2005
Grand Traverse KC 2005
Mt. Pleasant KC 2005
Great Lakes Specialty 2005
Apple Blossom 2005
Kokomo Cluster 2005
Midland KC 2005
Terra Haute 2005
Louisana 2005
Auburn 2005
Westminster KC 2005
Chicago Int'l 2005
Novi Michigan 2005
Brooksville Clusters 2005

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Thornapple Powercore "Spitty" in Group competition.

Erika showing her Lowchen to Mr. Hartinger. Erika won breed 2 days.

Thornapple Baja Blast "Burst" takes a 3rd in the puppy group!

Amy Halterman takes 2nd in group with her Schipperke!

Candy & Erika's rig!

Thornapple Blu My Mind "Janis" black tri female

Janis - Dazzle x Blitz


Black Tri Male 3 months old - Dazzle x Blitz

black tri male

Black tri Dazzle x Blitz boy at 3 months.

Don't you dare, Austen!

Amy & Laura Halterman, our friends and Schipperke breeders!

Vikki's most wonderful hubby, PHIL, wearing his most favorite shirt!

Vikki deep in thought! Plotting her strategy for Sunday's show ... I WILL defeat Sinatra to take Winners Dog with Jack Sparrow!!!! LOL!


Candy and her hubby, Jim, with Grandma & Erika & Vikki.

Shayna trains a puppy!

black tri Dazzle x Blitz boy!

Erika's Grandma!

Erika's most delicious strawberry shortcake!

Finally!!!! Amy takes a minute to grab a bite to eat!


CH Thornapple Here's Your Chance "Fancy" enjoys the picnic!

a hot air baloon flies overhead on Saturday afternoon!

Thornapple That's Showbiz "Sinatra"

Thornapple Pot Of Gold "Jack Sparrow"

Shirley - Thornapple Kiddie Cocktail


Best of Breed for Shirley! Best Opposite Sex for Jack Sparrow.

Shirley Temple

Amy's sister, Jill, and her mom, Barb, and Jill's boys, Matt and Zack, joined us for the afternoon on Sunday. They brought along the family dog!