Mailbox #19




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Mailbox #19
Mailbox #20








Jake & Chante pick their Halloween pumkins!

Ralph Lauren star, Jake, poses in the pumpkin patch!

Where's Jake????

Proud Daddy, James Smith, welcomes Madison Taylor Smith!

Beautiful Madison!

Madison prepares to depart from home from the hospital!

Simon meets Madison!

Don't take MY nook!

Simon helps mom with her slippers. Simon is a son of our Ch Propwash Hey Jude.

Evan can't wait to meet Miss Madison!

Proud parents, our good friends, Heidi and James Smith, Buffalo NY.

Pretty in Pink!!!!

Little did Madison know what awaited her 2 days after arriving home! James, the Golden Apple of Mother Thornapple's eye, risked danger and a ban on driving, to search for generators for his family.

A State of Emergency & fatalities were the result of a RARE October snowstorm which dumped 2 feet of snow on Buffalo, NY.

Thank goodness, the dog van wasn't crushed under the trees!

Introducing Julian Henrique Martin born at 6:14pm October 26th!!!! 7lbs -5 oz - 20.4 inches!!!

Congratulations Manoella & Jesus Martin on your gorgeous baby boy!

Julian is "Cruzan's" newest addition to the family! Cruzan takes his job very seriously always at Manoella's side ready to help.

Julian's Grandma came all the way from Brazil!

Julian's proud Daddy, Jesus Martin.

Cute as a bug's ear!

Bath time for Julian!

Maddie's Grandma sends her on her way Trick or Treating!

Maddie's first Halloween costume!

Maddie's laugh! Daddy's halloween costume!

Maddie waves Happy Halloween to Evan!

GRANNY T. they never told me how exhausting this Halloween Business can be!!!!!!!

Christmas greetings from Ami Romanelli's crew in Florida! Gosh ... wish we had temps warm enough to make the tongues wag!

Miss Ch Thornapple Straight Up "Chante"

Jake clowns around!

Nico wishes everyone a crazy happy holiday!

Maria & Shamba babies enjoy the aftermath of a 2007 Feb snowstorm!

Maria with her Shamba Grace babies.

Congratulations, Bitta! You and Diablo are a dream team!!!!

Diablo did it again!!!! He tog BIS 2!!! Once a year there is I show here in Denmark called “Show of Winners." You can not enter your dog unless the dog is qualified for the show. Only the absolute best top dogs are allowed to be at the show.

Diablo went all the way and become BIS 2 never don by an Aussie before. Unfortunately my car broke down on the way home………….that’s the story of my life *LOL*

Here are some pictures from the show. I think he look like a million dollars! Big hug from Bitta and kisses from Diablo



HAPPY 7TH BIRTHDAY, HALLE! March 4, 2007! Thank you to her new mom, Michelle, for loving her and making her birthday very special!



Halle at the show in Denmark!

Beautiful Halle at 7 years of age!

Halle has a new home in Denmark! Halle took Best Bitch first weekend out! Thank you Bitta!


Abby - Jake x Chante

Emma - Jake x Chante daughter at 7 months.

Jake - Ralph Lauren STAR! Watch for him in the late Spring 2007 ads!

Ralph Lauren Jake!

Just want to let you know that our Tucker,Thornapple Grinding Gears” finished his German CH-title today! Just little more than 12 month after his first CAC. Like you know we have this time limit over here.

We are soo proud.Nina took him to a photographer for some pictures. I will forward them to you as soon I get them.Susanne

Thornapple Give Me Chills "Macy" having a romp in the Indiana snow! Thank you Carolyn Zernick for sharing this photo!

Artwork by Lauren Escalada! Thank you for sharing Lauren! Your donation to the USASA Junior Handlers will help them realize their goals!