Mailbox #22




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Mailbox #21
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Thornapple Greatest Hit * "Newman" * August 12, 1997 --- May 29, 2007

Our hearts & prayers go out to the Jackie & David Raffler & family on your untimely loss of your beloved companion, Newman.

Newman fought valiantly against lymphoma which too often takes it's toll in our breed.

Please consider a donation to ASHGI, a non profit organization dedicated to Australian Shepherd Health Research.

November-December 1997 USASA Journal back cover ad featuring Newman -- 2nd from left. Pictured with Chelsea, Shayna, Danielle & Rachel.

Riot, Chante, and Jake went with us to Pete and Shari's to play with Abby, Nico and Kaya. They ALWAYS have a blast! Here are some fun photos.Ami

Clear the pool!!!!!!!!!!!!

Catch me if you can!

Chante gives it her best shot!

All Aboard!

Miss Abby loves play time with the Romanelli's!

Jake - Shark Dog!

I send you new pictures of Jag, he will soon be 7 years old ! But still looking good. He is not grommed for show in the picture. That is hard to get Jags ears up, he like to put them back, I think you remember that Amy... HE IS OUR GOLD BOY, HE IS THE BEST DOG IN THE WORLD.

Beautiful Jag!

Jane & Nugent after their workout!

Jenny & Jane! Jenny is enjoying retirement with the Gottschalks!

No room for Mom & Dad! Jenny & Nugent take the whole darn bed! Thank you for the photos, Jane & Alex Gottschalk!

These are some pictures of Thornapple Simply Red (Scarlet) with her new family. I took her to the ASCA show and she was good for the first time. She gaited well and stacked well. She didn't want to stand for the exam. She was just too happy and too friendly.

The judge said it was much better than being afraid. She was so cute!!! I have her in a handling class now on Monday nights so I can get more hands on her. She is wonderful. Sue Tearle

Am Ch Thornapple Powercore "Spitty" competing at a dog show in England!

Jayne's lapdog, Spitty, at a dog show in England!

Miss Chante goes shopping!

Thank you, Ami, Jordan, Dianne, Erica & Lauren for your wonderful Florida summer photos. Living in a state with only 2-3 months of summer, we love seeing how the other half lives!

Today was nice out and we needed to pick some dish towels and a wine thermometer up at Williams-Sonoma so we took Chante along. At the shopping complex they allow dogs in all the stores... she enjoyed Pottery Barn the best since they let her sit on the couch ;)

Anyhow, we were also looking at houses if I get a job in Palm Beach county... found about a 100 that we want!Thought you would like some of the photos.Ami -- We think you should live on one of those yachts in the background, Ami!

Jordan & Chante

2 by 2 ... Odie & Major take to the beach!

triple trouble ... 3's company!

Diesel enjoys the surf!

is it a dolphin?????????

Double fun at the beach and pool today! A fun time had by all! Hope you guys enjoyed your weekend.Take care! The Escaladas

Major plays keep away!

Diesel & Odie

Odie & Diesel

Diesel LOVES the pool!

Lauren & Erica Escalda share the pool with Diesel!

3 lucky dogs!

it's a game of tug-o-war for Major & Diesel!

Thank you Joanne Matson for sharing photos of your Wyoming vacation photos! (Joanne is mom to Molly & Daisy)

We LOVE viewing your beautiful vacation photos!

Incredible! PERFECT!

The snow photos were taken in the Snowy Range.


Jackson Hole in the Tetons ...


How can anyone leave this State???



Breathtaking! We cannot thank you enough, Joanne!