Mailbox #32




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The Mailbox 21-30
The Mailbox 31-40
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Mailbox #31
Mailbox #32
Mailbox #33
Mailbox #34








Cruzan visits 'UP NORTH' with Laura Baylis of Star Aussies, just in time for a northern Michigan snow storm!.

Cruzan kicks up his heels in anticipation of a NEW love affair with Ch Briarbrook's Mademoiselle "Elle."

Laura's beautiful snow covered kennels!

Cruzan having fun at Laura's house!

Just after arriving home with Laura, the snow started falling. 14" of new fresh snow was on the ground the following morning, December 2.

Dixie babies --- December 5, 2007

Dixie babies --- December 5, 2007

Thornapple Beautiful Blush models her new jacket!

Thornapple Beautiful Blush!

Thornapple Beautiful Blush LOVES her new jacket!

Thornapple Beautiful Blush December 07

Thornapple Beautiful Blush sired by Ch Thornapple Aftershock. Dam Ch Thornapple Russian ToA Party

Christmas greetings from the Schrecengosts in Alaska! Thornapple Beautiful Blush!

I just had to share what Jordan (the most wonderful husband ever) had commissioned for me! The artist is: He saw the work on the Food Network and has been working with the artist for months to get it done. I cannot get over how realistic it is! Ami L-R Riot, Jake & Chante

Ami Romanelli shares her art ....

Puppy play time in the snow at Maria's!

Kauai loves the snow too!

Thought you might enjoy a few updated pictures of the boys.  They are both doing wonderful and spoiled rotten.They both have their Rally Advance titles and will be going for their Excellent title starting next year.

Player is still going strong in agility.  He's in Open Jumpers and Excellent Standard and Open Fast and soon we will be doing USDAA shows too. He measured at exactly 22 inches for his final AKC measurement! 

Can you believe how tall he has gotten.  My instructor loves him too and says he was built for the sport.We wanted to wish you happy holidays and a wonderful new year!!

Merry Christmas wishes from Thornapple Cosmopolitan "Gracie." Gracie's Mom is Wendy Grubbs.

Thornapple Talkin' Smack & her new owner Alejandra Reyes Rodriquez of Santiago, Chile

Feeling good in Chile!

Dreamy loves her new home in Chile -- Thornapple Talkin' Smack - sire Thornapple Anaken Skywalker - Dam Ch Thornapple Pillow Talk

Dreamy with her best friend, Alejandra Reyes Rodriquez

Friends for life!

Alejandra & Dreamy in Chile where it is Summer in December!

A new friend!

Practice makes perfect!

Gaspar has a new girlfriend!

Alejandra's fiance, Gaspar, loves Dreamy too!

Dreamy & Icon enjoy lots of play time!

Dreamy's friend, Celeste!

It's cool in the shade!

Celeste & Dreamy don't mind the heat!


Beautiful Dreamy!

Thank you Ami & Jordan Romanelli for sharing photos of your December walk in Miami! If we could only be SO LUCKY! L-R - Riot/Jake/Chante

A naked Chante -- no worries -- it is 80 degrees in Miami in December!

Jake & Riot

Jake & Chante