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Happy Birthday Tucker! March 9, 2005 * 1 year old!




Happy Birthday, Buddy! March 9, 2005 * 1 year old!

Buddy's birthday party! Happy first birthday Thornapple Buddy!

Rain is a handsome boy on his first birthday!

Rain the birthday boy!

Last night I went to bed before Kirk. Bandit was lying by my feet while I was reading. When Kirk came in to get ready for bed Bandit climbed into his spot. When he went to get in bed Bandit was curled up with his head on Kirk's pillow. We couldn't help but laugh. Bandit just rolled on his back so we would rub his tummy. He and Barclay has lots of fun playing outside this morning. Bandit is now curled up on his dog bed sound asleep.Kim Rascher

Bandit playing with his best friend, Barclay.

Dylan lives in England!!!! He is sired by Ch Thornapple Diamond Rio. He is 4 yrs old & owned and loved by Ann Cooper.

Miss Thornapple Kiss Me Nellie! Nellie recently celebrated her 3rd birthday by having fun at her favorite activity.... agility! Nellie is owned, trained and loved by Jennie Addie!

Nellie ... watch for Nellie's page coming soon to our performance section.








Riot's new home near Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Riot's beautiful new kitchen ... lots of tile for dogs!

Riot's kitchen

Beautiful new home in Florida for Ami & Jordan & Riot & Jake & Hannah! Congratulations Ami on your acceptance into Law School!!!!

Thornapple End of the Rainbow "Rain" enjoying a March snow in North Dakota!

Rain doesn't let a little snow get into his way!



Bliss in the Netherlands

Thornapple Duffy Daugherty (on the right) arrives at his new home in Chicago with his new owners, Bill & Diane Niedbala and pictured left is Lily who made the trip to her new home with Bill & Diane. Lily is owned by Rick Freid of Chicago.

Laci & Maddie Penny


Thornapple Red Diamonds "Merlin" saying hi from his new home ON THE OCEAN in Laguna Beach, California! (some dogs have all the luck!) Merlin is owned and loved by Frances Kiddie & Dr. Lanny Lewyn.

Thornapple Oh Lighten Up - sired by ASCA CH Ragtime Light It Up - dam Thornapple Takes Control ... owned by Linda Robertson of Florida. Lexi took Reserve Winners Bitch f irst weekend out.



Lakota! owned by Judy Smith

I knew you'd appreciate these pictures. Duffy is eating Jackie's food and Jackie is eating Duffy's food ... go figure. Diane


hope you had a great time down South, missed the beautiful Thornapple Aussies at the DKC show. Anyway, Buddy is doing very well and on his way to passing CGC. He is quite a character and loves to perform tricks for the class. Enclosed is a picture of him at night on one of his house patrols. He gets up randomly through the night and checks the house, then goes back to bed, better than any alarm system I can think of. I was lucky enough to catch him on this night. Best to all, Marianne & Buddy

More good news from Buddy. He placed first in his obedience class with a perfect score of 35 out of 35 possible points this week. Enclosed is a picture of him and his first medal. We are all very proud of him and know he is well on his way to being a great therapy dog. Marianne & Buddy

Riot enjoys the warm Florida April weather!

Riot's best bud, Jake ... owned by Ami Boxer

UKC Ch. FDCH Mandolyns Shake and Jake CD, CGC, FD,FDX,HCT-1

Jake ... how does Ami keep Jake so red in that hot Florida sun?????

Todd left

ASCA CH Ragtime Light It Up "Todd" sire to Diablo, Flame, Scorch, Zippo, Lexi

Bandit Part 1 - Hi Grandma Thornapple, Every morning after I take Bandit out he proceeds to go into Jonathan's room and steal one of his stuffed animals. He then waits for me to chase him down the hall where he lets me catch him. He then gives me the stuffed animal and I smother him with hugs and kisses. Well, this morning after we came in I went to brush my teeth.

Bandit Part 2 - I saw him heading down the hall and I called to him to put down the stuffed toy. (in a laughing sort of way) I guess I was too slow because he came back to stand in front of the door and take off again. I was still to slow because he came back another time, walked right into the bathroom, held the toy in front of me and stared at me until I chased him down the hall. He is such a fun boy. Kim (Kirk and Jonathan too)

Best friends...Thornapple Attila My Huney "Tillie" and Thornapple Quintessential Joy "Quinn".

Quinn Part 1 - Quinn is such a joy! The first night he slept for 4 hours, went potty, had a snack, and slept for 3 more hours. He and his sister, Tillie, are doing great together. He will not back down to her-he can hold his own. Thanks so much for the opportunity to have another Thornapple. I took Q to the vet yesterday in Brighton and everyone there was so impressed with him. The vet checked him out and said that he looked very healthy.

Quinn Part 2 - Quinn's registered name will be Thornapple Quintessential Joy "Quinn". I will be sending you a photo of Tillie and Quinn lounging on the patio together as soon as I can figure out how to do it on this new internet provider I have just gotten.Thanks again, Jill


Mae...blk tri, see attached picture...the serious worker, just finished her agility open standard title in AKC. I have her entered in excellent the next few weekends and hope to finish her excellent title before summer. Once done, we will be moving to the confirmation ring... merle, this is a crazy picture of her, but you can see she is a character. Britches finished her agility novice title in AKC and should hopefully be done with open by end of summer. I took her to herding class last night with a new training and she did great! Her mission this summer is to start grouping and rating her stock. I'm trying to get her ready for the ASCA nationals.Talk with you soon. Helen


Lorenzo loves his toys in Sweden!

Hi Mom, thought you would like this photo of Linda Wilson's NEW BREED maybe you would like to post it in regular classes at the Nat's. LOL see you later your son Mark Schlarb

hi there, i would like to send some pics of milo. we're very pleased with milo to date. he is smart and athletic and is capable of learning anything when motivated (treats). we enjoy tracking your website and seeing milo's brothers and sisters grow up. and we'd love to see our little hound on the net as well. thanks again for such a great dog, and please keep in touch with any info on dog training, health advice etc.., so we can provide the best home for our aussie. we'd also like to hear about any shows near chicago so that milo might meet and play with some of his own kin. best regards, dave

baby Milo

baby Milo


TRI-SMITH’S GOIN’ ALL OUT FORALICITY CD, CGC owned by Talena & Brandon Smith - sire of puppies sired March 05, dam is Ch Thornapple Bedazzled

Blitz ... sire to Dazzle puppies born March 05. (Ch Thornapple Bedazzled)