



Danielle Crook
Rachel Brandenburg
Chelsea Brandenburg
Maria Neff
Erika Prince
Junior Gallery

Chelsea's Gallery 1
Chelsea's Gallery 2








Chelsea with her sister, Rachel

Our friends, Doug & Pam and Granddaughter

The Sams family. Josh (on the far end) takes care of all of our beautiful flower gardens!

Amy's husband, Shane, spraying for mosquitoes

many wins!

lots of wins!

Carolyn & Bill - our good aussie friends!

Our Keeshonden friends!

The mudboggers stopped by.

To the swamp!

Which way to watch the mudboggers?

Aaron gives Kelly, Vikki and Phil, Bill and Carolyn directions.

Shane Garrison (Amy's hubby) with our new bird,

an Umbrella Cockatoo, named Michael.

Shane & Michael

Chelsea and friends

Jenny Poe getting ready to dance a jig!

Heidi and Chelsea - Great friends!

Chelsea and friends!

Summer and Chelsea

Austen break dancing!

Austen getting the moves down!


Jonathon working on the bon fire.

Shane Garrison, Amy's other half!

Chelsea's sister, Rachel and her friend, Hannah.

Rachel, Hannah, Michelle

Amy's dad, Jim Brandenburg




Vikki & Carolyn enjoying the bon fire!

Doug & Ellen's hubby, Tom

(known affectionately as poor Tom!)

Chelsea's friends

Shayna getting ready to leave.

Austen's tired and ready to go home in the Mustang!