Rachel Brandenburg




2007 News In Review
2006 News In Review
2005 News In Review
2004 News In Review
Animal Rights Archives
Animal Rights Archives
Champions 2003-2007
Champions 1993-2002
Performance Titles
Special Visitors
Show Shots 2007
Show Shots 2006
Show Shots 2005
Show Shots 2003 - 2004
Show Shots 1999 - 2002
Matsons Photos
Amy's Slideshow
Our Kennel
Our Kennel 2
Our Kennel 3
Family Jewels
Junior Handlers
Photo Albums 1-10
Photo Albums 11-20
Photo Albums 21-30
Photo Albums 31-40
Photo Albums 41-50
Photo Albums 51 - 60
The Mailbox 1-10
The Mailbox 11-20
The Mailbox 21-30
The Mailbox 31-40
Photo Awards 2005
Photo Awards 2006
Photo Awards 2007
Classics In Print
Observed Trials
Wheatland Music Festival
Alpena Tractor Show
Roger McKay
Michael Wilson
Alaska Conservation
MSU Dance Team
Shayna's Schipperke
Career Day

Danielle Crook
Rachel Brandenburg
Chelsea Brandenburg
Maria Neff
Erika Prince
Junior Gallery

Rachel's Gallery










In July of 1998, Rachel won the Pedigree Invitational Qualifier over 39 Open Junior Handlers in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  Pedigree treated Rachel to an all expense paid trip to San Antonio, Texas, where she competed against 10 Open Junior Qualifiers from all parts of the United States.  Rachel placed third with her dog CH Thornapple Diamond Rio.  Rachel was #1 United States Australian Shepherd Association Junior Handler 1998.  Rachel is a talented dancer at an award winning studio in Michigan.  Due to Rachel's heavy dance schedule, she is unable to attend many dog shows.  When she does, she loves to show in the breed ring.  Rachel aged out of Junior Handling in the Fall of 2003.  Rachel graduated Salutatorian of her Senior Class at Maple Valley High School in June 2003.  Rachel attends  Michigan State University where she studies Business and dances on the MSU Dance Team. Rachel performs with the MSU Dance Team at all home Spartan football and basketball games.   Rachel's proud parents are Tom and Ellen Brandenburg, proud cousins, Amy and Shayna Garrison.

CONGRATULATIONS on your May 2007 graduation in Finance Business from MSU!
 We love you and are very proud of you!

Rachel's Gallery


Rachel's MSU dance team 2004 - 2005 poster!
Rachel is 2nd from right - back row.