Erika Prince




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The Mailbox 31-40
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Erika Prince
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Best Junior Handler!  Progressive Kennel Club * May 2006

Erika & Keziah age out of Junior Handling in style by winning BEST JUNIOR HANDLER!
Ingham County Kennel Club * Michigan State University * December 2007
Congratulations, Erika, on an awesome Junior Handling Career!
Good luck in your Pre-Med studies at Saginaw College!

From Candy Prince: 
Hi! Well, we just got back from the awards ceremony at school.  Erika received
her academic letter for outstanding academic achievement. :)   Now I guess
I have to buy her a jacket to sew that letter to!!  In any event, we were
very proud of her! 
As are we, Candy!  CONGRATS Erika!

May 2006 -- Erika Prince tells us that she also scored high on her ACT's this year!! 
Erika scored in the top 5% of all High School Juniors!
We are proud of you, Erika!  Congratulations!

AND .... just in!  

More exciting news on the Erika front....First, she received yet another letter today --
-- Outstanding Instrumental Band Student!
Second, she has been invited to TOUR EUROPE for 16 days next summer with
her flute!  Seven countries -- and play with various symphonies in each
country!  How neat is that???!!!  I told her she'd better start saving her
money, since the trip will cost almost $6000!  Hum, I wonder if she can
sneak a dog show in there somewhere?!!!!  :) Just had to share! Candy

And the frosting on cake!
Today, Erika received yet another letter, her Athletic Letter for Track, along
with a very prestigious award for being a Scholar Athlete!

From proud mom, Candy Prince - Erika Prince not only excels in the breed ring
 but also with her prize winning poultry and rabbits!
WOW!  What a day.  First, the Cochin Nationals.  She was only able to take
4 of her wonderful birds....everyone was in a full-blown molt (as in NAKED
chickens!!). She won Best of Variety Buff, Reserve of Variety Buff, Reserve
in Breed Youth, second in Variety Black (second to the Best Featherleg in
the entire show!), Reserve in Variety Blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Whew -- on the
road at 5:30 a.m., back home just in the nick of time for the awards
banquet at 7:00 p.m.

The 4H county awards banquet went really well................ Erika
received Awards of Excellence in Poultry, Rabbits, Dogs.  She received the
Teen Leadership award for her mentoring of kids of all ages in many project
areas, and then the Achievement award for her MANY accomplishments with her
projects.  Then she received the highest award that any 4H member can
receive -- the Key Club Award!  Quite an honor.  This is an award that
recognizes exceptional achievement in numerous project areas.  The child
has to gain points by competing in numerous project areas, and attending
various functions, etc.  The minimum is 175 points.  Erika's score was 442
-- the highest EVER in the county!  Proud Mom here!  Thanks for letting me
share.  :))

I took pictures of some awesome chickens.  I'll get them to you as soon as
possible.  Doesn't Amy like Cochins??  I seem to remember somebody in the
Thornapple family who really likes them.  Candy


Erika wins Best Puppy & Non-Sporting Puppy Group 3 at the Livingston KC show, Jan 2005!