SITREP 13 24 DEC 04 GENERAL SITUATION: We are still in a holding pattern awaiting the signing of
the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. The GOS SECTOR 3 OPERATIONS: We were able to secure the release of one SPLA Regimental
Sergeant Major detained by the GOS in retaliation Hopefully we were able to convince both sides that the
upward spiraling sequence of retaliatory arrests and We are all looking forward to a successful resolution of the issue of the reopening of the Al Reika-Frandalla-Talodi road when the principals meet here
in Um Serdiba on 28 DEC 04. Due to the excellent Work toward Cross Faction meetings, both police as well as
omdas and sheiks, is progressing well. All those Dealing with complaints still takes up a huge amount of
time. Two causes of constant trouble were told to get out MICHAEL’S WORLD: I am feeling fine. The foot is much better, helped no doubt
by the arrival of some new hiking shoes.
SITREP 1431 JAN 04 GENERAL SITUATION: Nothing new to report. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement
talks and the cease fire talks in Nigeria SECTOR 3 OPERATIONS: This was a rather disappointing week for Sector 3. Rainer,
our Sector Commander, went to considerable A further problem was that the SPLM/A contingent was here in
full strength. This was an obvious slight to them It is hard to believe that this action was taken without the
direction, or at least the knowledge and consent, A number of good things happened in the sector this week,
but unfortunately the bad news of the breakdown MICHAEL’S WORLD: By the time I send this I will have about 164 hours until
take off time from Khartoum for my leave. I am also carrying out a feasibility study for a possible
project to introduce windmills to Sudan. Sitrep readers Happy New Year, Michael |