SITREP 7 12 NOV 04 GENERAL SITUATION Darfur if anything is getting worse. It is getting worse, if for no other
reason , because the heat and lack of water add dehydration Nomads are providing their usual problems. These include, but are by no
means limited to, grazing and watering their herds I heard my first complaint about nomad incursions in this area on Wednesday
at the village of Ngurban. The villagers complained I think a few words about the economy, infrastructure and life style may be
instructive. Our highest paid National Monitor, a Regimental There is no such thing as an electrical grid to my knowledge outside of
Khartoum. For most of the country electricity is an unknown luxury. Water must frequently be carried by hand for miles from watering sources
that at their fanciest are hand pumps that actually work. And hand Obesity, or even overweight, are not problems here. I truly cannot recall
seeing anyone with anything resembling superfluous weight. I’m not sure there is a paved road outside of the Khartoum area. The
equivalent of the American Interstate, or the German Autobahn, Medical facilities outside of the population centers are thatched roof
clinics staffed by dedicated personnel, but often lacking even the I hope that I have conveyed some concept of the enormous challenges facing
Sudan as a whole and the Nuba in particular even if peace SECTOR 3 OPERATIONS. Much anti climax. The villagers at the involuntary relocation facility at Dandur have settled
in and the GOS unit has agreed to provide an escort to their We returned to Agab, scene of the rather tempestuous “town meeting” some
weeks ago, with W.O. Babakia and SGT Mahmoun I do not envy the GOS Police units assigned to the SPLM sympathetic parts
of the DMZ. Think of Ft. Apache, but with the cavalry Water (or the lack of it) is an ongoing problem everywhere, with political
ramifications in the SPLM areas. There is no doubt that there is Patrolling is getting caught up now that the roads are improving somewhat. MICHAEL’S WORLD I am still alive and well in Um Serdiba. I’m still hard at it and enjoying the work. A little post election humor courtesy of COL Tom Province, VADF: When John
Kerry made his concession call to George Bush, SITREP 8 19 NOV 04 GENERAL SITUATION Ramadan and Eid (the post Ramadan holidays) are now behind us. The UN Security Council is meeting in Nairobi in an attempt to speed up
the process toward a Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA). The afternoon temperature runs 99-103 F. This is obviously hot, but it is
not nearly as oppressive as the humid heat in the eastern U.S.A. SECTOR 3 OPS. Things have been fairly interesting around here for the last week or so. On Friday, our R&R day, a gravely ill child was brought to us. Paul Hughes, or
Irish-via-the-Royal Navy Sector Medic pulled off the first of his On Saturday I was advised by a high ranking SPLA officer that he had had
a report of a faction fight within one of the SPLA battalions Sunday morning we loaded a team plus, with two extra I.M.s, and headed to
the area with all deliberate haste. The sight of numerous It seems a number of members of the battalion, apparently from the same
tribe and unhappy over the lack of promotion which they felt This was the situation that obtained when we arrived Sunday morning. We
had a long chat with the battalion commander and his As we proceeded homeward, we came upon a small group of the mutineers.
Since I had the Senior SPLA Monitor with me, I decided to As of this morning’s op reports the situation remains stable and out of our hands. On Monday morning a representative of the GOS Police in Um Serdiba came
to our HQ to report that a hand grenade booby trap had The prime suspect in the case is a career criminal who fled the GOS area
after similar incidents there necessitated his His fall this time was occasioned by lust for one of the married women in
the village. Her husband and he had words over his attentions. Early the next morning, the husband found a child trying to untie the
trip device, a length of twine. He got the child away from the device Bright and early the next morning our assistance was again requested.
This time an anti-personnel mine had been found in a track Both sides were very anxious to ensure the we understood that these were
isolated criminal acts and totally without political motivation While I firmed up the coordination for the Cross Faction Police
Conference (CFPC) to be held on 18 NOV 04, the rest of the teqam On 18NOV 04 the CFPC was held at Tangal at the new Judicial Center. (See
photos) In addition to a very good turnout from both In addition to resolutions confirming freedom of movement between sectors
for everyone, dealing with matter of taxation in the The only other matter of note, which almost got lost in the shuffle of
bigger events, was that the Italian Stallion, Lorenzo Guani, and Pictures of the CFPC will be attached or follow. One is a group shot of
the participants, and the other is of me with Philip Moussa MICHAEL’S WORLD Nothing much new to report. Another birthday coming up in a few days.
Imagine, 64!! I’m doing fine and looking forward to leave FOLLOW UP TO SITREP #8 EXTRA!!! INFAMOUS ACHMED APPREHENDED!! A Readers of SITREP 8 will no doubt recall the events of
last week described in this issue. Achmed is alleged to have placed one
grenade To date Achmed has not confessed to these crimes, but he
has agreed to take the police and EOD personnel to another grenade that
has This excellent combined police effort is particularly
gratifying to the JMC personnel who worked very hard to facilitate the