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IN MEMORY OF * AKC/CKC CH Thornapple Diamonds N Spurs

August 19, 1995 - September 29, 2005

photo taken August 14, 2004, just days before Reno's 9th birthday.

Reno's Rainbow Bridge, Thursday, September 29, 2005 * Romulus New York

Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:37 AM
Subject: Sad news from Wine Country

I have sad news for our Thornapple family this morning.

My dear sweet Amy received a phone call from Dr. Miller late yesterday
afternoon to tell her that our precious Reno had gone into shock and

Reno ... ALWAYS a HAPPY smile ... ALWAYS a wiggle butt ... ALWAYS a
comedian ... and MOST IMPORTANT ... ALWAYS Amy's best bud.

I wish I could be with Amy today when she picks up Reno from Dr. Miller
for the last time.

All of my love, Amy. Reno was blessed to have you in his life as we were
to have him in ours.

Love, Auntie E

My wonderful Thornapple Family,

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for being there for me and sharing in my loss of a true champion,
 a legend, an ambassador to our breed, but most of all my dearest friend - Reno. 

I should have posted sooner, but it's been difficult because I still cry for my boy.  The hardest thing was being
 there the day before hugging & kissing him and telling him I will be back for him in a couple days.  I would have
 never imagined he wouldn't be walking out to the car with me when I came to pick him up.  This has been very
 painful for me - just wishing I could have been with him and kissed him one last good bye. 

Time will heal.  I find comfort knowing that he has touched so many of our lives.  Even from a simple photograph,
 people have fallen in love with him and our breed.  Those of us who have been fortunate enough to meet him in
person knew what a great dog he was.  He was filled with dignity and pride.  He was always happy and no-one was a
 stranger to him. 

Reno was my once in a life-time dog.  I could count on him for anything.  Besides being my shadow and best friend,
he helped raise my kids, he shined in the ring - whether it was in the breed ring, group ring, best in show ring,
 pee-wee handling, veterans class - or staring on TV during Westminster 2000, he held his head high and did it
all with his winning smile. 

Reno is in a better place now, I know he's in good hands.  I'm certain Roger McKay & Joseph Hartnagle were
there to welcome him with open arms.  I miss him so much, until we meet again I hope he is surrounded by tennis balls
and all the bones he can chew.  With all my love Reno, may you feel the hugs and catch the kisses I send you everyday.

Posted on the Thornapple Family List * October 7, 2005


Dear Amy, Our deepest sympathy to you and your family. This is such sad news,
 Reno has passed away much too soon. The pain when you loose one of your dogs
 can be unbearable. Reno will live on in his children, grandchildren, great
grandchildren and so on. I hope some of them will have inherited some of his
personality. Reno might be playing right now with Hannah, two special dogs.
I hope he will have his smile up there too. Our thoughts are with you all!

What tragic news. So many untimely deaths recently, God must be very
lonely up there to call so many home at once.

There really are no words when a beloved dog passes, but we feel for
you and cry with you. Amanda

I am really sorry to hear this. My family sends it regards. We will say
a prayer for Reno so he will receive passing to meet with Amy and the
rest of his family in their next life. Take care and God bless.
The Dittmer Family

Dear Amy and Ellen,
What incredibly sad and shocking news. Michael and I are so very
sorry for you loss. There are no words that can bring comfort. Only
time will ease the pain. You will always have such wonderful
memories of Reno and in time they will make you smile. He will live
on in his kids and grandkids.

Just know that your Thornapple family is here for you and shares
your loss. Hope sends you big kisses. Love,Karen

Amy & Ellen,
I do not even know where to begin to express my sympathy for your loss.
Reno will live on in his descendants and I feel so blessed as do many others
to have one of his grandkids.  Hugs, thoughts and prayers to both of you.
The pain does ease and memories become very alive in our thoughts and
hearts. God Bless,Betsy

Amy and Ellen,
I know very deeply how hard it is to lose a good friend. No words
make the pain better but it did feel nice to know that so many
wonderful people truly do care for you and your family in a time
like this. Everyday is a challenge but everyday we know that our
babies are in a better place free from the burdens age has placed on
them. I am sure your Reno and my Hannah will meet. Ami

What sad news!  I will always remember his smile and our sympathies are
with you Amy.  Losing your best friend is never easy, but time helps to heal
  His legacy will live on in his progeny.  Di  & Allan Falconer

 I'm very sorry to hear your loss of Reno!! He was a great dog and will be
remembered as one of the bests!!! Anna-Lena

Amy, We are so sorry for your loss.  He was a very special dog and was
loved by all.  He will live on in all his offspring.  You were so
blessed to have him in your life, even though it is never long
enough. Carolyn and Bill

Oh Amy I am deeply sorry for your loss. I am in sorrow with you and with the
Thornapple Family. Reno is finally  resting and playing and being fool, and
smiling and gettin muddy and winning BIS at the Rainbow Bridge and you have
to believe he will continue to be your best buddy and will be always at your
side whenever you go. Time will heal your pain and mourning will be done
the day your soul will wake one morning free of this terrible pain that
crushes your heart now.  You have all of us streching hands to touch your
hand so you can feel our warm and our love. We are with you and we pray now
for merciful God to easy your pain and give you consolation. I am crying for
him and for you! I loved him! I will always remember him !Our Reno!
Warmest regards,  Marcia and Bia and Osmar

Dear Amy: I am so sorry to hear of Reno's passing!!!  That is the hardest
 thing about having an animal...them leaving us too soon.  They should all live
 as long as we do. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of love, Mary

Oh, Amy -- We are so, so sad to hear of your dear Reno's passing.  Tears are
flowing.  Hugs to you, and Ellen. Candy, Erika and Jim

Please give Amy...or Amy if you are on...our most heartfelt sympathies! 
 I am sooo sorry for your loss!  Brenda

Hi Ellen,  I have just heard from Kelly, and am so sorry to hear that you have lost Reno,
please give my condolences to Amy as well.   I really enjoyed having the opportunities to meet him
 over the years and watch him in action, he was truly a handsome boy.  Virginia Hills
Pintado Australian Shepherds

Thinking of you Amy and Ellen and Families at this very sad time in your
lives. The magnificence of Reno, and the milestones that he 'marked' during
those really top showing achievements, right from babyhood, plus being a
treasured family member, will remain a wonderful tribute with beautiful memories
 of a really Great Thornapple Aussie.

Rest in Peace, Reno, our hearts are with your devoted Thornapple family at
this so sad time of their lives. Phyl in the Land of Oz.

Amy/Ellen, I wrote this piece for Reno. I would like to put it in my web site at the "rainbow Bridge" segment.
 Please allow me and make all the proper corrections if needed! Thank you ... Marcia

You left and let us all with broken hearts. 10 years of a merry life, playfulness, dignity and many tittles. You were
BEST OF BREED AT WESTMINSTER IN 2000. Great career. Great company dog. Great buddy.  I met you in a photo
 many years ago and fell in love with you and never though I would hold you in my arms, take you for walks and cheer
for you when you won the Veterans at the USASA NATIONALS in 2003.I would never imagine I would have here with me
 in my house in Brasil your half bro. SHAMBA who looks so much like you!!!  Reno you had power, dignity and beauty.
All people who knew you loved you. This is my hommage from the deepest of my heart and with tears in my eyes. Now you can
 play, bark, get muddy, and look for all of us!  Marcia

Hi E, I am so saddened to learn of Reno's passing ... I just cant find the right words.  Reno was a truly great dog
 one of the milestone dogs for Thornapple ... just as Hawk and Billy before him he carried on the family tradition.
I remember my first time meeting Reno and loved and adored him he was everything I wanted in my perfect blue dog
 the powder blue I had dreamt of ... I still have pictures of him from ASCA nationals 98 ... so many years ago.

 Amy shouldn't blame herself she got to hug Reno one last time and what Reno was trying to tell her was
 he knew that was their last meeting and that he loved her and would always be with her ... whether he had
been at home or the vets his heart was always with Amy ...Ellen its strange and scary too and how short our dogs
 lives are we very often move from year to year and never think that they are getting old and maybe tomorrow they
 won't be with us . It has indeed been a sad sad week. I hope that next week brings us all a happier week.
  Hugs n love, Jayne xxx

To my Thornapple Family, Especially my most loved Mother T and Amy,

My heart is so heavy for your loss. Reno was a GREAT dog, a once in a life
time friend- show man and companion. I never had the pleasure of his
company- yet I know he had to be great as I have his grandson- who is
nothing less then amazing. It was once told me by a very wise gentleman that
the only thing wrong with the love of a great dog is that our lives are
longer then theirs. To Our dearest Reno- may you wait on rainbow bridge with
your head held high and your body free of pain until your dear Amy joins you
. To My Dear Friend Amy- He is still here, in your heart and in your soul,
he will live forever through the special special babies. To My Wonderful
Mother T. May you find comfort in knowing that this great dog, although gone
now, gave so much joy in so many ways to those whose life he touched- he did
for me. Love to my Thornapple Famliy - Kathi, Wayne, Zak, Zoe
Goose, Mav, Ex, Blanche, Misty and Sam, Kathryn Ross- Nash

Thank you to everyone for the Birthday wishes !!!  We send our condolences to
 Amy on the passing of her beloved Reno. It broke our heart to hear the news.
There are no words at times like this .......We are thinking of you Amy. Heidi


Amy & Ellen,  My heart is with you both.  My prayers are with you both and Reno!  Reno has touched many peoples lives
and was a GREAT ambassador for the breed - his beautiful personality will be sorely missed by ALL of us who he touched! 
 I was HONORED when you let me bring him here and show him!  Thank you both for that privilege. I am very sorry for your loss.
 Love, Kelly Comrie

Dear Ellen & Amy & all the Thornapple family, I cannot imagine what you are going through at the moment.
 My Mum and I got to meet Reno at the Texas Nationals in 1999 where he won Stud Dog class and
 it was a true honour. Please accept our most sincere condolences but always remember him he died
 as he lived good, loyal and true... You are in our thoughts and prayers, Sarah, Geoff, Pat and all the Armatan gang.

Dear all at Thornapple, I am so sorry to hear of Reno's passing.  As I believe Aussies
 have a special purpose and place here on Earth, I also believe they have a special purpose
 and place in Heaven. Love and Peace, Marianne & Buddy

So very sad to hear about Reno. He must of had the same happy disposition as the kids I have of his.  Jeanne 

Amy, Ellen and family,  I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of Reno. Such a beautiful
 dog he was, and although I never met him (but I did marvel at him on tv from the Westminster),
 I cried and cried when I read the story on your site. It is never easy to lose a pet and it is especially
difficult when you are not expecting it. Last year I lost my best friend Paula, a 7yr old aussie bitch after
a 3 month battle with a very aggressive cancer. In the end I had to make the decision that it was time
 and I still cry about it and it still hurts even though I realized the cancer numbered her days. I can't imagine
 the hurt and pain of expecting Reno to get better and come home and having something so unexpected
change that. I know Reno knew he was loved very much and doesn't want you to feel sad for not giving him
 a last kiss. He knew how hard it would be for you to say goodbye seeing him in distress. Reno wants you to remember him vibrant, happy and healthy. I know there are no words that can make the pain go away, but
the thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to you from many, including myself. Sometimes life just seems
 so unfair. Now that Reno has passed the Rainbow Bridge he will eternally perfect in every way and eventually you'll be with him again in heaven. Again, my heart goes out to you and I'm very sorry for your loss.
Sincerely, Rhonda Gallagher

Hi , What tragic news, what sad news, we are so sorry for your loss. Reno and the daughter...
Our deepest sympathy to you and your family. Take care and God bless. Lots of Love, Marie

Oh, Amy and Ellen, I was so shocked and saddened to see the passing of your Reno. I know I was one of those very
people, who years ago, used to stare at your website and look at your beautiful dogs. Reno set in my mind what I wanted
in a dog to look like and it's very sad to know that he's gone now. Please know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers
as you guys go through this very hard period...but know that Reno will be there waiting for you!
Mari Bryan Thornbury Aussies

OH MY GOD, I am so sorry to hear of Reno's passing.  I was just adoring Reno.  He is my favorite too. And he was pretty young too 9 years old.  I believe he left us just because he has got place in heaven and now he is watching you from there.  Do not worry he will be back with different body but the same soul, soon as soon. Look at his photo I attached you from your site. Isn't he an angel!  Be strong for all the gang you still have. With all my love, SnirOrr.

I came across this poem and thought of you all.
 They will not go quietly, the dogs who've shared our lives.
 In subtle ways they let us know their spirit still survives.
 Old habits still make us think we hear a barking at the door.
 Or step back when we drop a tasty morsel on the floor.
 Our feet still go around the place the food dish used to be,
 and sometimes, coming home at night, we miss them terribly.
 And although time may bring new friends and a new food dish to fill,
 that one place in our hearts belongs to them...and always will...
Mary Walberg (author unknown)


Dear Amy & Ellen, I am so shocked to hear of the loss of both Reno and Jewel.  I cannot believe they have been
 taken so soon. We had the pleasure of meeting Reno at the Nationals in Michigan and am so glad that we are so fortunate to have one of his sons, Dollar, whom I think is so like his dad. We are also very fortunate to have a
Jewel son here and we will remember her dearly as well.  Here is a little poem I came across and wish it were possible:


If Tears Could Build A Stairway

If tears could build a stairway
And memories were a lane
We would walk right up to Heaven
And bring you back again

No farewell words were spoken
No time to say goodbye
You were gone before we knew it
And only God knows why

Our hearts still ache in sadness
And secret tears still flow
What it meant to lose you
No one will ever know

But know we know you want us
To mourn for you no more
To remember all the happy times
Life still has much in store

Since you’ll never be forgotten
We pledge to you today
A hallowed place within our hearts
Is where you’ll always stay

Author Unknown

 All our love and sympathies at this sad time. Natasha, Gerhard, Janet and Duncan PS We were away in Cape Town for 10 days and heard from Phoenix's handler the sad news, so sorry to have only sent our sympathies now.

October 17, From Simone in Germany,
I have heard about your Reno. That is so said.  At the first time it was my greatest wish
to have a Reno puppy.  I love him so much and his puppys. This is a big loss!!!

Hi Ellen and Amy, We were so sorry to hear about Reno's passing and know just how you feel!!!  It sounds like he had a WONDERFUL life on earth and will have many others to show him the way now.  We lost our precious George (Frenchie) on Sept. 30th, 4 years ago and I still relive his death in my mind as his was so unexpected at a very young age.  Some dogs (and cats too, for us) just grab our heart from day one, even though we love all of the animals!!  We hope that all of your other Aussies will help keep his memory alive forever. Carole

I just went to your website for the first time in awhile.  I am so sorry to hear about Reno. 
I sit here typing this through many tears.  I can only imagine the pain you and Amy have been through. 
 I hope time has healed some of that pain.  I don't feel like I have any words for you except I am so very, very sorry. We forget how blessed we are sometimes, until something like this happens.  I am going to go hug Chevy right now.  I will hug him for you, too. I'm sending you a great big warm hug. Christa

Hi Amy.  I just wanted to drop you an note and tell you how very sorry I
 was to hear about Reno.  I hadn't gone on the website for such a long
 time.  We lost my mother-in-law early in the year and it's been a very
 busy year dealing with all the family and estate.  I wasn't able to make
 a single dog show this year.  Things had quieted down and I wanted to
 see how JayDe was doing.  My husband and I tell everyone about this
 great red tri we fell in love with at your house.  I was very sad to
 read about Reno.  I went through that just before we came to see Tundra
 with my last sheltie.  He was the last of my line and my personal baby.
 He was only 12 and it broke my heart.  It's been 1 1/2 and I still miss
 him desperately.  I hope you get that one special one that comes along
 now and then to replace him for you.  I must say, Skylar does that for
 me.  We love our golden and she's the sweetest animal in the world.
 But, my Aussie from Thornapple is my pride and joy and he's truly MY
 dog.  He hates to leave my side and is totally devoted to me.  Our
 golden girl loves EVERYONE and is marvelous, but Sky fills the void.  We
 often say that we wish we had more property so we could get another aussie. 
 I couldn't be happy for your daughter and you with how great JayDe is
doing.  Your daughter is quite the professional.  The two make a great
 pair.  Hopefully, I can make a show and watch them in the ring!

 Hope all is better for you.  I enjoy checking the website and seeing
 all the beautiful Aussies! Cathy Novak


 Thank you to all of our special friends and family! 

Reno at 8 years old!