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"Laws against something 'that other guy' does will eventually get US because
we are all someone's 'other guy.' " Walt Hutchens,2007

"Of all tyrannies a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the
most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under
omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep,
his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our
own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of
their own conscience." -C.S. Lewis

Dear SAOVA Friends, as I write this update, the Farm Bill is being debated on the Senate floor.
Senator Durbin has revised SA 3723, removing all references to expanded breeder regulation and 3rd party inspection.
Your quick response in opposing SA 3723 succeeded in raising the alarm to the controversy
surrounding this amendment - reviving memories of the extended and fierce 2005 PAWS battle.
We wish to thank all SAOVA supporters who rallied to our call for action to this devastating legislation.
This brief testing of the waters demonstrated once again the importance of remaining vigilant and ready to
 take immediate action to defend our rights and preserve our sport. It is obvious that the PAWS supporters
have not abandoned, only postponed their efforts to license and regulate the private sector. The new amendment
contains restrictions on puppy imports which, should they become law, would not only be unenforceable,
they wouldn't adequately protect U.S. dogs' health or wellbeing. More on this topic later.
SAOVA remains, as always, in the forefront to protect your interests. Watch for further alerts and visit often.
Sincerely, Susan Wolf
Sportsmen's and Animal Owners' Voting Alliance -
Issue lobbying and working to identify and elect supportive legislators


On November 15th Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) introduced an HSUS supported
amendment to the Senate version of the 2007 Farm Bill (HR 2419). The
amendment is a re-enactment of the Pet Animal Welfare Statute (PAWS)
supported by Santorum/Durbin/HSUS/AKC/AVMA that failed in 2005.

HSUS is relentless in its mission to bury breeders, animal owners, and
hunters in endless regulation and red tape until our traditional use and
enjoyment of animals rests on the verge of extinction. 

SA 3723 (the new PAWS), would amend the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and if
passed will place the federal government in control of breeding and sales of
dogs and cats in the private sector. As in PAWS 2005, SA 3723 exposes ALL
hunting dog owners to regulation.

SA 3723 changes the AWA and USDA's existing, long-standing, legally tested
basis for federal dog and cat business licensing and regulation. The current
procedure is based on treating wholesale sales and retail sales differently.
Reducing it to its simplest terms, under current law and USDA regulations,
if you sell a dog to a wholesaler, you are regulated. Rescuers, hobby
breeders and owners selling to retail buyers are exempt today. The Doris Day
Animal League (now merged with HSUS) challenged the hobby breeder portion of
this regulatory structure in court and lost in 2003.

SA 3723 also resurrects the concept of third party inspections by non
profits who obtain certification from USDA.  HSUS would have much to gain
from this provision as a means to legally enter private homes.

SA 3723 adds a restriction on importing dog/cats under six months of age.
Previous support by AKC and AVMA of both import and third party inspection
provisions in 2005 makes it unlikely they will oppose SA 3723.

Well over 100 amendments were introduced by various Senators as part of SA
3500 which is the Senate's version of the Farm Bill. Debate on these
amendments will be short or may not take place at all for some amendments.
Once the Senate passes it's version of the Farm Bill, both versions will be
sent to a Conference Committee for resolution.  Possible members of the
Conference Committee are unknown at this time.

The political process is inundated by lobbyists and deal-making for favored
amendments.  Those amendments deemed the least controversial are most likely
to remain attached and slip thru as law when agreement on the final Farm
Bill is reached.

It is urgent that your Senator knows this amendment is controversial and
should be stripped from the Farm Bill.


Fighting for your present and future rights is YOUR responsibility.
Defeating SA 3723 and the animal rightist threat is a priority.

DO NOT BELIEVE that this will not affect you. Once the traditional
retail/wholesale regulation barrier is broken it will be gone forever.
Federal Government will be inside your homes inspecting your animals. HSUS
will continue to push for tighter regulation-this is not the end of this
issue-it is a strategic move to break down the retail/wholesale barrier.

Contact your Senators NOW and urge that they vote to remove SA 3723 from the
Farm Bill.  Failure to contact senators could mean SA3723 is seen as
non-controversial and may be passed with no debate and an unrecorded vote as
part of the manager's technical amendment.

Send the exact same message to Farm Bill floor manager and Senate
Agriculture Chairman Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Ranking Minority Member Sen.
Saxby Chambliss (R-GA).  <>

Senate contacts and more information are posted on
>      Sincerely, Susan Wolf

Your help is needed! Stop AB 1634!     <>

AB 1634 is back! Our opponents including the Humane Society of the United
States (HSUS) and PETA are mounting a major lobbying effort and amassing
huge warchests in an attempt to pass AB 1634, the mandatory spay/neuter

We are only weeks away from the new showdown and we need our supporters to
help now. As I have said, those of you who thought AB 1634 is dead. are
"dead" wrong. AB 1634 is scheduled for hearing by the Senate Local
Government Committee in January.

Just as you cannot wait until the day of the dog show to select the site,
collect entries and pay for trophies and ribbons, PetPAC cannot wait until
the day of the hearing of AB 1634 to contact legislators, reproduce signs,
brochures, news releases, air TV commercials and organize rallies.

Of course this means we need to ask our supporters and all of our clubs for
to make a contribution today! Every dime you donate to PetPAC goes to fight
AB 1634 and stop PETA and HSUS from destroying our pet owner rights.
<> Contribute to PetPAC today!

With your continued support we will fight the multi-million dollar lobbies
who want to pass AB 1634 and use it as a model for the rest of our country.
Help us stop AB 1634 once and for all!

Read more about what PetPAC has been doing over the past
<>  few months, what our opponents are saying
about us, and what we need to accomplish in the few short weeks ahead.

Sincerely,   <>
Bill Hemby    Chairman

Animal Rights October 3, 2007
PETA Gets Schooled
PETA Gets Schooled

The animal rights zealots at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are engaging in some very public back-patting after wrapping up a day-long “cruelty to animals” seminar with disgraced NFL quarterback Michael Vick. PETA loves to play the part of enlightened humanitarian for the press, and the Vick scandal has proved to be the perfect opportunity for these save-the-chickens extremists to generate sympathetic media coverage. Which got us thinking: Given PETA’s well-documented history of cruelty to humans, its staff would certainly benefit from a similar seminar (at our headquarters).

Suggested schedule: 9:00 am: “Human Beings Have Feelings” -- Recent scientific breakthroughs show definitely that members of the homo sapiens species consciously experience the world, and have negative emotional reactions to adverse external stimuli. Activities proven to cause stress in humans include harassment at work, physical assaults, death threats, and verbal abuse.10:30 am: “Don’t Exploit Human Misery” -- For reasons still not completely understood, most people find the insensitive exploitation of human tragedy to be offensive. Examples include viciously criticizing a recently deceased and widely beloved naturalist, mocking the cancer diagnosis of a big-city mayor, and comparing farm animals to victims of the Nazi Holocaust. 12:00 pm: Lunch break (hot dog cart provided)1:30 pm: “Science is Good” -- Scientific investigation into the causes and cures of human illness has reaped untold benefits to society. Obstruction of medical research through criminal activities or misinformation campaigns is inhumane and wrong. 3:00 pm: “Preying on Children is Bad” -- Children are psychologically vulnerable and should not be used as pawns in activist campaigns. Examples of reprehensible treatment of children include distributing disturbing comic books at schools and lying about the health effects of kids’ favorite foods.4:30 pm: “Things Cost Money” -- Most stuff isn’t free. If you destroy something, it costs money to rebuild or replace it. Instances of costly behavior include burning down medical laboratories and vandalizing restaurants.6:00 pm: “Many People Take Their Religion Seriously” -- Most Americans subscribe to one organized religion or another, and they can become offended by insensitivity toward their chosen deities and holy books. Examples of callous disregard for religion include deliberately misquoting scripture, ascribing vegetarianism to a clearly omnivorous religious figure, and mocking church leaders by portraying them as livestock.

Copyright © 2007 Center for Consumer Freedom. All Rights Reserved.
P.O. Box 34557 | Washington, DC 20043 | Tel: 202-463-7112 |
Animal Rights September 10, 2007
The Book PETA and HSUS Don’t Want You to Read
We never thought we’d wade into the politics of pet shelters, but the decidedly unethical treatment of a van-load of pound puppies in 2005 by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) employees radicalized us. Despite PETA’s habit of killing upwards of 90 percent of the dogs, cats, puppThe Book PETA and HSUS Don’t Want You to Readies, and kittens it takes in, PETA president Ingrid Newkirk conceded in 2000 that her organization “could become a no-kill shelter immediately.” (Such a shift of budget priorities, of course, would require the jettisoning of some of PETA’s more obnoxious campaigns and obnoxious campaigners.) The image of PETA blissfully slaughtering adoptable pets is a fair definition of hypocrisy. But just when we thought we had heard the worst of it, along comes Nathan Winograd.
Winograd’s book, available for purchase this month, is titled Redemption. He argues, quite effectively, that the concept of “pet overpopulation” in the United States -- that bogeyman that PETA and the Humane Society of the United States constantly use to justify an inordinate focus on dispatching dogs and cats to the great beyond -- is a myth. Every year, Winograd claims, there are actually more Americans looking for pets than animals needlessly killed in shelters.We read Redemption and we absorbed Winograd's prescriptions for change. We were touched. We asked the author to answer some tough questions about his claims. And he said yes.
Click here to read the Consumer Freedom interview with Nathan Winograd. And click here to buy his book. It’s the one thing PETA and HSUS are hoping you won’t read this year.


Section A * New York Times * August 27, 2007
can be seen at

Who's Killed More Animals?

Picture of Michael Vick under which it says ... 8

Picture of a policeman preparing to bury a puppy killed by PETA
workers ... under which it says 14,400

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) loves to point the finger
at others, when they should be looking at their own record of killing more
than 90% of the animals left in their care.  According to government records
PETA has killed more than 14,400 animals since 1998.

Find out more about PETA's hypocrisy at:

Copyright © 2007 Center for Consumer Freedom. All Rights Reserved.
P.O. Box 27414 | Washington, DC 20038 | Tel: 202-463-7112 |

The self-described “press sluts” at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have really been earning that title with their response to the Michael Vick animal-cruelty scandal. The ink on Vick’s indictment -- charging that he and two co-defendants had run an illegal dog-fighting ring out of the football star's Virginia mansion -- had barely dried before PETA launched an all-fronts media assault, including courthouse protests and a flurry of breathless emails vowing, among other things, to push the NFL to change its personal conduct policy.

As is too often the case, PETA’s press prostitution has worked -- marvelously. Virtually every story about the Vick case from the last week or so mentions them, normally in glowing terms. (See here, here, here, here, here, and here for just a few examples.)

PETA’s posturing as righteously indignant animal advocates is exceedingly ironic considering the group’s well-documented history of killing healthy puppies and kittens by the thousands. The old saying about throwing stones when you live in a glass house doesn’t quite cut it in this case: Watching PETA publicly berate someone for mistreating animals is like watching someone catapult grenades from a papier-mâché palace.

And we’re more than willing to respond in kind. A brief recap of the facts: PETA killed over 14,400 animals between 1998 and 2005. (They still haven’t fully reported their 2006 body count.) PETA euthanizes an astonishingly high 90 percent of the animals it takes in -- more than triple the rate of a nearby SPCA. And one of its staffers has admitted in court to gathering up dozens of healthy shelter pets, “putting them down” in her PETA-owned van, and dumping the carcasses in a nearby dumpster.

More interesting reading from

British animal-rights lunatics tamper with children's First Aid cream

 Blogger: Why can't PETA read? (a good question ...)

Columnist mocks "PETA's self-defeating finger-pointing" on vegetarianism

 Humane Society of the U.S. to spend tens of millions on new buildings

Circus charges animal rights groups with RICO and fedreal conspiracy

Guess who wants to kill Michael Vick's pit bulls? Yep. PETA and HSUS

 Guess who wants to kill Michael Vick's pit bulls? Yep. PETA and HSUS

 Fugitive animal-rights bomber spotted in small Virginia town. America's Most Wanted is there

Copyright © 2007 Center for Consumer Freedom. All Rights Reserved.
P.O. Box 27414 | Washington, DC 20038 | Tel: 202-463-7112 |

San Antonio, Texas, under siege!  August 27, 2007
Forwarded From: Responsible Pet Owners Alliance<>

From Responsible Pet Owners Alliance, the reasonable voice regarding animal issues in Texas.
Responsible Pet Owners Alliance is an animal welfare organization, not "animal rights" and, yes,
there is a difference. Permission granted to crosspost. Action Alert! Please forward and crosspost.

Responsible Pet Owners Alliance needs the help of everyone who has ever visited or plans to visit
 San Antonio,Texas, as a tourist, sports fan, participant in dog shows (conformation, breed or
performance events), participant in cat shows or any other event held in San Antonio.
Please contact
the San Antonio Convention and Tourist Bureau (below) and tell them if the proposed revisions to
San Antonio's Chapter 5 Animal Ordinance pass, you will no longer visit San Antonio because you travel
with your animals and won't consider the city to be "pet friendly" any more.  You could say:

1) I will no longer participate in nor attend any animal events in the city, such as the River City Cluster
of Dog Shows, Alamo City Cluster of Dog Shows and the Alamo City Cat Club Show or will refrain from
spending any money within the city limits to do so. 2) I will not vacation in San Antonio with my pets.
3) I do not wish to spend money in any city that discourages pet ownership and has no understanding of the
human/animal bond.4) I will consider San Antonio a hostile environment, angry at anyone who owns or breeds
animals. 5) San Antonio will join the ranks of Los Angeles, CA; Denver, CO, and other anti-pet cities in the US.

Send to:
Scott White, Executive Director
Convention & Visitors Bureau
203 S St. Mary's
San Antonio, TX 78205

FAX: (210) 207-6768

Also "cc" a copy to:
Mayor Phil Hardberger
FAX: (210) 207-4168

For more information about this ordinance proposal, visit our web site:  =<> and
click on the "Action Alert!."

From:    "Margi L. Floyd" <wetdogs@RAINIERCONNECT.COM>
Subject: FYI HSUS & VIC dogs

REMINDER: *HSUS *is _*NOT *_an Animal Welfare Group. _*They are an
ANIMAL RIGHTS group*_.  They are in bed with PeTA.
The *AHA *- _*American HUMANE Society*_ is the Animal Welfare group, the
ones who help with Animal Rescue, Animal Shelters, Humane Societies,
SPCA's throughout this country and have been helping hands on with the
rescue and rehabilitation of all animals way before HSUS. Margi
Please forward to all email lists
The Humane Society of the United States has mounted a huge campaign to
raise money to care for the dogs rescued from Michael Vick's dogfighting
ring. The plea comes complete with a heartbreaking picture of one of the
injured dogs. (Not surprisingly, studies have shown that people donate
more when shown a picture of or told a story about a single animal
needing help. HSUS is very clever at fundraising.) But before you
contribute, please note:
1) There is a disclaimer in fine print at the bottom of the form which
says y*our donation may be used for other HSUS programs* and may not be
used to help the dog fight victims.
2) *There has been no accounting for the nearly $20 million HSUS raised
for the Katrina dogs and cats*. The organization is under investigation
by the Louisiana Attorney General for their handling of that situation.
3) *HSUS has NO shelter*. It is a corporate office building in Washington,
DC. It is supposedly "overseeing" the care of the dogs that were seized
from Vick's house, but we don't know where the animals are, Will the
shelter actually providing their care receive all the donations this
campaign generates?
4) There is no reason to believe that your contributions will go to help
the dogs seized from Michael Vick or any other dogs or cats. *HSUS spends
most of its money on legislative efforts to make dog breeding impossible
and pet ownership more difficult, more expensive, and more dangerous.*
5) HSUS claims its servers crashed from the response to their first
appeal for money for these dogs, yet they are still out there beating
the drum for more money, still claiming more is needed for the Vick dogs.

And if you are still considering writing that check, read the following
quotes from Wayne Pacelle, president of HSUS *"I don't have a hands-on
 fondness for animals. To this day I don't feel bonded to any non-human animal.
I like them and I pet them and I'm kind to them, but there's no special bond
between me and other animals." *quoted in Bloodties: Nature, Culture
and the Hunt by Ted Kerasote, 1993, p. 251.
*"We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals. They are
creations of human selective breeding." *quoted in Animal People, May,1993.
When asked if he envisioned a future without pets:* "If I had my personal
view, perhaps that might take hold. In fact, I don't want to see another
dog or cat born." *Wayne Pacelle quoted in Bloodties: Nature, Culture and
the Hunt by Ted Kerasote, 1993, p. 266.
Where are the millions in contributions they already receive every year?
*If you have money to contribute, please send it to your **local**
shelter. Donations received by local shelters do help animals.
 *The money sent to HSUS does not.

CONGRATULATIONS, Ch. Thornapple Jose Cuervo CGC!
Jose has been awarded the AKC title of Canine Good Citizen in Ohio!
Jose makes frequent visits to Hospice in Perrysburg, Ohio, with Bonnie & Dick.
He is required to earn the title CGC to do his Hospice work.  Jose brings
 joy and happiness to his patients ... and is spoiled and loved by the nurses!
Jose has lots of fans who look forward to his visits.
Hard working, loving service dogs like Jose are
PLEASE take a few minutes to email each and every one of the Senators listed below.
Let them know that Jose and many other dogs like him have jobs to do in Ohio!
Treating breeders as criminals IS a CRIMINAL ACT!



Help us get the word out! -----Original Message-----Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 09:42:50 -0400

To all my dog loving friends. We need to write to our Senators (listed
below) and ask them to vote NO on SB 173. I'm told Ohio SB 173 will end
show breeding in the State of Ohio. It requires dog breeders to be
fingerprinted and undergo background checks. I have a letter below that
you can copy and paste into your own email to each senator and send it
to him/her. It's easy, but if you need my help to do this, just call me
at 800-515-1200. Thanks to all of you for your help! Be sure to put your
own name, City, State and zip at the bottom of the letter. Your phone
number won't hurt if you would like to include that as well.


Marti Murray

I'm told 19 out of 33 Senators are behind this bill.
Please read the is on the Ohio government website at:
( >

Here's the list of bill sponsors. If your senator is on the list, or
even if he isn't, please let these senators know you oppose any bill
that micromanages dog housing and care, requires vender licenses for all
breeders who sell even a single dog, and treats breeders as potential  criminals
 based on the number of dogs they have in their kennels. Ask your friends to
call or write as well. If you need a fax number, you have to call the senator's
 office; faxes are not included on the websites. Ohio has 33 senators,
and 19 have signed on to this bill.

Senator Gary Cates, West Chester, chief sponsor and chairman of the
committee hearing the bill, 614/466-8072; Email:
<mailto:_SD04@mailr.sen.SD04@mailSD_ ( >
_SD04@mailr.sen.SD04@mailSD_ (

Senator J. Kirk Schuring, Canton, 614/466-0626; Email:
<mailto:_SD29@mailr.sen.SD29@mailSD_ ( >
_SD29@mailr.sen.SD29@mailSD_ (

Senator Randy Gardner, Bowling Green, 614/466-8060; Email:
( > _ra_gard@mailr.ra_gard@mara_ga_ (

Senator Ray Miller, Columbus, 614/466-5131; Email:
( > _rmiller@maild.rmiller@marmill_ (

Senator Timothy Grendell, Chesterland, 614/644-7718; Email:
<mailto:_SD18@mailr.sen.SD18@mailSD_ ( >
_SD18@mailr.sen.SD18@mailSD_ (

Senator David Goodman, Columbus, 614/466-8064; Email:
( > _dgoodman@mailr.dgoodman@mdgood_

Senator Larry Mumper, Marion, 614/466-8049; Email:
<mailto:_SD26@mailr.sen.SD26@mailSD_ ( >
_SD26@mailr.sen.SD26@mailSD_ (

Senator Tim Schaffer, Lancaster, 614/466-5838; Email:
<mailto:_SD31@mailr.sen.SD31@mailSD_ ( >
_SD31@mailr.sen.SD31@mailSD_ (

Senator Steve Stivers, Columbus, 614/466-7662; Email:
<mailto:_sd16@mailr.sen.sd16@mailsd_ ( >
_sd16@mailr.sen.sd16@mailsd_ (

Senator Dale Miller, no city given but perhaps Cleveland, 614/466-5123;
Email: <mailto:_SD23@maild.sen.SD23@mailSD_
( > _SD23@maild.sen.SD23@mailSD_ (

Senator Jeff Jacobs, Butler Township, 614/466-4538; Email:
( > _jjacobso@mailr.jjacobso@mjjaco_

Senator Lance Mason, Cleveland, 614/466-4583; Email:
( >

Senator Patricia Clancy, Cincinnati, 614/466-8068, Email:
<mailto:_sd08@mailr.sen.sd08@mailsd_ ( >
_sd08@mailr.sen.sd08@mailsd_ (

Senator Teresa Fedor, Toledo, 614/466-5204; Email:
( >

Senator Robert Spada, North Royalton, 614/466-8056; Email:
<mailto:_rspada@mailr.rspada@mairspad_ (
> _rspada@mailr.rspada@mairspad_ (

Senator Sue Morano, Lorain, 614/644-7613; Email:
( >

Senator Kevin Coughlin, Cuyahoga Falls, 614/466-4823; Email:
( > _kcoughli@mailr.kcoughli@mkcoug_

Senator Tom Roberts, Trotwood, 614/466-6247; Email:
( > _troberts@maild.troberts@mtrobe_

Just click on the Senators email address and copy/paste the letter below
into the body of the email. Put in the subject line: WE OPPOSE SB 173

To Ohio State Senators:
We oppose Senate Bill 173, an inhumane measure to eliminate all mixed
breed dogs and cats in Ohio. Only select registered purebreds that can
get a government-issued permit will be legally allowed to breed. Owners with
unspayed or unneutered pets will be fined $500 and face possible criminal penalties.

SB 173 kills pets. Supporters of SB 173 may be well-intentioned but they are being misled.
Statistics show that MORE dogs and cats are euthanized following mandatory spay/neuter
 laws as shelters are flooded with relinquished animals. SB 173 will be an immediate death
sentence for otherwise healthy pets.

SB 173 hurts the blind, disabled and hearing impaired. Any reduction in
the number of service and assistance dogs will have a devastating impact
on those in the disabled community who rely on these dogs to provide
independence, safety and mobility. SB 173 will also eliminate the gene
pool from which to select the best breeding candidates for working dogs
serving farmers, ranchers and law enforcement.

SB 173 is a threat to our public safety. Major law enforcement groups,
including the United States Police Canine Association, Ohio Rescue Dog
Organizations, the Ohio Federation of Police and Sheriffs, and the
National Coalition of Public Safety Officers, agree that crime
prevention, bomb and drug detection, and search and rescue
operations will be decimated if SB 173 becomes law.

SB 173 is bad for Ohio. The groups behind SB 173 have made it clear that
the intent of this legislation is to eliminate 85% of all family pets.
If SB 173 becomes law, Ohio will be the poster child for an invasive and
overreaching government mandate that is both irresponsible and
inhumane. We ask that you vote NO on SB 173.Sincerely,[Your Name]

~Jill M. Erisman // BlueStone K9 Bakery
AB 1634 is dead for this legislative session!!!

Subject: CFA thanks everyone who helped stop CA AB1634 (long)

The Cat Fanciers' Association 7/13/07

Permission to forward ** Cat and dog friends;


(I’m grateful to George Eigenhauser, CFA Legislative Information Liaison, who had enough energy left on Wednesday to post a full report
on the hearing and outcome of California AB 1634.  If you have not read his excellent coverage let us know and we will be happy to forward
this. I still had one more meeting Wednesday afternoon so I was not home until late evening.) 

 As you know, mandatory spay/neuter of all cats and dogs will not be state law in California!!  We all deserve to celebrate and take pride
 in this accomplishment.   It took a huge cooperative effort to persuade lawmakers this was a misdirected, confusing and detrimental proposal.
  The media now has a much better understanding of why we rejected this proposal that claimed to be a solution to the killing of animals in shelters.

 Some form of AB 1634 will come back in January 2008 - a revised bill will be heard again in the Senate Local Government Committee. 
AB 1634 has already been amended 7 times but it will be further watered down.  According to Senator Lloyd Levine in Wednesday’s hearing
 the new version will not “mandate spay/neuter” with an intact permit.  He wants to rewrite the bill so that possessing an unaltered cat/dog would
be a“secondary” offense if someone is found in violation of another animal law.  He mentioned at the hearing if a cat/dog is at large or if there
are too many animals in a household according to local ordinance then animal control could require sterilization.  Obviously one of the objections
 to AB 1634 has always been that “complaint driven” laws tend to encourage neighbor harassment or vigilantes filing complaints based on suspicion
of some animal law violation.  THANK YOU for being in Sacramento, for writing over 10,000 personal letters to the Senators, for visiting your Assembly
Members and Senators and for your contributions of time and money to help defeat this bill.  This was an enormous cooperative effort unparalleled since
 CFA has been involved in legislative advocacy.  Many individuals were highly active in California, walked the corridors in Sacramento and contacted their
own legislators.  We also had help from people all over the country who posted updates, signed petitions, donated to CFA’s Sy Howard Legislative Fund, produced
 YouTub videos and contributed to strategy.  I can’t begin to single out the numerous individuals who worked tirelessly on this bill since February but every effort
counted.  Special appreciation goes to those who brought Lassie and Timmy to the Capitol!  This brought some fun into the Senators’ offices and good media
coverage for our side. It made up for all their broken fax machines and used cartridges.  It was a real joy to see so many familiar cat fancier faces in the audience
at the Capitol steps rally on Wednesday and to meet many dedicated dog owners we’ve come to know through emails.  There were about 30 dogs there and one cat.

 Success was due to the ability of all the organizations to work together for our common goal.  The Cat Fanciers’ Association and American Kennel Club hosted
 several strategy conference calls that included professional lobbyists advising and working behind the scenes. CFA and AKC kept clubs and fanciers informed
 of what was needed every step of the way and AKC hosted two lobby day meetings in Sacramento.  We owe a great deal to many other organizations that played
a big part – the National Animal Interest Alliance, SaveOurDogs, California Federation of Dog Clubs, the Concerned Dog Owners of California, The Animal Council,
The National Pet Alliance, Sacramento Council of Dog Clubs, No On AB 1634, and the newly formed “Veterinarians Against AB 1634”.  There was considerable
information on all the websites and each of the organizations contributed to media interviews. We appreciated the support of Alley Cat Allies, The International Cat
Association and the Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council.  The courage of numerous California veterinarians to speak out against the stance of the California Veterinary
Medical Association on this bill and the work to get the CVMA to withdraw as a co-sponsor was an incredible accomplishment. Very special kudos must go to PetPAC. 
 Their tireless work to reach the cat and dog clubs, fanciers, service dog and law enforcement canine groups was extremely valuable throughout these past
4 -1/2 months.  They consistently presented a message to the media that this bill was mischaracterized through incorrect, exaggerated data and would impact a large
number of animal interest groups without solving shelter problems.  They lobbied all Assembly Members and Senators, organized the press conferences
 in the Capitol, did numerous radio and TV interviews and coordinated the Capitol rallies.  With CFA’s financial help they produced effective TV commercials
 that aired on the major morning shows before the hearing reinforcing the message that opposition to AB 1634 represented dog and cat pet owners, those with service
 dogs and law enforcement dogs. Speakers at the Committee hearing included Dr. John Hamil, former President of the CVMA who spoke about general and veterinary
issues, Bill Hemby of PetPAC on law enforcement, Joan Miller for CFA and the unowned cat issues, Angie Niles with the shelter data analysis, Douglas Surber
of SaveOurDogs on the loss of breeding stock for working, sporting and herding dogs; Paul Mundell on service dog issues and Jeff Leacox on behalf of AKC and the
punishment of responsible pet owners.  It was a well orchestrated presentation to cover all points. Lassie watched from the front row ready to bark if needed.

 There will always be challenges when it comes to homeless animals in shelters.  Punitive legislation harmful to pet owners is not the answer.  AB 1634 has been
 extremely divisive and will make it more difficult to collaborate with the shelter community in the future. This is something we hope can be rectified in time. The best
thing about this bill is that it has brought the diverse dog and cat groups together.  We are now stronger and better prepared to take on whatever comes before us in
 local ordinances and on the state level in 2008.  WHAT TO DO NOW – 1. all or send a note to the Chair, Senator Gloria Negrete McLeod, the Vice Chair, Senator
Dave Cox, thanking them and every one of the Senators on the Local Government Committee for allowing a thorough hearing of the issues and for their understanding
of our reasons for opposition.  Yes, we know that Senator Christine Kehoe (Dem. San Diego) helped Levine save the bill from total failure,
but lots can change before January and we want her on our side by then.  2. Watch for information on Assembly Member Levine’s run for the Senate. 
With a primary in February this bill will bring attention to his campaign.  We may take a special interest in his opponent.3. Be ready for resurrection of several
local ordinances that were put on hold because of this bill.  Riverside County and Los Angeles City may suddenly hold hearings.

Many thanks to George Eigenhauser, CFA Legislative Information Liaison, and Sharon Coleman, CFA Legislative Legal Analyst;
also to Jean Grimm who spoke before the Assembly Committee for CFA.  On behalf of CFA – thank you all for your help and support.

 Joan Miller, CFA Legislative Coordinator

My VistaPrint Electronic Business Card WE THE PEOPLE PRESS RELEASE



Lassie and owner/handler, Robert Weatherwax, and Timmy (Jon Provost) will be
here in Sacramento on Tuesday and Wednesday to meet & greet the Senators!
Lassie is the ninth generation Lassie. Lassie is the classic "family dog".
The very name symbolizes loyalty, courage, beauty, and grace. Most of all,
Lassie symbolizes everyone's love for pets. Lassie transcends geographical
and generational barriers and holds a special place in the hearts of all.

Timmy (Jon Provost) is a national treasure. The check shirt and jeans he
wore for seven years as "Timmy" on television's beloved "LASSIE" hang in The
Smithsonian next to Archie Bunker's chair. Jon has also earned a nationwide
reputation as a philanthropist, giving his time to a wide assortment of
causes, including children's hospitals and, closest to his heart, CANINE
COMPANIONS FOR INDEPENDENCE, on whose Board of Governors he currently



This bill is all about the "cats" and "dogs". Who better to represent the
opposing side than the most famous dog in the world!!!

Lassie & Timmy will be here in Sacramento as "guests" of: PetPAC, Concerned
Dog Owners of California, and Responsible Dog Owners of the Eastern &
Western States.

Lassie will be attending the following: the Public is invited - July 11th,
2007 - Wednesday

8:00 am Senate Local Government Committee Hearing, State Capitol, Room 112

9:30 am PetPAC CAPITOL RALLY, State Capitol, West Steps (10th Street side)

Please contact We the People Operation Media: While LASSIE & TIMMY are in
the Capitol, please call Diane Amble (650) 296-2169 or Brat Zinsmaster


A MUST read!

California Mandatory Spay/Neuter Bill Assigned to Senate Committee - June 21, 2007

Date:    Wed, 4 Jul 2007 08:51:12 -0700 From: "C.A. Sharp" ** Permission Granted to Crosspost
Subject: A Clear and Present Danger

My apologies to Tom Clancy for sealing his title.  I thought putting
"AB1634" might not have grabbed your attention.  Clancy's title is apt for
this situation.

This very bad bill gets worse every time it is amended.  It has, almost
unbelievably, become a partisan issue, with the Democrats supporting and the
Republicans opposing.  It isn't like everybody with dogs or cats is a
Republican.  How did this happen?  Pay attention, because if this succeeds
in California, your state or community could be next.

AB1634 is backed by one very rich individual who has put a lot of money into
it.   The citizens committee pushing it includes people with ties to PETA.
As you should all be well aware, PETA would like to oversee the extinction
of ALL domestic animals. This is not a wild exaggeration.  It is their
stated position.  Another AR organization, HSUS, also supports AB1634.

The Democratic legislator who introduced this bill is very well connected
politically.  He has co-opted the party machinery to whip fellow Democrats
in line.  A party caucus before the final assembly vote, rumored to have
been rather nasty, "convinced" the abstainers to vote for the bill. 

In the meantime, the money and connections of the man funding the effort,
combined with the efforts of the media-savvy AR people on his committee,
have been able to stifle almost all negative media coverage.  In fact, there
is very little news coverage at all.  John and Jane Petowner are largely
ignorant of the bill's existence.

How do I know this?  A good friend of mine has been fighting this bill
full-time since the first of the year.  The "Against" side does not have any
deep pocket to draw upon and the major players in the purebred world have
been less than coordinated and effective in their efforts.  The fight has
been left to a largely grass-roots effort.

The Democrats are in the majority in the California senate, as they were in
the assembly.  The senate committee to which the bill has been assigned is
majority Democrat, all but one of whom have already stated their support.
This bill's movement through our legislature has been an example of power
politics and special interest influence at its worst.

If AB1634 passes, it will, among other things, spell the end of purebred dog
and can breeding in California.  Purebred competitions in the state will end
as the population dwindles and people from out-of-state refuse to risk
bringing animals into California. 

The passage of AB1634 will provide a huge boom for the puppy millers in our
Midwest and in Mexico.  The demand for pets will continue and they will be
only too happy to meet it.  The industry may even set up shop within
California; the current version of AB1634 apparently EXEMPTS USDA-licensed
puppy mills from the legislation!

Fight this bill, no matter where you live.  Whatever party you belong to,
make sure your legislators and local governments know you are against this
kind of legislation and will not vote for politicians who support it.  We in
purebred dogs and cats had better start hanging together or I can assure you
the AR people will make sure we hang separately.

CA Sharp
Date:    Wed, 4 Jul 2007 01:13:29 -0700
From:    Diane Beal Michelsen <
Subject: FW: Schedule for hearing date-Wednesday, July 11-PLEASE COME!!!!!!

The email below summarizes the current plans for July 11, beginning with
the hearing at the Senate Local Government Committee. We are all tired
of writing letters, but cannot give up now.The deadline for letters to
the Local Government Committee consultants is past, but the individual
members of the committee are still accepting letters.  And - as noted
below, we need to be working on our own state senators.  They will be
voting on the bill if it is passed by this committee, so need to know
how their constituents feel  Thank you all - and please forward to your
friends and club members - Sally Vilas

Please forward and cross post--

All dog  owners are invited to an educational day at the California
State Capitol on  Wednesday, July 11, 2007. We will begin the day early
with the Senate Local  Government Special Hearing on AB 1634 in
Room 112 at 8 am. (To make sure the hearing is still happening, you can
call the Local Gov't Committee Office(916)651-4115 up until 5pm the day
before (Tuesday)to find out.

The doors  to the Capitol open at 7:30 am but most people will begin to
arrive an hour  earlier in order to secure a position in line. You will
be asked to go through  metal detectors. Remember to be polite and
professional. We have learned that it  is NOT a good idea to engage AB
1634 supporters at all in any type of  conversation at these hearings.
Just be polite and simply refrain from any  discussions. The supporters
are not the people we need to convince that AB 1634  is a bad bill nor
do we need them to tell us their stories. We understand their  cause and
although we support spaying and neutering of pets, we do not support  AB

Room 112 is very small so not everyone will be able to have a  seat.
However, the presence of hundreds of opposition throughout the halls is
  impressive. Just remember that while the hearing is going on that
there should be NO cheering or booing. Decorum is VITALLY important.

There will be 20  minutes of testimony for each side. The speakers will
be worked out by the large  groups involved. There is little chance that
the chair will allow time for "roll  call" testimony, allowing the
public to stream through and state "oppose" or  "support" but if there
is just remember to simply state your name, affiliation,  and that you
oppose AB 1634.

After the hearing, PetPAC is sponsoring an  Anti-AB 1634 rally on the
east side of the Capitol building. No matter what the  outcome of the
vote, we NEED our voices to be heard and our presence seen at this
ARE TO BE RECKONED WITH!!!! AB 1634 is not going to go away. We may
defeat this on July 11th but it, or its derivatives, may very well come
back in 2008. And if it passes on July 11th,  we MOST DEFINITELY need to
continue with  our combined forces to work against it.

After  the rally, the AKC will sponsor another Lobby Day. If the bill
passes it will go  to the full Senate - if it fails it could still come
back in 2008 and we need to  educate our legislators now!

We need representatives from every Senate  district!! Please join us for
a very quick discussion of the day's  events, the bill and to receive a
lobbying packet for your Senator. The AKC's program will START at the
Sacramento Hyatt Regency (12th & L - across from the  Capitol)11am-12
noon in the Ballroom.

We will then lobby the senate in the  afternoon. Dress professionally.
Remember to encourage your friends,  family, neighbors, and puppy buyers
to continue to write and fax letters to our  senate as well as the Local
Government Committee. Follow this up with a phone  call to the committee
members as well as to your local senate representative. It  will not
hurt to also write another letter of opposition to your Assembly
representative. If AB 1634passes through the Senate, it will return to
the  Assembly. We need to let our representatives know that this newest
batch of  amendments does not make this billanymore "breeder friendly"
or dog friendly.  Each city or county should be able to establish their
own ordinances as required  by that area's situation. AB1634 violates a
person's "right to own and enjoy  personal property without undue
interference and coercion." We need to keep our  representatives
informed of our opposition.

See you all on Wednesday,  July 11th in Sacramento!!!!

Laura Finco
NORCAL Golden Retriever Club  Legislative Liaison
Concerned Dog Owners of California

date: Thu, 7 Jun 2007 12:18:52  -0700
Subject: Pedigree Pet Foods backing 1634
This is being  crossposted with permission. You may forward it
without permission. The  person who posted this is dog food rep.
Please note that Nutro has been  bought by Pedigree a few weeks ago,
so you might want to boycott them, as  well.
We are in a fight for our right to breed dogs in California and  soon
to be in Ohio. Pedigree dog food has sided with the animal  rights
activists. Please read below and please let Pedigree know that  you
are boycotting all the products listed below. Please help  defeat
California AB 1634. Forward to everyone. I think the dog show  world going against
 Pedigree is being noticed.In addition to sending  this to everyone you know who loves dogs
(and other pets) and/or values  his/her civil rights, please send it
to Pedigree: Put on the  pressure!! I think a few more emails wouldn't hurt.
the lower  left. Please fill out the form with your information.
Pedigree/Mars must  know that we are serious about this!!
To the management of  Pedigree/Mars:
I want to advise you that I intend to boycott all  products
manufactured and sold by Mars/Masterfoods. The reason? I love , own,
breed and show dogs and Pedigree is opting to help the Animal Rights  groups
eliminate our civil rights to own a pet.
One of the big donors  to AHA (American Humane Association) is
Pedigree. AHA is a supporter of  AB1634 in California. Until AHA
withdraws its support of this bill or  Pedigree withdraws its support
of AHA, I will not buy any Mars/MasterFoodServ  of AHA, if I am handed
a Pedigree armband while at a dog show, I will turn it  over and write
the number on the other side. Pedigree will not be receiving  any free
publicity from me. I have included the list of foods that  is
currently being passed around on the internet via email to numerous
dog  and pet friendly groups.
My intention is to send this note to everyone in  my address book, and
urge each of them to send it to everyone in their  address books.
Please, reconsider what Pedigree's support of animal  rights activists
will do to our right to own pets. There are other ways for  your
company to help shelter dogs find good  homes.

Judy Higgins Kasper

Thoughts from Down Under ** Phyllis Ireland * Sasin Aussies

Phyllis replies to comments regarding the World Agility Team's
 inability to complete with docked Aussies overseas:
Steve wrote:
Just a little information about this year's agility world team. The agility
 world championship will be held in Norway. Well Norway has banned all dog
with docked tails from attending. So if you competed and won at the world team
 tryout last week. If your dog was an Aussie with a docked tail you would not be
 able to represent your country. In fact this year a Pyrenean Shepherd won
 and since he is docked that team will not be able to travel and represent  our
 country. I am not blaming anyone. It is not the fault of AKC. And Norway  has
 their rules. It is just a shame that some teams who work so hard can't even get
a chance to run when all they might be doing is representing their own  breed
 standard here in the USA. Now a lot of top agility people won't look at getting
 aussies unless they can get one with a tail. You would not believe the
Aussies that you are now seeing at trials with tails. Do you think that there
may be more of a move in this country to change the standard due to the
docking? Just a question. I am not trying to open a debate. Steve

Phyl's reply:
Steve, it is the way of the Animal Rights people in power in different
countries, this is their way of eventually getting their way, and by denying
'docked breeds' from competing, they are bringing change about in Countries
that do not have the ban imposition. Before long 'the tail' becomes 'the
norm', and if enough obedience and companion pet puppy buyers demand
that they want puppies with tails, then there will be those breeders who will
succumb to their wishes, if only to make sales.

It is another case of the dripping tap wearing away the stone. It will
take a long time, but it will happen. Just be aware of the 'barrow' the
Animal Rights people are pushing, they never stop. They manage to
infiltrate seemingly reputable companies and have people in key positions,
who peddle their doctrine. This has happened out here, e.g. RSPCA, and our
Australian Veterinary Association who both were the main lobby groups to our
Parliamentarians, to ban docking.

We never thought with all our lobbying to have the clause pertaining to
docking of dogs taken out of the Animal Welfare Bill, in Australia in the
different States that the ban on tail docking would go through, but over a
period of about 10 years, the AR's people set about in each State to get the
Animal Welfare Bill through each State Parliament, and concealed in the Bill
was the Ban on docking. The Canine Controls and the Dog World here in
Australia, were raising money to help with their lobbying at Parliamentary
level, but with TV ads run by the RSPCA and other Animal Rights Groups,
stating that poor little puppies had their tails chopped off at birth,
managed to get a sympathy vote as they sensationalized the whole docking
procedure, as being a cruel act to poor defenseless puppies.

The Ban is now Australia wide, and docking will only be allowed by a vet, if
a stumpy-tail is causing the growing puppy problems, and by that time a
puppy which has been born with a natural bob, which should have been
'nipped' not long after whelping has to undergo quite traumatic and
expensive-to-the owner surgery when it is about 12 weeks old. Sometimes
these natural bobs have a hook which as the puppy's bones grow the tail
bones grow back towards the body. So now since the ban was made law, in
2004, we see Aussies in the Show ring, with all varying lengths of tail,
from natural bob to full length, also long tailed Dobermans, Rotties,
Gundogs etc. etc.

The world-wide popularity of the 'designer dog' is also another erosion of
the pure-bred registered breeds as we know them, and these breeders have no
responsibility to any Registered body, as they forgo all the health checks,
membership and registration fees, so the Controls for Registered dogs are
also feeling the 'pinch' as memberships drop, and Clubs running Conformation
All Breeds Shows are finding it hard to keep going in some instances.

One can never cease telling friends etc. of the aims of these AR people, and
that their eventual world-wide push is the demise of the pure bred dog, cat,
goat, sheep, horse, etc., as they want all animals to be free and not in any
form of service to man, or to provide food for man. Do a little research on
the net, and look up the Resolutions of the 'European Light' and it will
just astound you as to their eventual aims. Another website is for the
Endangered Breeds in the UK.

Off my soap-box now, we can't afford to be complacent and let these things
happen. Maybe threat of boycott by other competing nations unless docked
breeds are allowed to compete would be a way to go, but there again, not
everyone sees this as being important enough to fight for.

Bye for now, Phyl of Sasin Aussies,Brisbane Qld. DO

On the List of Terrorist Organizations!
Broadly-focused national and international  groups 
    *   _Action for Animals_ (  
    *   _Animal Aid_ (  (UK) 
    *   _Animal  Liberation Front Supporters Group_
    *   _Animal Liberation Victoria  (ALV)_ (  
    *   _Animal Liberation  (Maqi)_ (  
    *   _Animal liberty_ (  
    *   _Animal Protection Institute  (API)_ (  
    *   _Animal Rights Kollective (ARKII) -  Canada_ (  
    *   _Animal Rights International  (ARI)_ (  
    *   _Born Free  Foundation_
    *   _website Captive  Animals' Protection Society (CAPS)_
    *   _Center on Animal Liberation  Affairs (CALA)_
    *   _Compassionate Action for Animals_ (  
    *   _Compassion Over  Killing_
(  (COK) (_website_ ( ) 
    *   _Farm  Animal Reform Movement_
(  (FARM) (_website_
( )  
    *   _Freedom for Animals_ (  
    *   _Friends of Animals_
(   (FoA) (_website_ ( ) 
    *   _Great Ape Project_ (
    *   _Humane Society of the United  States_ (  
    *   _In Defense of Animals (IDA)_ (  
    *   _Madison's Hidden  Monkeys_ (  
    *   _Mercy for Animals_ (  
    *   _Progressive Animal Welfare Society  (PAWS)_ (  
    *   _People  for the Ethical Treatment of Animals_
( (PETA) 
    *   _People Protecting Animals &  Their Habitats (PATH Inc)_
    *   _Primate Freedom Project  (PFP)_ (  
    *   _Protecting Animals  USA_ (  
    *   _Rights for Animals_ (  
    *   _Save the Chimps_ (  
    *   _Scandinavian Anti-Sealing Coalition_
    *   _SPEAK_ (  
    *   _Wild At Heart_ (  
    *   _French  Animal Rights League_
    *   _Animal Rights Collective of  Halifax (ARCH)_
    *   _Igualdad Animal_ (  (Animal  Rights
in Spain and LatinAmerica)
Subject: California Veterinarians - Take Action to Oppose AB 1634
The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA)
Permission to forward.
May 29, 2007
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 10:18 AM
Subject: AB 1634

To President Ron Faoro and the California Veterinary Medical Association
(CVMA) Board of Governors:

Dear Dr. Faoro and CVMA Governors:

I hope that CVMA will learn something from the mess you have created by
writing and sponsoring AB 1634. The leadership of your organization which,
supposedly, represents the interests of all veterinarians, helped to
write a controversial bill in secret, without any input from rank and file CVMA
membership, or any broad consultation with the animal lovers and their
organizations that would be adversely impacted by the bill. The bill
proposes to deprive more than half of the citizens of California of what
they have come to believe, and have every right to believe, is a basic
civil and constitutional right: that every citizen has the right to decide
if they want to spay or neuter their animals and, if so, when they would like
to do it. CVMA has jeopardized the reputation of the entire veterinary
profession, by supporting a piece of legislation which has enraged millions of animal
owners and promises to enrich one segment of the veterinary
profession. Now that the legislation you have helped to create has been high-jacked by
some of the most extreme elements in society, CVMA remains absolutely silent,
aloof from the problems and concerns of "the huddled masses" and,
seemingly, powerless or fearful to try to "fix" anything. Meanwhile, thousands of
rank-and-file veterinarians and animal lovers are being forced to  become
involved in things that we hate doing: writing letters to politicians,
rallying support from breed organizations, meeting with our elected
representatives and attending legislative hearings. I am attaching two of
the letters I have written, as they provide examples of the problems with
the piece of legislation of which you are so proud.

The tragedy of this whole fiasco is that "it is all for naught". The
evidence from past experiences with Mandatory Spay/Neuter Laws is that
they make the problems worse, rather than better. As an example, I have copied
(see below) some statistics from the web site of Save our Dogs>. There are plenty of other
studies out there that have come to the same conclusion. You should have
researched this whole issue more thoroughly, before you put the collective heads of the
veterinary profession "on the chopping block".

Sincerely, Charles A. Hjerpe, DVM, former CVMA member and emeritus professor of veterinary medicine, UC Davis


PLEASE CROSS POST AS NECESSARY Monday, May 21 -Hello all -
But, here is the latest info and we need to act on this by Thursday AM.
The bill will be heard again this coming Thursday, May 24th.
We have heard hints that Levine might not have the necessary number of votes
Public testimony will not be allowed on the Assembly floor. Only legislators may speak at this time.
Please make sure that your faxes state, "I OPPOSE AB 1634 AS AMENDED ON MAY 9, 2007
If you only have time to send one fax, then please send it to your own
assembly person - and focus on the impact of your personal tales.
Let them know how this bill will personally affect you and the people in
their own district.... and...remember to let them know.....
Here's the breakdown of the Assembly.....the Dems are in dominance and majorities of both houses.
There are 48 Democratic and 32  Republican Assembly members, so the Dems
alone could meet the 41 vote  simple majority needed to pass animal
bills even if  Republicans vote  in opposition as a caucus. Which means, that if you are a voting Democrat,
please use that information in your fax and phone call.
Here are some facts from the AKC website in case you missed them....
The American  Kennel Club continues to strongly oppose California Assembly
Bill 1634. While  AKC expects more amendments to be offered by the bill's
sponsor,  Assembly member Levine, we believe that any attempt at restricting
the rights  and liberties of responsible breeders-especially via mandatory
spay or neuter  laws-must be defeated. The AKC would like to thank the following members 
of the California Assembly who have respected the rights of responsible  breeders by voting
 against or voicing strong concerns regarding the  unreasonable and misguided proposals
contained AB 1634. Assembly  Business and Professions Committee:
Voted against: Assembly members Emmerson  (R), Horton (R), and Maze (R).
Voiced strong concerns: Assembly members Price  (D), and Carter (D). Assembly Appropriations Committee
Voted  against: Assembly members Walters (R), Emmerson (R), La Malfa (R), Ma
(D),  Nakanishi (R), Runner (R).Voiced strong concerns: Assembly members Lieu (D),  and Davis (D).
The AKC continues to urge all California breeders and  concerned dog
owners to write or visit your Assembly member and voice your  strong opposition
to AB1634. Don't forget: Fridays are the best day to visit  with your
Assembly member at their district office!
And...make calls to their office Here's a quick updated list of members to focus on for the
 Floor Vote. Thanks to Jim Thompson for compiling a list in pdf format.
I've typed up the list for you with just phone numbers.
To find the fax numbers, go here...The California  State Assembly
If you want to have the pdf file, email me for it.
Juan Arambula Phone - 916-319-2031--- Patty BergPhone - 916-319-2001
Jim Beall Phone - 916-319-2024 --- Anna Caballero Phone - 916-319-2028
Charles Calderon Phone - 916-319-2058 --- Joe Coto Phone - 916-319-2023
Mike Davis Phone - 916-319-2048 --- Mark DeSaulnier Phone - 916-319-2011
Noreen Evans --- Phone - 916-319-2007 --- Cathleen Galgiani Phone - 916-319-2017
Guy Horton Phone - 916-319-2015 --- Jared Huffman Phone - 916-319-2006
Ted Lieu Phone - 916-319-2053 --- Fiona Ma Phone - 916-319-2012
Tony Mendoza Phone - 916-319-2056 --- Gene Mullin Phone - 916-319-2019
Nicole Parra Phone - 916-319-2030 --- Anthony Portintino Phone - 916-319-2044
Laura Richardson Phone - 916-319-2055 --- Ira Ruskin Phone - 916-319-2021
Mary Salas Phone - 916-319-2079 --- Jose Solorio Phone - 916-319-2069
Todd Spitzer Phone - 916-319-2071 --- Sandre Swanson Phone - 916-319-2016
Audra Strickland Phone - 916-319-2037 --- Lois Wolk Phone - 916-319-2008
Thanks all - Diane Young McCormack - Truckee, CA

Posted to Showdogs-L from George in California.  Permission was granted to crosspost.
The AR's (PETA, HSUS) are trying to take away our dogs in CA.  This is a
link to a YouTube video I made up in a hurry to combat the folks in favor of
passing this mandatory state wide Spay/Neuter bill in CA called AB 1634.
The bill calls for sterlizing all puppies and kittens before they are 16
weeks of age.  They call it "The Healthy Pet Act."  Anything but healthy!
A MUST READ for those who have any doubt as to how well organized the Animal Rights militants are!