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It's a SMALL world!!! Cute Story from Kris Seelye!
Funny Story!  We were in Harbor Springs last week for the 4th.  Hillary was with us of course
(we wouldn't think of taking a family vacation without her!).  Anyway, we were at the park in
town and sawn an adorable blue merle Aussies puppy.  As you can imagine, we HAD to go say
"hello."  In our conversation we found out that he was 12 weeks old and from Thornapple.  I
asked them who his mom was ... you guessed it ... Neela!!!  So, Hillary got to romp around with
her grandson!   It was so cute to watch.  I don't know if dogs can tell who they're related to,
but she was definitely tuned into him ... in a way that was different from other dogs she's
played with.  Or maybe it was just because he was a puppy.  Regardless, it was super fun to
meet him (his name is Sonic) and watch them play.  Hillary is doing great and we love her tons.
It seems like she has always been ours.  She's been swimming several times this summer.  I just
keep forgetting to take a pictures.  When I do, I'll send one.  Have a great summer!  Kris Seeyle

Hillary's registered name is Thornapple Takes Control. She is mom to Neela ---
CH Thornapple Pillow Talk.Neela is mom to Sonic who belongs to Virginia Eby of Chicago.
  Sonic's daddy is Thornapple Anakon Skywalker who resides with Simone Schneble in Germany!
Hillary is living her retirement with the Seeyles of Lansing, Michigan!
Thank you for loving our Hill, Kris!

And we hear from Virginia!
I was just going to write and tell you about our trip!  It was nice to meet Hillary, Kris and her family, and how
nice to know that Sonic met his Grandma!  Hillary is a beautiful dog with such a nice calm temperament!  So
many people came up to us and went crazy over Sonic!  He's doing great, my parents and sister's family love
him too.  Here are some photos -- I wish I had a camera in the car because he shared a pillow with my son in
the backseat.  They slept almost the whole way back!  Virginia

News From Megan Hof in Oregon!
Wanted to say congrats for a fabulous June and wish you luck for an even better July.
Sway was best of breed at Mt. Bachelor on Sunday under Don Gill and was best of breed again
 this past weekend under Robert (Polly) Smith, best of opposite to Pheobe on Sunday under June Penta.
  I think that he is back in the top ten. Thanks for co breeding such a fabulous boy. He is doing very well out here.
 Saw the pics of the Cruzan babies, they are so cute. Best wishes and will talk to you soon.  Good Luck at upcoming shows.


More wonderful photos from Jim & Joanne Matson!



Just got back from the mountains with Dan/Kathy and friend Paul's cabin in Leadville, Colorado.
We did a 5-mile plus hike to the Hagerman Tunnel.  The wildflowers were stunning.
The flowers are Columbine (Colorado's state flower).  Enjoy.  Joanne

A couple of shots from the Greeley Parade -- love those Longhorns coming down the street.
Geez, one started toward me, but looked very docile so didn't worry -- got out of the way
though.  love, jo

Thank you, Jim and Joanne Matson, for your invitation to visit you in Fort Collins in August!
 We can't wait for our guided landscape photography lesson and tour of the Rocky Mountain
 National Park.  We are especially looking forward to taste testing at your favorite brewery,
The New Belgium Brewery! You are the best! 
(below are photos taken at the park we will be visiting)

Florida News!  Sounds like you guys were enduring some hot weather this weekend at the show.
It certainly didn't slow you down.  Congrats on all of the great wins and another new Champion.
Rain is a gorgeous boy.  Maria and Shay kept up the momentum with even more BJH wins -
incredible!  Erica went to the First Coast ASC Agility Trial in Georgia this weekend with
Odie.  She called in to report that she was HIT Junior both days & finished out the
weekend with many Q's in her Regular Elite, Jumpers Elite and Gamblers Open classes.
She was a happy camper :)  While Erica was away we kept Diesel happy by taking him and
and Major to the beach for some fun in the surf.  Take care, Dianne

Good News from Marie in Sweden!
Lucy & I have been to a dog show this weekend.  She got her 5th CC and then became BOS.
My boy, Easy Around The World, became BOB!!!  I will send you a picture of her. Jessica
took it when we were at a dog show.  Hugs, Marie & Lucy

Fulton County Kennel Club * July 5 * Judge Mrs. Neena VanCamp

NEW CHAMPION!  CH Thornapple End Of The Rainbow CGC, ThD, RN

Congratulations, Betsy Hamkens!!!

Maria Neff * 1st Place Open Senior Handler * Best Junior Handler! * Judge Ms. Katie L. Brooks
Shayna Garrison * 2nd Place Open Junior Handler

Thornapple Shake Down "Akon" * Best Of Breed Puppy * Herding Group 2
Fulton County Kennel Club Puppy Match

Fulton County Kennel Club * July 6 * Judge Mrs. Francine Schwartz
Best Of Breed * Ch Thornapple Single Barrel

Maria Neff * 1st Place Open Senior Handler * Best Junior Handler * Ms. Trish Till
Shayna Garrison * 1st Place * Open Junior Handler

Ann Arbor Kennel Club * July 8 * Juniors Only * Judge Dr. Bob G. Smith
Maria Neff * 1st Place Open Junior *
Best Junior Handler * 3 wins BACK TO BACK!!!!
Shayna Garrison * 2nd Place * Open Junior Handling

Ann Arbor Kennel Club * July 9 * Judge Mr. Fred C. Bassett
Thornapple Freeze Frame * Reserve Winners Bitch
Maria Neff * 4th Place Open Senior ** Shayna Garrison * 1st Place Open Senior
Judge Mr. Landis Hirstein



Sending you all great wishes for a happy and safe 4th of July.
 Love, Abby, Nico Blue, Princess Kaya, Shari and Pete Sprague

1st photos of Cruzan babies!

Good News from Marie in Sweden!
I just want to tell you about my wonderful weekend.  Saturday, Lucy and I went to a dog show
and Lucy ended up with her third CC and R-CACIB.  Then she ended up as second best female!!
I'm very proud of her, I just say WOW ... !!  On Sunday, I took Easy Around The World
(Thornapple Mandarin Passion - Propwash Ponder) and Lucy with me to an Aussie Show.
It was over 40 Aussies!  Lucy got her fourth CC and then she became BOS.  My boy Easy
Around The World made me so proud!  He became BOB and BIS 1!!!  I think this is
wonderful!!!  Hugs, Marie & Lucy

Congratulations Marie on wins in Finland!
Congrats to all nice results you get on that show.  Our Lorenzo son, JumJum (Gun Lake Do You Mind)
took BOB last weekend and best 3 male on the next day show.  Both days he took CC!!!  His sister, Tia
(Gun Lake Did You Do It) have also two CC!!!  Pictures of her win you can see at our web site under
News.  We have new pictures of JumJum, but they are not in a digital camera.  I must try to scan
them.  I send them to you soon.  Marie E, Kennel Gun Lake, www.gunlake.ax gunlake@aland.net

And News from Jayne in England!
Mr. Lorenzo is SOOOO proud of his kids!!!  Marie Louise has sent me news from Sweden that
Mr. Groucho has taken his 4th CC and his first CACIB at a show!  Groucho aka Applethorns
Storm Force ... A Lorenzo son ... took his 4th CC and his first CACIB and BOS last Saturday!
Way to Marie and Grouchie!!!

And MORE GOOD NEWS from Jayne!
Just to let you know we had Windsor Championship Show this last weekend.  Spitty took
Reserve Dog, that is his 3rd Reserve Dog this year!  He keeps on knocking on the door.
And my Lorenzo Granddaughter, Impenzie Saphira Applefire, took Best Bitch and Best
Opposite Sex.  This is her 2nd award this year.  We are hoping to get a CC before the
end of the year.  Only 4 more CC shows to go!  We then went up to the Lakes and spent
the weekend in the Lakes.  Little Miss Burst (Thornapple Baja Blast), who arrived safely
 from Germany, (Thank you Angela for doing such an awesome organizational job in booking
flights and getting her here on time to bred to Lorenzo.  You are AWESOME! :-)) )  Burst
loved the lakes and took to the water like a little duck.  She watched the sheep but never
bothered with them.  However she DID chase the rabbits in the field!  Boy, for a little
dog, she sure can move!  LOL!  We are now back home all very tired and ready for
sleep.  Congrats to all who have been out this weekend!  Hugs, Jayne

The SCOOP from Anna-Lena in Sweden!
Thanks for all the congrats on our birthdays!  (Anna-Lena & her hubby, Niklas, share the
same birthdays!)  You are so kind.  And we think it is so funny that we are celebrating
birthdays on the same day! LOL!  Just three years between!  Congrats USA on the 4th of July!
I hope you celebrate a lot!  We were home late yesterday night from that beautiful island, Gotland!
We had a LOVELY weekend with lots of wins!  Enya beat Damon in the Breed on Saturday.  She
became BOB and Damon BOS.  She continued on to win the Group and ended up as BIS-2!!!!!!
We didn't show Damon on Sunday.  We let Enya show herself instead .... and she ended up as
BIG-2!!!  Congrats, Marie, on your BIG win at the Specialty!  BIS with Sarah's son, Easy Around
The World and BOS with Thornapple Ruby Passion!!!  It was also a Glidden x Enya daughter who
became BIS puppy!!  Our gorgeous Toy Poodle, won two CC's and two BOS her first time out as a
junior.  She is just 9 months and 3 weeks old ... and we can take cc's from nine months!  We also
had a BOB Norfolk both days and a BOB Briard two days (out of three because it was a show for
working dogs on Friday. We showed her just two days.)  We also had a Leonberger that became
BOS both days with two CCs!!!!!!!!  We were with four friends traveling together.  That is why we
had so many different breeds.  The Aussies and the Toy Poodle is ours!  CONGRATS Jayne &
Marie on your big wins!!!!!  (CACIB is an international cc (as you can say).  If you get four CACIB
in three different countries, you've got the official title International Champion.  And that
title counts as a little bit more than the country champion titles,  because you can get the CC
but not the CACIB, even if you are best bitch or dog on a show.  The judges just give you the
CACIB if he/she thinks your dog is EXTREMELY good!  Hugs'n love, Anna-Lena