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Good News from Kennel Gun Lake in Finland!
CH Thornapple Hot Wheels "Jag"

Jag has bring home TWO NEW TITLES !!!!! Est Ch and Est W-07. Hi is now Show Champion in 4 countries. USA, Finland, Sweden and Estonia.
That was a International dog show last weekend in Estonia, Estonia winner show. Jag took even a 3 placement in the group final under a judge from
 USA,Donovan Thompson. His son Gun Lake Blue Lagoon took 3 placement in the male class and that was not bad because it was many nice imports
 from USA in that show !!!  So the best placement (BOB) was a Thornapple and second a Propwash and 3 was Gun Lake and 4 was Keepsake...
It was even dogs from Marquis, Watermarks, Legacys. FCI have just approved Australian Shepherd, so now can we take CACIB, and Jag took
her first CACIB last weekend !!! Only 2 CACIB left and then he is a International Show Champion, maybe Europe's first International show Champion !!!
 We will see, he is still strong and beautiful, but we have his old age coming on, and we must take the last CACIB before he been 8 years old. So we
must run on all internationals shows in different countries and se if we can get the last 2 CACIB.
Greetings from Jag, AM CH, SWE CH, FIN CH, EST CH, NORDW03, FINW04, SW04, FINW05 FINW06 ESTW07 Thornapple Hot Wheels.
Hugs and Thank you Ellen & Amy for our wonderful Jag. He is a so very very good Australian Shepherd.
Marie Ekholm * Kennel Gun Lake 
www.gunlake.ax     gunlake@aland.net

Good News from Jenny & Nell!!!!  Thornapple Kiss Me Nellie JWW, NAP, NJWWP
Nell had  two huge wins in Asheville  NC this weekend. She had  a FIRST PLACE in  Excellent  JWW Friday and Saturday.
She now has completed her Excellent Jumpers title .She was LOW FLYING AWESOME.
She truly is a Thornapple, Hugs Jenny and Nell

Amy takes on the bull at the Whiskey Barrel!

Chelsea makes an attempt to tame the bull ... Rachel gives it her best shot ... but neither rider can come close to Amy's talent!

Chelsea Brandenburg, Shane & Amy Garrison, Rachel Brandenburg

Earlier in the evening of June 2nd, we celebrated Thornapple Family May - June Birthdays!
1st photo - L-R - Good Thornapple friend and Aussie owner, Gary Russell - Tom Brandenburg (seated) - Aaron Brandenburg
(standing behind Tom) - Cyrus & Miss Hudsyn Rose Brandenburg, Evan & Chelsea Brandenburg (Birthday Girl), Matt Cain,
Big Dave (Birthday Boy), Grandpa Jim Brandenburg sitting next to Uncle Bob Brandenburg far right.
2nd photo - L-R - Cousins - Matt Cain, Chelsea Brandenburg, Shayna Garrison & Rachel Brandenburg

1st photo - cousins Matt Cain, Austen Garrison, Zak Cain & Evan Brandenburg
2nd photo - The Davidson family ... Phil (Birthday Boy!), Vikki & Dan sitting with Miss Lyndsey Isley of Misfit Cattledogs,
North Carolina. Lyndsey is visiting Camp Thornapple for the month of June!

1st photo - good friends and Thornapple Aussie owners, the Russell Family!  Mike, Carol, Sharon & Gary the Birthday Boy!
2nd photo - Sisters!  Amy & Shane seated with Amy's sister, Jill and her hubby, Al Cain.

1st photo - Just like OLD TIMES!  When Rachel was just a wee tyke she liked to sit on "Uncle Phil's" lap at the dog shows!
On occasion, Rachel was known to pass a bit of turbulence.  Rachel and Phil pose for a flashback to the past!
2nd photo - Miss Hudsyn Rose, Mommy Marley & Cyrus the Birthday Boy!

Evan polishes the lid to the birthday cake!

A GOOD TIME was enjoyed by all!
If you are ever in Grand Ledge Michigan, we highly recommend Cuginos for delicious Italian food!

Thornapple Pond .... the IN vacation location for the Thornapple doggies!


We LOVE having Miss Lyndsey at Camp Thornapple!  She takes us swimming every day!

Ami sent photos of the gang roughing it in Pete & Shari's pool!
Riot, Chante, and Jake went with us to Pete and Shari's to play with Abby, Nico and Kaya.
They ALWAYS have a blast! Here are some fun photos. Ami