Chelsea Brandenburg




2007 News In Review
2006 News In Review
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2004 News In Review
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Show Shots 2003 - 2004
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Amy's Slideshow
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Our Kennel 2
Our Kennel 3
Family Jewels
Junior Handlers
Photo Albums 1-10
Photo Albums 11-20
Photo Albums 21-30
Photo Albums 31-40
Photo Albums 41-50
Photo Albums 51 - 60
The Mailbox 1-10
The Mailbox 11-20
The Mailbox 21-30
The Mailbox 31-40
Photo Awards 2005
Photo Awards 2006
Photo Awards 2007
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Wheatland Music Festival
Alpena Tractor Show
Roger McKay
Michael Wilson
Alaska Conservation
MSU Dance Team
Shayna's Schipperke
Career Day

Danielle Crook
Rachel Brandenburg
Chelsea Brandenburg
Maria Neff
Erika Prince
Junior Gallery

Chelsea's Gallery 1
Chelsea's Gallery 2









Congratulations Chelsea on Graduating with HIGH HONORS!

 Chelsea's Graduation Party

Gallery 1

Gallery 2



Aged out as of May 22, 2004, Chelsea, was a very competitive handler with many Best Junior Handler Awards over some of the top junior handlers in the country.  Chelsea acquired her first Basenji, CH Sierra I Prefer Blue, in 1997 through the generosity of his handlers and owners, Guy and Nicole Fisher.  Chelsea ranked #2 Basenji Club Of America in 1998, and #1 Basenji Club Of America in 1999.  Chelsea qualified for the Westminster Kennel Club Show in 1998 and 1999.  At the 1999 Westminster Kennel Club Show, Chelsea was awarded a huge rosette and the honor of #1 Hound Junior Handler for 1999.

 In 2000, Chelsea qualified for Westminster with her new Basenji,  CH Kazor Red Hot Nyanga Pepper.  Chelsea made two cuts at Westminster in 2000.   Our thanks to Michael Work and Dr. John Draud for this beautiful young champion.  In the summer of 2000, Chelsea spent 5 weeks in England with our good aussie friends, Jayne and Wally Holligan. During her 5 week visit, Chelsea had the wonderful opportunity to compete and win in junior handling competition at dog shows in England.  Chelsea also qualified a bitch for Crufts in the breed classes. Chelsea was ranked #1 Basenji Junior Handler for 2000. 

 In 2001, Chelsea qualified for Westminster with a young basenji bred by Stacy Snyder and Michael Work, Sirius Analyze This (pointed).  In 2001, Chelsea qualified for and was invited to the 1st Annual Eukanuba Classic Dog Show held in Orlando, Florida.  (to qualify for the Eukanuba Classic a junior must have an excellent grade point average and must have won 5 first place awards for the year). Chelsea made the final cut to12 at the Eukanuba Classic.  She competed in the Finals on Saturday evening at the Classic.  The highlights of 2001 are winning Best Junior Handler over an entry of 47 Junior Handlers at the Australian Shepherd National Specialty in Greely, Colorado under Judge Janet Cherne..

Chelsea was #1 Basenji Junior Handler for 2001.  Chelsea was awarded a large rosette for placing in the top 20 junior handlers, all breed, for 2001.

Chelsea is #1 Basenji Junior Handler for 2002.  Chelsea qualified for the Westminster KC show  2002 and the Eukanuba Classic 2002.

2003 found Chelsea focused on her Senior Year in High School.
Chelsea took time out to attend the National Specialty April, 2003 where she won the USASA Breeders Futurity with Thornapple Straight Up. In April, 2004, Chelsea was awarded a $1000 scholarship from the American Kennel Club.  In June 2004, Chelsea graduated from Maple Valley High School with High Honors!  Chelsea plans to study photography in college.  We look forward to seeing Chelsea's photographs in all the major dog magazines!

In May of 2004, Chelsea aged out in Junior Handling ... as her cousin, Shayna begins her Junior Career in January 2005. (thanks to an AKC rule change allowing 9 year olds to compete)  Chelsea will be ringside coaching Shayna and assisting Amy in handling.

We are very proud of Chelsea!  .

 Support team, parents Tom and Ellen Brandenburg, and cousins Amy and Shayna Garrison.