Photo Album #47




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Photo Album #47
Photo Album #48
Photo Album #49
Photo Album #50








Sleepy Puppy ** Thornapple ShotGun Ryder "Encore" sired by Ch Thornapple Single Barrel "Cruzan" - Dam Thornapple Flirtin' With Fire

Thornapple Locked & Loaded "Ruger" sired by Ch Thornapple Single Barrel - Dam Thornapple Flirtin' With Fire


Thornapple Etched In Diamonds "Bianca" sired by Ch Thornapple Red Dirt Road - Dam Ch Thornapple Oceans Of Diamonds

Icon -- Thornapple I Call The Shots sired by Ch Thornapple Single Barrel - dam Thornapple Flirtin' With Fire

Sunrise at the dog show in Goodells, Michigan.

Sunrise over Lake Huron .... the clouds are over the Lake in the distance!

Lake Huron in the distance at sunrise.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy ... Here comes TROUBLE for Laura Baylis!!!!! Evan likes to "DRIVE." It's all he wants to do when we are at dog shows. Evan decided he loves Laura Baylis' mini van! He helped himself to not only her van .... but her McDonald's coke ... and her CAR KEYS!

Evan drank what coke he wanted then dumped the rest of the glass on Laura's carpet. The keys ... he tucked away in a really safe place! SO SAFE, Laura spent 15 minutes looking for them. She finally found them ... in her glovebox! Don't leave your car doors open when Evan Brandenburg is in town!


Grooming Icon & Encore for the puppy match!

Thornapple I Call The Shots "Icon" sired by Ch Thornapple Single Barrel - dam Thornapple Flirtin' With Fire

CONGRATULATIONS Alejandra Reyes of CHILE on your new boy, Icon!


Icon loves his pumpkin!

Leaping for joy! I'm going to do conformation, agility and obedience in Chile with Alejandra!

talented puppy!

Ch Thornapple King Of Diamonds

Beautiful Shamba!

the winning team! 6 back to back Best Junior Handler awards in August/September!

sharing pasta!

Ch Thornapple King Of Diamonds & Miss Shayna Garrison, his favorite Junior Handler!

Evan joins in the photo shoot!

Okey Dokey ..... done for the day! :)))

Grandpa Fred's BEAUTIFUL RAINBOW! Photo credit Amy Garrison. A giant rainbow brightens our day, October 1, 2007, 12 months after the loss of Ellen's Dad. A double rainbow graced our HVASA puppy match the evening before Fred's passing . Fredrick Miller Jr. 1924 - 2006 Grandpa Fred LOVED his Keeshonds, the Aussies and all of the Thornapple family! We miss you, Dad! Love, Ellen