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May Begins

Baby photos from James and Heidi Smith!  Congratulations to two very special Thornapple family members!
James ... some good advice for you ... exercise your wallet, daily!  Girls LOVE to spend your money!
If you start now ... slipping the wallet in and out of your pocket ...
it will pop right out with no hesitation when she reaches consumer age!

We had our Ultrasound today & I am sorry to tell Mother T. that it
looks like a .........GIRL !!!!!!  We cannot be 100 % positive but they could not see any " boy parts."
And let me tell you, she is quite the drama queen already !! She waved
& spread her hands so we could see all 5 fingers, put her hand on her
head as if exasperated by the whole thing, moved her head away from
the probe & WOULD NOT OPEN HER LEGS! She always has her feet crossed
at the ankles like a little lady . And boy does she kick! Stubborn too
as they had me change position but she would not budge!!
All looks well & Daddy is over the moon!  Heidi

Happy Birthday, Eszter!  May 16, 2006
(A little bird told us it's Eszter's Birthday!)
We wish you many HAPPY RETURNS!
Pictured above Baby Latte.

From Eszter Rozsos in Hungary:  We were on the show Latte become BOB!!! Latte won the BOB last weekend
(may 13.) at Hódmezővásárhely in Hungary. On next week we will go to the Croatia dog show.
If we get that Latte will be International Championship!!!!

Romanian/Serbian CH Thornapple Iced Latte * Best of Breed in Hungary

Maria Neff .... Best Junior Handler at 3 UKC shows this weekend!  Rasheed ... Best of Breed and group placement to give
him enough points to be 1 point off of #1 UKC Australian Shepherd!

FROM SWEDEN!!!!  Hi again all!  This weekend we were far up in Sweden (900km from where we live...).
And Damon was BOB, Best in group (again) and ended up as BEST IN SHOW no 3!!!!
I also showed an Australian Terrier who became BEST IN SHOW no 4!!!! Love, Anna-Lena
Congratulations Anna-Lena & Niklas!!!!

Not just another pretty face!  from Dog Shows May 6 to herding the family flock on May 13!
CH Thornapple Aftershock "Diablo"

Huge weekend around the world!  May 6 & 7
Exciting wins  & a wonderful weekend visiting with our German Thornapple family!

Diablo is now Danish and Norwegian champion!!!!! J
It only took him 3 shows tog get the 3 cc for his new title
later that day he became 3
 in the group.
He is also qualified for Cruft 2007!!! Jubii J When he ran in to the ring with the other
dogs in the group judging, he got the biggest applause!!! Wow it was fantastic………………people are really
 talking about him
J J In 14 days we are going to a small club show – we hope that he can become Danish club
champion this year
JIn 3 weeks we are going to Germany for a international dog show.
Next month we are going to Finland (travelling together with kennel Easy…………..That is going to be FUN!!!)
In the fall we are going to Norway (again), Sweden and Poland (World winner show)…………so Diablo is getting
around in Europe
J JThese pictures are from this week. I really think that he look like a million J J Once again
thank you for sending him to Denmark!!!!Big hug Bitta   

American Danish Swedish Champion Thornapple Aftershock "Diablo"

From Sweden!  We have also been on dog shows this weekend.  One in Denmark where Diablo became BOB and group 3,
 congrats Bitta!!!!  He's now qualified for Crufts!!!! Damon was third best dog. Janis won junior class but just got price of honor,
not champion quality as we need here in Scandinavia to compete further on ... And we drove back to Sweden to show here today.
And this day Damon became BOB and go on to win the group!!!!!  He didn't place in the BIS final today. Janis got her second CC and
 ended up as BOS to Damon.  Hugs'n love, Anna-Lena

From South Africa! Had a fairly average weekend, but Saturday was the best!!  Ms Neala (Wynonna's daughter)
 won CC bitch, BOBP and BOB .... then went on to win Puppy Group 1 and Group 3 from the 
9-12 month puppy class!!!  It was a really good win as it was the last thing we expected and she beat a huge
 line up of specials too!!! The judge told us she would take her home as she is gorgeous and the best Aussie in the ring
 at the moment...a little bit of maturing and she is going to kick some butt!!  I will send photos from home as they are on
the laptop from the weekend! Hope you had a good weekend too! Love, Natasha

  From Germany!  Just want to brag a little. Today we had the "Europasiegerzuchtschau" in
Dortmund, Germany. Our Tucker (Thornapple Grinding Gears) won BOB over
Specials! Now he has the title "European Winner".
Thanks for letting me share.  Susanne

And From New Zealand!  Just had to have a very little brag but I am so proud of Zippo
(Am CH Thornapple Hot Temptation), he got Intermediate of Group both days at the shows this weekend
at the same show where he got his very first Junior of Group at the first show that he went to after coming out of
 quarantine a year ago.  Cannot believe that he has been here a year already!  Zippo qualified
 at our Nationals by being the Best Junior however a little expensive to send him over for Crufts!!!! lol!
 For those that are interested, pictures of Zippo babies (his first here in NZ) are on my site
They are just 4 weeks yesterday and becoming real little characters. Di & Allan Falconer

Last but not least ... from Ohio ... Congratulations Maria Neff on your ASCA Best Junior Wins this weekend!

Moon Rise Global Player "Player"
sired by Thornapple Anaken Skywalker "Quinn"

Our new puppy has arrived!  Our visitors have left us.  We are sad to see them go!
Thank you Simone Schneble & Angela Kleinhans for our gorgeous new black tri Quinn son!

We enjoyed a beautiful Michigan sunny spring weekend with Thornapple family from Germany!

Simone Schneble with Thornapple Baja Blast "Burst"
and Angela Kleinhans * Moon Rise Aussies * with CH Thornapple Pillow Talk "Neela"

L-R Austen Garrison, Matt Cain, Mitchell, Zack Cain, Shayna Garrison & MacKenzie
with our Basenji, Dinero, and Matt & Zack's Puggle, Delilah.
(Zack and Matt are 1st cousins to Austen & Shayna - Mitchell and MacKenzie are good friends!)

Jonathon Green (Jenny Poe's most wonderful son and new high school grad!)
with Thornapple I Have A Dream "Coretta"
 Coleen (Kelly) Zartman with Thornapple After Eight "Topper"
Angela Kleinhans with Moon Rise Global Player "Player"
Simone Schneble owner of Thornapple Anaken Skywalker "Quinn"
our new puppy, Player, is sired by Quinn!

We celebrated Jenny Poe's "21st Birthday" feasting on Grandpa Jim's
most excellent grilled pork loin chops smothered in Baby's Ray's Barbecue sauce,
Chelsea's delicious cheesy potatoes and Rachel's beautiful & tasty homemade birthday cake!
We wish you Many More Happy 21st Birthdays, Jenny!


Matt Cain loves his new cousin, Evan!

Shayna, Matt, Evan & MacKenzie!

Hey Man ... check out my new wheels!
And ... check out my Uncle Aaron's wheels!

And we had time for a puppy photo shoot!  Puppies sired by Thornapple Sub Zero ....
proud mom Thornapple Black Ice

A Game of Leap Dog Anyone?  PHOTO AWARD!  
Photographer Peggy Domagk * Owner Heike Gier * Germany
"Abby" Blue Mountains Taste Of Love bred by Enja Libor
Sired by Thornapple Anaken Skywalker "Quinn"
 Dam Moon Rise Creative Concept "Aurin"
(Aurin bred by Angela Kleinhans of Germany)