Mid September 06




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Middle September 2006

NEWS from Sweden! We (or Damon...) had very bad luck!!!! Damon broke a claw on Saturday morning.
He was limping badly.... and having really bad pain.... He broke it when he was jumping into the car, just really bad luck!!!!
He was so brave at the show!!!! He didn't limp so much in the breed, so he became BOB. But in the group....
He was limping really bad the hold way around the big ring. But when he walked up and down,
he did it properly. So he became......................GROUP TWO!!!!!!!!!!
Isn't that FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!! We where so PROUD of our brave boy!!!!! He did everything he could!!!!!!!!!!
And we're afraid that it is an American Cocker bitch who is in lead for top dog now... But we are not sure.
 We have just three shows left, and we will do our best.
Hugs, Anna-Lena


Pontiac Kennel Club * September 9 * Judge Dana P. Kline
Thornapple Red Dirt Road "Rasheed" * Winners Dog * Best of Winners
Handled by Maria Neff
Thornapple Dixie Darling "Dixie" * Winners Bitch
Owned by Tomomi Nakana * Handled by Maria Neff

Pontiac Kennel Club * September 10 * Judge Peggy Beisel -Mcllwaine
Thornapple Red Dirt Road * Reserve Winners Dog
Thornapple Dixie Darling * Reserve Winners Bitch

SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNBELIVABLE,WE ARE VERY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!
If she get's her coat back we will take her to the show.
It's our big dream! I will send pictures.
Hugs and Love, Eszter and Dora

CONGRATULATIONS Eszter & Dora!!!!!  HAPPY NEWS from Hungary!

Greetings, Well Rain & I returned home from Rain's debut in the performance rings this weekend.
Friday evening Rain earned his CGC title and did a very fine job.
Saturday & Sunday  he earned qualifiers both days for his Rally title.
Rain lost only 1 point each day but his owner had a couple handler errors:(((((
that made us loose a couple more points. BAD MOMMIE:((
He was great and once he is seasoned he is going to be Dyn-O-Mite!!!!!
Next weekend is a 2 day obedience seminar that we are attending and will have a great time.
How are the blue boys coming along?  Just had to inquire:)))))
Well I have a mountain of laundry to do before tomorrow so best sign off and get to it.
Later, Betsy  GREAT JOB, BETSY!!!!

Hi Ellen & Amy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHEVY!!!!!!!  Today, Chevy turns the big 10!
He had a special breakfast, and later we will go celebrate with Madonna! 
 Ten years ago the world was blessed with an angel in a dog suit.
Thank you a million times for my wonderful boy. 
 He is and always will be my angel, my best friend,
and my one constant in life.

Madonna is also doing good.  She and Chevy still enjoy their play dates. 
 They are the BEST OF FRIENDS.  They even got to go out on my dad's boat. 
Well...Madonna goes out there quite a bit.  She is known on their dock at the marina! 
I won't keep you. I just wanted you to know that I think about you often,
and that Jim is in our prayers.  Oh...Chevy...who never left my side...now sleeps in Zachary's room! 
He sleeps as close to the crib as he can get!  What an angel!  But I miss him being in my room!
Thank you, thank you! Love, hugs, and kisses, Christa

Happy Birthday Dear Chevy! September 10, 2006!
May you share many more with your wonderful family!

I wanted to tell you the great news!!  Sheila got her MACh2 this weekend in
Ann Arbor and did it in just One Year! Talk to you later.  Jim Davis
MACh2 Thornapple Now And Forever


Update from Phyl in Australia .... September 7

We really find it hard to come to terms with, as every TV channel are
playing 'tributes' to Steve, and the genuine Aussie 'bloke' that he was.
His family was offered a State Funeral by the Government, but the offer was
turned down, as they said that Steve would not like all the 'pomp and
ceremony' that went with a State Funeral, as he was just an ordinary bloke.
I think his family wishes are to hold a 'private' ceremony, at his home town
Beerwah near Australia Zoo, on the Sunshine Coast. They have not
released details yet. There has been such an outpouring of grief, which
has been likened to when Princess Di passed away. There is a constant
stream of people doing a pilgrimage to Australia Zoo, an hour's drive north
up the Highway from Brisbane, so much so that they have had to reduce the
speed, and send Police to control the heavy volume of traffic with families
and children wishing to leave flowers and pay their last respects to the
memory of Steve. No doubt you will see this on your own TV, as we 'night
owls' sometimes see the American TV when we really should be sleeping,
<BBGrin> and we see the coverage Steve's death is getting in the US News.

We have a State (Queensland) election going to the polls this Saturday, and
I should say that this weekend will see the highway nearly gridlocked as

with compulsory voting, everyone will have to be out in their cars, and will
take the opportunity to visit the Zoo. The 500 workers are carrying on as
best they can keeping the Zoo open, as would have been Steve's wishes, but
they are finding it very hard to contain their grief.

It is astounding, but everyone you talk to feels as though they have lost a
very dear close member of their family, and find it hard to hold their
composure, he had such an engaging way of 'connecting' with people, and

Must fly now,
Phyl from Brisbane Qld.

Update from Phyl in Australia .... September 5

I sent the following email to Mother T, as soon as I heard the news about 13
hours ago, it is obvious that my email has not been received at your end of
the World.  It appears that Steve and the cameraman were snorkeling
 in fairly shallow water away from his 'Mother boat'  'Croc One', filming a
segment for 'Bindi's TV show for Fox,  and were doing a segment on Sting Rays.
   It appears that he swam over the top of one, and its defense mechanism came
into play, and the tip of its tail pierced his chest and heart.   They seem
to think that he died instantly.   Evidently the poison caused an instant
heart attack.   The cameraman didn't realize that Steve had been injured
until he saw blood in the water.   It happened at approx. 11am Monday.  The
crew got him to an area where the rescue helicopter could land, keeping up
resuscitation all the time, and they said that it was highly unusual for the
ray to react the way it did, as they are usually quite placid unless
aroused.  They are quite large the rays, and Steve's death is only the third
death on record.  Evidently the poison affects the breathing, but with such
a vulnerable position of the torso being struck, he would have died
immediately. It all seems so unreal, as he was a 'larger than life' character. 
 He was loved by so many, all over the World.  He set such high ideals, and brought
an awareness to the World, of the beauty to be found in some of our most
 feared predators, and first and foremost, his love for family.  His little children,
particularly Bindi, around 8 years of age, with her wide beaming smile and charming

personality, and wife Terri will be inconsolable, they were so close-knit.

They had filmed a segment the day before about sea-snakes which was just
beautiful, but the weather was not good enough to continue deep-sea diving,
and that is why Steve decided to go out to the reef to film the rays for his
little daughter.  Both children were with their mum in Tasmania on a hiking
holiday whilst Steve was in the North of Queensland filming.   Their home,
Australia Zoo, is huge, up to Disney World Theme Park size and standards,
and is an hour's drive north of where we live near Brisbane, on the Sunshine
Coast.   Terri was as far South in Australia, as Steve was to the North.

Our hearts are heavy with the shock and grief, that such a vibrant life with
so much good to offer the World, has been brought to such an abrupt end.

Phyl in Brisbane, Queensland,

Oh Ellen, we are in shock!!!!!   Just heard the news that our own Steve
Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter was filming a TV series about Dangerous Sea
Creatures, at Batt Reef off the Coast of North Queensland, near Port
Douglas, and suffered a fatal heart attack after being attacked and stung by
a Sting Ray.  His wife Terri and two children are in Tasmania, in the
south off Australia, so far away.  He was just 44 years of age.

This is 'breaking news' and has just happened.

Can't say anything more, I'm so choked up, but I knew that you and the
family followed Steve's adventures.  He was an Aussie Icon, and will be so greatly
 missed.  He walked with famous people, always in his kakhi's.
There were no 'airs and graces' with our Steve.

May he rest in Peace, and God be with his beloved wife and little children,
Bindi and Bob.

Phyl in Brisbane Qld.

Oh Phyllis ... this is SAD SAD NEWS ..... September 4, 2006

Just back from a vacation- YES- a VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Paris. Had a
great and food filled time visiting friends that moved back there from the
states. Pilates Style Magazine has begun doing articles focusing on the top
instructors. They asked me (YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!) to be the poster child for the
Jan. Feb issue. So of course an article on me would not be complete with out
my dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They shoot my portrait in NYC then came out to the
house to shoot me with my babies. Poor dogs had been cooped up for days due
to weather- but after they got their craziness out we got some good shots.
We all got so wet! Goose stole their hearts and the photo crew just fell in
love with him. Poor Mav was saved for last and didn't love the flash. The
group shoot was a challenge- I needed Amy and Ellen!!!!
It should be out mid Dec. in Whole Foods, Barnes and Nobles and Borders.
Kath -- Kathryn Ross- Nash  We can't wait until Pilates Style hits the newstands!

Let's help Kath!  Everyone please mail, email or call the AKC Gazette! 
We love The Healthy Handler articles!
Sounds like everyone is in a great state of mind. I know my Thornapple
Family is VERY VERY busy- but if you have a moment. The AKC Gazette is under
new management and they are reviewing what columns should be canned or kept
for next year. I would REALLY appreciate it if my Thornapple gang could drop
a line to the Gazette and tell them how much you love the Healthy Handler
Column!  Thanks, Kath



800 - 533 - 7323

AKC Gazette and AKC Family Dog
Att. Columns editor
260 Madison Ave
NY, NYC  10016

A MUST read by our very own, Kathryn Ross-Nash!!!!!

Do you remember that we (Niklas and I) where at the front page of our biggest dog paper, last year?
This year is Niklas alone... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I enclose it here. Hugs again, A-L
CH Thornapple Oh Brother "Damon" & his HAPPY HANDLER Niklas Munkvall!