Mid - End of September




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Mid - End Of September 2006


News from Phyllis, Down Under ....

Well, Steve Irwin, our own Crocodile Hunter, was laid to rest at a Private
Ceremony, at dusk, a week or so ago, with campfire burning, in his own
"Australia Zoo" , his home, the family declined a State Funeral with all
the 'bells and whistles' , as they said that Steve wouldn't have wanted it,
he was just 'an ordinary bloke'.

They decided to hold a "Celebration of Steve's Life" at the Zoo, his home,
and I guess most of you would have witnessed this poignant hour-long
ceremony which was televised world-wide, with an estimated 200 to 300
million viewers.  One of our top country composer-singers, John
Williamson opened the ceremony, standing on the platform overlooking the
crocodile pool, where Steve stood so often to encourage the crocs to leap
out of the water for their 'tit-bits'.  John sang "True Blue" one of
Steve's favourite songs, which got us all reaching for our tissue-boxes.

As so many of you showed such concern to the passing of Steve Irwin, I will
write from our local Brisbane Courier Mail written so beautifully by
Journalist Jamie Walker. The reference he makes to the first Tuesday in
November, is the day, each year, that all Australia stops for three minutes
while the 'Melbourne Cup' horse race is run.

Phyl from Brisbane Qld.

"The Nation is supposed to stop on the first Tuesday in November, not on
this Wednesday that's so sublime beneath a big bleached Queensland sky, you
find yourself catching your breath and saying "Crikey, Steve, what a beaut"
But then there's the catch in your throat as John Williamson, strumming his
guitar and foot tapping time, opens up with 'True Blue', the Crocodile
Hunter's favourite song.

The Crowd at Australia Zoo on the Sunshine Coast joins in. So do the people
in the stands of the Piazza on Brisbane's "South Bank". In Caloundra
they're watching the big screen and clapping their hands. At nearby
Bokarina, also on the Sunshine Coast, a woman describes how losing Steve
Irwin was like suffering a death in the family.

Across the country and around the globe, a television audience said to
number in the hundreds of millions has tuned in to pay homage to Australia's
favourite son. "Hey, True Blue" Williamson croons, his voice echoing
through the packed Crocoseum amphitheatre of Irwin's Australia Zoo. "Don't
say you've gone...."

You find yourself wiping your eyes, despite all that was said about
yesterday being a celebration of 44 year old Irwin's too-short life.

Because he was one of a kind- 'oh so Australian' - in the words of Prime
Minister John Howard, who led the tributes at the bitter-sweet memorial that
capped nearly three weeks of public mourning.
And because little Bindi stood tall and brave in her khaki pedal-pushers and
work shirt, just like Daddy's.
She told the world how he had worked to change it for the better, so
everyone would love wildlife like he did. He bought land to give the
animals a safe place to live, built a veterinary hospital to help them when
they were sick.

Bindi said she would think of her father whenever she saw a crocodile. "He
was always there for me when I needed him" she said in her precocious
eight-year-old way, stealing the show as she did so often from the late
Irwin. "He listened to me, and taught me so many things, but most of all he
was fun".

Irwin's widow Terri, making her first public appearance since his death with
Bindi and her infant brother Bob, nodded her approval as the little girl
vowed to continue her father's work at Australia Zoo.
"Daddy made this place his whole life" Bindi said, "Now it's our turn to
help Daddy". Mrs. Irwin sat through the hour-long service cradling
two-year-old Bob. The seat beside theirs was the only one empty in the
Crocoseum. Irwin's father Bob said peoople shouldn't grieve for Steve.
"He's at peace now" Mr. Irwin said "But I would like you to grieve for the
animals - the animals have lost the best friend they ever had, and so have I".

The tone yesterday, was set by actor Russell Crowe, who led the celebrity
tributes from stars including Cameron Diaz, Kevin Costner, Hugh Jackman,
Justin Timberlake, and US talk-show host Larry King.
Speaking via sattelite, Crowe said: "I'm in New York, mate, the big city,
and you were headline news on CNN for a week. There's not many zookeepers
that would command that sort of attention, mate. And all that means is that
you got your message across, you got the word out there, and you were heard,
and you will be remembered."

Producer, and best mate, John Stainton introduced a montage of Irwin's
larger-than-life-career on the huge screen. There was footage of close
shaves with giant salties, alligators, deadly snakes and an enraged
cassowary. Laughs too, as he fell from trees, out of dinghies and over
barbed-wire fences.

Mr. Howard said "20 million pairs of Australian arms' were reaching out to
embrace his bereaved family".
Craig Franklin - a University of Queensland crocodile expert who had spent
last month on expedition with Irwin - revealed that Irwin had been about to
be named an adjunct professor, such were his qualities, as a "Great
Scientist". But it was the human quality that made Irwin special, and it
was the simplest of acts that brought down the curtain on his rich life
yesterday. As Williamson reprised the song with which he had opened the
memorial - tweaking the lyrics to "True Blue....is it Steve Irwin, too?" -
Australia Zoo's head crocodile keeper Brian Coulter symbolically packed up a
mud-splattered truck. The Esky, croc. nets, fishing tackle, Irwin's swag
and his much-used surfboard were loaded on the tray. Then it drove away
and there was nothing left to be said.

End of article.......... In closing I am sending on a Poem written by one
of our local renowned poets, and read by one of Steve's friends, Australian
actor David Wenham. Phyl from Brisbane Qld.,DOWN UNDER.


 Endless visions fill my head - this man - as large as life
 And instantly my heart mourns for his angels and his wife
 Because the way I see Steve Irwin - just put everything aside
 It comes back to his family - it comes back to his pride

 His animals inclusive - Crikey - light the place with love!
 Shine his star with everything he fought to rise above
 The crazy-man of Khaki from the day he left the pouch
 Living out his dream and in that classic `Stevo' crouch

 Exploding forth with character and redefining cheek
 It's one thing to be honoured as a champion unique
 It's one thing to have microphones and spotlight cameras shoved
 It's another to be taken in and genuinely loved

 But that was where he had it right - I guess he always knew
 From his fathers' modest reptile park and then Australia Zoo
 We cringed at times and shook our heads - but true to natures call
 There was something very Irwin in the make up of us all

 Yes the more I care to think of it - the more he had it right
 If you're going to make a difference - make it big and make it bright!
 Yes - he was a lunatic! Yes - he went head first!
 But he made the world feel happy with his energetic burst

 A world so large and loyal that it's hard to comprehend
 I doubt we truly count the warmth until life meets an end
 To count it now I say a prayer with words of inspiration
 May the spotlight shine forever on his dream for conservation

 .My daughter broke the news to me - my six year old in tears
 It was like she'd just turned old enough to show her honest fears
 I tried to make some sense of it but whilst her Dad was trying
 His little girl explained it best - she said "The crocodiles are crying"

 Their best mate's up in heaven now - the crocs up there are smiling!
 And as sure as flowers, poems and cards and memories are piling
 As sure as we'll continue with the trademarks of his spiel
 Of all the tributes worthy - he was rough, but he was real

 As sure as `Crikey!' fills the sky
 I think we'll miss ya Steve.........Goodbye



“My Daddy was my hero – he was always there for me when I needed him.
He listened to me and taught me so many things but most of all he was fun.
I know that Daddy had an important job.   He was working to change the world, so everyone
would love wildlife like he did.  He built a hospital to help animals and he bought lots of land to
give animals a safe place to live.  He took me and my brother and my mum with him all the time.  
 We filmed together, caught crocodiles together and loved being in the bush together.
I don’t want Daddy’s passion to ever end.  I want to help endangered wildlife just like he did. 
I have the best Daddy in the whole world and I will miss him every day.  When I see a crocodile I will
 always think of him and I know that Daddy made this Zoo so everyone could come and learn to love all the
animals. Daddy made this place his whole life and now it’s our turn to help Daddy.”

 Written and spoken by Bindi Irwin, at Australia Zoo Memorial for her father Steve Irwin,
who died whilst filming sting-rays in North Qld., 4th Sept, 2006.

 “Bindi Irwin, 8, proved to the world she has the courage and passion
to follow in the footsteps of hero dad Steve and continue his wildlife legacy.  
 Showing maturity beyond her years, Bindi put aside her heartbreak
 for a few precious seconds to let everyone know that despite her tender
age, she has the same love for all creatures great and small.

“I want to help the endangered wildlife like he did” said Bindi in her heart-wrenching
tribute during the memorial serviced for her dad at Australia Zoo last week.
Proud mum Terri, 42, was moved to tears.  But she wouldn’t have expected anything else
from her adorable daughter.  “Steve once said “I was only put on this planet to have Bindi and
(son) Bob” “Bindi has been Steve’s little angel” says Terri  “She shares the same passion and love
 for all the animals on this planet.  She was born with his spirit”.


Cruzan wins the Herding Group!

Thornapple Single Barrel takes a 4 point major (thank you Smooth Collies!)
by winning the Group at the St. Clair Kennel Club Show on September 16!
Thank you Judge Gary Sparschu for this herding group win!
Winners Dog * Best Of Winners * Best Of Breed * Mrs. Sandra E. Ellis
"This dog has the best movement of any Australian Shepherd I've judged!" Mrs. Ellis
Handled by his breeder, Amy Garrison
Owned & Loved by Manoella & Jesus Martin
Congratulations Mr. Sparschu on receiving a
Lifetime Achievement Award from the St. Clair Kennel Club!

Beautiful Cruzan!!!!
Cruzan needs one 3 point major to finish his championship.

Thornapple Scandalous "Nelly" Best Of Breed Puppy * Group 2
St. Clair Kennel Club Fun Match September 15

Thornapple Pucker Up "Pucker" * Reserve Winners Bitch on Saturday
Winners Bitch on Sunday * 1st weekend out in the 6-9 puppy class!
 Handled by Shayna Garrison

NEWS FROM SOUTH AFRICA!!!  Congrats to all who did winning over the weekend (Sept 15 & 16)! 
 Just to let you know … Dollar’s son won BOB at the Australian Shepherd Club’s first Championship show
over a huge entry!  His grandson also won Best SA Bred on show!  Natasha
South African Champion Thornapple Quadratic Equation "Dollar"

Best Junior Handler!   Congratulations Katrine!

News from Sweden! Hi Ellen and Amy J J, Fantastik weekend for Diablo and Jada!!!
Saturday the 16 of September:
 Diablo won BOB and got a new official title Copenhagen winner 2006.
As I always say…………we LOVE titles *LOL*. Later he was selected between the 6 best in the group, but not placed.
Jada became 3 best bitch!!!! Only beaten by 2 champion bitches (one of them was my Angel).
She was the ONLY not champion bitch competing about best bitch!!! She also won her first Danish CC!!!
I think it is fantastic done by such a young bitch that is out of coat!!!
The judge LOVED Jada and Diablo
J J J thanks to Petra Junehall for Diablo’s new title and Jada first CC!!!  
Sunday the 17 of September: Katrine won best junior handler with Diablo.
They are a perfect couple in the junior ring!!! (I think that they will do very good at the word show!!)
The best part of this weeks win is that Katrine is sure of the title “Junior Handler 2006”.
That is the second time she is getting that title. The only picture I have from this weekend is of Katrine and Diablo
I hope that you had a fantastic weekend and won a lot!!! Hug Bitta  
Congratulations Bitta!

Thornapple Dixie Darling takes Winners Bitch at the Lebanon Kennel Club Show September 16!
Maria Neff handling .... Dixie is owned by Tomomi Nakana of Japan .... Judge Paul Thomann

An ASCA Nationals Update from Dianne Escalada!

Erica is having an awesome time! (it would be better if she had a Thornapple to show) 
Last night she Premiered with Odie under Ann DeChant (go Michigan judges!!)
and she took 4th in her junior class under Nikki Hengy.
 (I believe there were 16 or 18 kids in her class)
She made it down to the final sixteen in BOB on Sat. under Sheila Polk with Gabby but did not Premier :(
In agility she won and Q'd twice with Odie on Sat. I think she now has her RJ-N title.
Take care, Dianne  Great Job Erica Escalada!

September 16 - News from Spain!!
Just a quick note to let you know that Epi took today CAC and BOS finnishing with this obligatory
 point his Spanish Championship. More details tomorrow, I arrived at home some minutes ago
with 2180 km driving and a dog show in only 26 hours! Hugs, Ana & Epi
Spanish Champion Thornapple Hot Topic "Epi"

Congratulations Ana!!!!

September 10 - NEWS FROM BITTA IN DENMARK!  My weekend was looooooooog.
We were in Germany to a double dog show. Diablo won open class Saturday
and got a German CC. On Sunday he become BOB and also got a CC.
 Now he has 3 German CC’s – he needs 5 CC’s to become Champion in Germany.
not placed in the Group Sunday but was between the 10 selected J I don’t have any photos
 from the show
Next week we have an international show here in Denmark – it is a title winner show.  
“KBHV06” = Copenhagen winner 2006.
Great weekend for you, Bitta!!!

The top dog list came out today (after the show this weekend).
And Damon is STILL IN THE LEAD!!!! Even if it's very very tight.
 But he's no 1 and it's only three shows left..... So if he doesn't win in the end
we can say that he was in the lead the hold year until it was two shows left!!!!!!!!!
(If it's anyone going over him after next show). LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are very very happy,
 but also very very nervous..... It would have been so funny if he could be top dog!!!!
If he ends up as no 1 you really should try to come here the first weekend in January.
 At that weekend we have a big dog show with celebrating the top dogs!!! Just a thought!
 Hugs, Anna-Lena  
You GO DAMON!  We know you can do it!!!! 

Riot sends (early) Birthday wishes to his brother Toby (owned by Mary Walberg)! They will be
three years old on Thursday. I cannot believe how fast time has
passed. Riot also wants to send kisses to his dad Damon (BIS Ch.
Thornapple Oh Brother) and Lizzie (Thornapple Lizzie McGuire).

Riot is very excited that he is getting a "Barbie bone" dog squeaky
toy for his birthday. He has been eyeing Chante's for months now! *he
also says, he knows what you are thinking, Barbie bone for a boy dog?
And he says boys can play with Barbies if they want to! ;)

Here are some 3 year old photos:



Mercury Australian Shepherds

Happy Birthday, Riot! 

We just got these back from the photographers yesterday! Ami

Thank you for sharing, Ami & Jordan!


September 15 - Ami Boxer has HUGE news from Florida!!!!
Guess what! Jake (red tri in photos) is taking us to the Hampton's!!!!! We
just got the call from his agent in NYC, for his very
first job he is going to be in a Ralph Lauren national
advertisement!!!!! The photo shoot is with a famous
photographer ... we leave on Tuesday, the shoot is on
Wednesday (we will stay in NYC with my sister) and
then on Thursday Jake will get to go to Rockefeller
Center, Times Square, ride the subway, and go to
central park!  Ami

This is outstanding news Ami!  Congratulations!
Jake is our Chante's hubby!

September 19th Update!
our flight leaves at 8ish... so that Jordan could go
to work today and I to school. Plus Jake could not go
when the heat is 85 or higher and it is definitely
still that hot! (this weekend it is going to cool off
a bit which will be nice)... so we will get in around
11pm tonight sleep near the airport and then drive 1.5
hours in the morning to the shoot... then to my
sister's in the evening for dinner and then a night
with the dog on the town... hahahaha.. Jake will have
so many silly photos.. I think I am more excited about
the prospect of the funny photos... but the shoot will
be so interesting...

My sister's employer says that there is no better
fashion photographer and Jake is playing with the big
boys! We have been proofing his stays all week... he
seems ready and his color is lovely and mahogany so
lets keep our fingers crossed all goes off without a
hitch and more jobs are on the horizon! Ami

September 22, 2006 Update!
We are back, what an amazing time we had. Jake certainly has done some
special things in his life. We are so lucky to have such an amazing boy. In
48 hours he took NYC by storm. He flew like a champ and took it all in
stride. We arrived at the hotel at 2:44am on the same day as the photo shoot
(since our flight was delayed 3 hours due to the President being in NYC) and
then we drove to the Hamptons.

I must say I will return to the Hamptons as soon as possible, it was
beautiful. We saw some of the most amazing houses driving to the location.
When we got to the shoot, we were in love with the house, it was right on
the beach and had a pool on the second story. The house was very modern with
concrete floors and cork floors. This is very much Jordan and my taste so we
were so excited to see what we will get one day (fingers crossed). The Ralph
Lauren people were just so nice. Everyone was for that matter. We ate great
food and relaxed. It was a dream. The photographer, Bruce Weber was as down
to earth as they come. He has 5 Goldens himself, so he was great with Jake.

Jake was used on the beach shoot. They constructed a whole set on the beach.
It was beautiful. Jake did great, he even was in a photo all by himself! (no
models at all) With shoes... It was like a dream watching Bruce shoot the
photos, watching the models enter the photo, it was as if you were staring
at an ad in Vogue. We could not have asked for better weather, better
people, or a more amazing opportunity.

The food was also amazing, lobster tails, and all kinds of salads, desserts,
champagne... we were "roughing it"...

Jake was part of the Lauren collection shoot - this is for Spring 2007 (so
February). He should be in RL's stores, in all stores (MACY's Bloomies,
Barney's, Nordstrom, etc.) that sell Lauren, mailers, catalogue, website,
and fashion magazines!

I am attaching some photos we took ourselves prior to the photo shoot and
some in NYC.

We got to visit my sister who just moved there. She has a great apartment.
We had so much fun! Jake LOVED the city... what can I say that is one
special red head! Ami


We cannot wait for the Ralph Lauren Spring Collection Ad Campaign!!!!