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October Begins 2006


Friday the 13th *** We aren't superstitious!  New CH Thornapple Pure Poison!

Dior finished in style by winning Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Breed!
 Judge Mrs. Cathy H. Daugherty * Mad River Valley KC * Urbana, Ohio
"She is cute as hell!" Mrs. Daugherty at photos ...
Handled to her championship by Coleen "Kelly" Zartman
assisted on her last single point by Victoria Davidson ***

October 14 *** Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best of Breed ***
ASCA/UKC CH Thornapple Red Dirt Road "Rasheed"

Winners Bitch *** Thornapple Dixie Darling "Dixie"
Judge Mr. Howard M. Yost * Licking River KC * Urbana, Ohio
Owned by Tomomi Nakano of Japan * Handled by Maria Neff ***

Best Junior Handler * Maria Neff
Judge Mr. Howard Yost

October 15 *** NEW CHAMPION!  Our 12th 2006 Champion!

Winners Dog * Best Of Winners * Best Of Breed
AKC/ASCA CH Thornapple Red Dirt Road "Rasheed"

Judge Gary R. Carr * Mad River Valley KC * Urbana, Ohio
Handled to his championship by Maria Neff ***

1st Place * Open Senior Handling * Maria Neff
Judge Gary R. Carr

October 12 * First snowfall of the season!!!! 5" in all!  Just had to share! 

Happy Weekend Wishes!!!! 


















CH Thornapple Aftershock "Diablo"

Diablo & Jada win in Denmark!   News from Bitta:

The show on Sunday went well J It was a small show for just Herding & Working dogs
 (not Danish kennel club).
Jada became second best bitch, got here 2’nd Danish CC!!!
and became BIS 2 for juniors
J J J handled by Katrine J Diablo won best of breed
 and got his last (and 4’th) club CC – so he is now Danish club champion.
He later became BIS 2.  It is a official title
J J I just LOVE titles J He now has 5 titles J J

  • American champion

  • Danish Champion

  • Norwegian Champion

  • Danish club champion

  • Copenhagen winner 2006

 Hug and Love from, Diablo, Jada and Bitta

Thornapple What The Doc Ordered "Jada" with Katrine!

It's a Group 2 for Shamba October 8!
Stone City Kennel Club * Best of Breed & Group 2 * Judge Mrs. Patricia A. Gellerman

News from Anna-Lena in Sweden, October 8 ***
CH Thornapple Oh Brother "Damon"

It was a "big" kennel club show with 2.700 entries. And Damon became BIS-2!!!!!!!
He now took some good points for top dog :-)))))))))))
The American Cocker became group-2 and the poodle had missed the entry....
So we still cross fingers.  He's in the lead. But it's two BIG shows left. Hugs A-L

Anna Lena sends news of Enya! 
Thornapple Summer Squeeze

And here is some photos of a new groomed Enya.... LOL!!!!! She's a STAR!!!!!!!!!!
She's just lovely. I was alone when I took the photos. I just said to her stay,
and she moved her feet correct and than I said to her to stay there at the same place.....
She just stood there.... LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so good with Niklas training ... Hugs A-L
Now we're home from the first show. It was a small show just for
working dogs ... Enya became BIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Russell & Sandy Sharp check in from South Carolina with news
Thornapple Black Code "Armani" won Best of Winners & Best of Breed
on Saturday, October 7, at the Augusta KC show in South Carolina.
Judge Mr. Frank McCartha * Handled by Russell Sharp

Congratulations Sandstone Aussies!

The Falconers send news from New Zealand October 8!

CH Thornapple Hot Temptation "Zippo"

Attached find photos of Allan, Zippo and Chelsea as Zippo won DCC, BOB & BEST OF GROUP
 yesterday at the Champ shows in Kerikeri in the North part of New Zealand.  Chelsea handled Zippo for BOB
and Intermediate of Group and for Intermediate of Show.  The two are really starting to get it together. 
Kerikeri is so beautiful, and as we had never been there before, left early and traveled up slowly
 to take in all the beautiful scenery.  It was a really super venue, close to the town and and beautiful caravan park
 is where we stayed.  Boy, if it was not so far away from everywhere else, I would love to live around there.  Di