Mailbox #6




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Thornapple Blue Carribean @ 6 months. Sire Ch Bluestems Man-O-Firethorn - dam Ch Thornapple Honey I'm Home. Owned by Jodi McClellan of Wisconsin.

Blue with her best bud, Dodge.

Blue loves the Wisconsin snow!

It's here somewhere!

Thornapple Live Wire "Surge" co-owned with James & Heidi Smith of Buffalo, NY. Sire Ch Thornapple Code Red - dam Thornapple Diamonds OnHer Soles.

Riot and Jake at the beach in Florida

Riot ready to hit the waves!

Jake and surfing partner, Riot!

Some dogs have all the fun! At the beach in Florida in February 05 ... Riot and Jake owned by Ami Boxer


Riot & Jake

Comet Markos ...sire Ch Thornapple Climate Controlled - dam Ch Thornapple What It Takes

Ch Thornapple Seldom Scene "Phantom" at 12 years of age. Owned by Walter Gavin.

Phantom at 12!

Phantom and his new playmate!

Ch Thornapple Seldom Scene "Phantom" at 12 years old.

Here are a few pics from this weekend! Hannah is the Sheltie, she is nearly 14 years old and doesnt look a day over 2! Ami

Miss Hannah

Miss Hannah and family!

A beautiful family photo! Riot ... Jake ... Hannah ... Jordan & Ami!

Rasera & Paola's darling baby girl!

Thornapple End OfThe Rainbow "Rain" sire Ch TeAmos Top Gun Wild Child - dam Elite's Black Jewel - owned by Betsy Hamkens - North Dakota

Rain retrieving the dumbell!



Rain & Breeze!

Thornapple He Stole My Heart "Bandit" owned by Kim and Kirk Rascher, Chicago, Illinois


Thornapple Duffy Daugherty owned by Bill & Diane Niedbala, Arlington Heights, Illinois

Thornapple Hot Topic "Epi" enjoying the snow in Spain.


Thornapple Live Wire "Surge" co-owned with James & Heidi Smith, Silon Aussies, New York

Surge & Ernie!

Thornapple Mythical Spice It Up "Velma" - owned by Nora Gregor of Chicago, Illinois

