DEC 2004




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DEC 2004









Diablo wishes everyone a very Happy Holiday!



BAH HUMBUG!!!!  Vikki Davidson's kitty, Carmel!

If Santa is NICE to me ... maybe I WILL wish you 

Shamba wins his 33rd BEST IN SHOW!
CH Thornapple King Of Diamonds

December 19, 2004

Super Congratulations Marcia & Rasera!!!!
Marcia tells us that she had to go back 5 years to find a dog whose show record comes close
 to Shamba's show record in Brazil!  She found a Pug who won 23 Best In Shows. 
No show dog in the recent future has come close to Shamba's record!
We are checking to see if Shamba's record stands at #1.

CH Thornapple King Of Diamonds

Shamba IS KING! 

Marcia's reports in:

The season is over and Shamba won today 3 BIS with Judges Mario Renato Duarte, Ann Joe Sampaio
and Ramon Podestá ( from Chile). Shamba was the only dog who won the three Group 1 and following the three BIS !!!!!!
After the show was over we offered some Pro Seco and petit fours to the people that  were still at the show
( not many, mostly the Sunshine helpers, the good friends always at hand the Judges and stewards!
 It was wonderful! and Shamba ran an "Olympic" run with Rasera after that he jumped over at Rasera´s lap!
 It was BEAUTIFUL I cried and cried of joy!
Then now we have to start thinking about Florida Circuit, Eukanuba Cup and the GARDEN!!!!!!
I could be sleepless all night just thinking about this dream coming true!
Thanks again for your trust is our job!

Ohio snowstorm at the Neff's, December 22!  Scorch and Mira romping in 12" of snow in Ohio!

From Simone, Matthias & Quinn Schneble in Germany! 
We will wish you and your family Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
 Quinn gives you a lot of hugs and we love you and hope we will see us in 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Netherlands:  We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Successful 2005!!
I promise next year we will have a different breed on the X-Mas card ;-)))
We are anxiously waiting for the arrival of Bliss, so lots of fun with her to look forward too!
Jacco & Bianca Heideveld


I have many brave friends and loved ones affected by this war. 
 Let's remember them and pray for them all on this "FREE" Christmas season! 
God Bless you all!  Brenda Albrecht

A Christmas Message from Michael Wilson, Sudan:

Season’s Greetings to all,
This is just a wish for a wonderful holiday season to all from someone who cannot send Christmas cards.
 I am sending it a few days early since some of you will undoubtedly go away for Christmas. Some of you who
 get this message will receive it while surrounded by loved ones in the comfort of your homes in America or Europe.
 A few of the recipients will receive it, if they are able to at all, in far less comfortable circumstances. They may be
far from friends and loved ones and, in some cases, in harm’s way. (By the way, I only fit in the “far from friends
 and loved ones” category.) Please, those of you in the first circumstance, do not forget those in the latter.
For those of you who believe in the power of prayer this might be a good time to pray for peace and,
 even more important perhaps, freedom and justice in the world. A peaceful life of slavery is really not worth much.

Yesterday I visited the village of Angolo. This extended village of more than twelve thousand has neither
 health facilities nor clinicians of any skill level. There is no electricity. Six or seven problematic wells provide the
only water; water which must be pumped up by worn out hand pumps. Sporadic rains and a plague of birds
that ate a good portion of what grain there was resulted in a poor harvest that will not in all likelihood see the village
through the year. They have three teachers for all the village children and no school facilities of any kind. When I
asked them what they needed most they responded that the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement,
a more reliable water supply and some assistance with primary education for their children were their main priorities.
I could really promise them none of these, but believe that they will be in my prayers on Christmas.

If this story of those who have so little asking for so little makes your Table Grace more sincere; if it moves some
of you who would not ordinarily offer a prayer of thanks for your blessings at your holiday feast…good.
God bless you all.  Michael Wilson

From Germany:  We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year! 
Greetings , Ulla, Georg and the Gang

From the Berteros in Brazil!

From Sweden:

Here in Sweden the life is on top...Sarah, Damon and Enya.
From all of us to all of you!!!!

Christmas Greetings from  Katja Rauhut in Germany!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2005!
Gorka Family & Sherry

More Christmas Greetings!

December 9, 10, 11 & 12

Crown Classic * Cleveland Ohio

We are proud to introduce Jessica.  Jessica is a huge Australian Shepherd fan!
She comes to visit us each year at the Crown Classic in Cleveland.
Jessica would LOVE to own an Australian Shepherd! 
She has dreams of being a Junior Handler!
We KNOW that she will be an AWESOME Junior Handler!
We were honored to meet Jessica's aunt this year.  She brings Jessica to the show each year.
Jessica's aunt is willing to take her to dog shows if her mom gives the okay to own an Aussie!
We hope that Jessica's dream comes true!
After helping us potty dogs and working Spitfire on lead, Jessica declared,
"This is the best day of my life."  Good luck Jessica! 

CH Thornapple Aftershock "Diablo"

Diablo takes back-to-back 5 pt. majors to finish his

championship at the Crown Classic in Cleveland Ohio!

Judges Mrs. Joan Fox * Best of Winners 

Marion D. Ward-Fanning * Winners Dog.  Expertly handled by James Smith

Handled to Best of Winners by Victoria Davidson.

"A breath of fresh air." Mrs. Joan Fox


CH Thornapple Aftershock "Diablo"









Thornapple Power Drive "Sobe"
Winners Dog * Crown Classic * 5 point major!
Judge Sandy I. Wheat * Owner handled by Jennifer Poe
Sobe also took Reserve Winners Dog to Diablo under Joan Fox.

Great Job Jenny!  Congratulations!

Maria Neff * Open Senior Junior Handler  with Ch Ragtime Vertical Horizon "Mira"
Maria took a 2nd place on Friday against stiff competition from all over the country!

AND Maria wins a leg in Open Agility with her dog, Buddy, to finish his Open Title.
Congratulations Maria!

Kelly Hatton & Vikki Davidson engaged in serious conversation!

Okay, maybe it's not so serious!

Sure wonder what's so funny?

It's nice to see KellyHatton at the dog shows again.  We've known Kelly since he was a young,
very talented, ASCA Junior Handler! Kelly and his mom, Judy Hatton, used to come to our
farm every summer for our ASCA shows.

CH Thornapple Won By A Landslide "Reagan"
Reagan finished in Chicago this weekend.  Reagan is handled a by Kim McDowell.
Reagan was bred by Amy G, Ellen B. & Andrea Allen
Reagan finished her championship in two weekends!  WAY TO GO!!!!


Thornapples were busy around the world this weekend!!!!

Marie and Janne report in from Finland:

You have already heard the results from the big show in Stockholm but we tell them again. Jag
won the BOB and the bitch who got BOB in Helsinki got BOS here in Stockholm.
These two dogs (Jag & bitch) are the Aussies who take BOB and BOS in the shows!!!
Am Ch NORDW-03 FINW-04 SW-04 Thornapple Hot Wheels...that is Jags titles today!!!!
and more is coming:-)

Congratulations Jag on your Best Of Breed win at the huge Stockholm dog show.
Over 7000 dogs were entered with over 30000 spectators.  32 Aussies were entered. 
In a special "Breeder Competition" Thornapple took FIRST PLACE!!!  A HUGE thank you
to Anna-Lena & Niklas Munkvall (Sweden) & Marie & Janne Ekholm (Finland)
for representing our kennel to such a prestigious win!
And congratulations Anna-Lena & Niklas on your Group 3 win with your
Champion American Norfolk Terrier!

AND Big News from England!!!!

ITS OFFICIAL!  Lorenzo is top Pastoral dog by one point he has done the
double again for the second year running !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOO

 From a very happy Jayne and Lorenzo !!!!!!!

Lorenzo takes Best Of Breed and a Group 3 win at a championship show!
Lorenzo and Jayne are back!!!  Lorenzo is #1 Pastoral, #1 Rare Breed Dog (All Breed)
and #1 Australian Shepherd for 2004!  Congratulations Jayne Holligan on a great year
with your boy Ch Thornapple Climate Controlled.


Ami Boxer has good news!
At the Orlando Saturday AKC show, Riot,
(UKC Ch. Thornapples Causin An Uproar CGC, HCT-1, ASCA ptd) took
WD/BOS for his first points in AKC, a 4 point major =) over
specials....Judge Mr. Norman Herbel 
Both Jordan and I are so proud of our boy, he loves to
show!  The weather was just perfect for dog shows this weekend in
Florida, sunny and upper 60s!

Big Congrats to Ami & Riot on your 1st major win!!!!!


 From Michael Wilson, Sudan:  Congratulations on all your winning over the last week or so! 
Good job by you and all the Thornapple owners, handlers, etc.

 While you may not get B.O.B. every time out, you ARE a lock for B.O.W.S. (Best Of Web Sites) every time out! 
Another great effort.  Keep up the good work.

By the way, how about that sexy girl holding the MSU Dancers Poster!  I'm really looking forward to getting it. 
Thanks again.    Michael  

Village Meeting in Sudan

From Michael Wilson - SITREP #11
Here is your poster, Michael!

Michael's wife, Karen Wilson, joined us for the Crown Classic in Cleveland.
Karen is pictured taking possession of the MSU Dance Team poster
for her hubby, Michael.  Michael will be home on leave from Sudan
in January.  He plans to take his new poster back with him.


December arrives with a very special Birthday celebration!
On Saturday, December 4, we celebrated birthdays for two
very important Thornapples, Vikki Davidson & Candy Prince!

Candy Prince & Vikki Davidson - Birthday girls!

Birthday wishes do come true!

Austen Garrison, Keziah Prince & Matt Cain enjoy the birthday festivities!

Candy's wish comes true!  A swirling maple leaf garden sculpture....
 to hang from the porch of her new kennel - Maplewoods Australian Shepherds

A bluebird house for Vikki!

Erika & Keziah Prince & Fancy Davidson wish their moms Happy Birthday!

Mom and Daughter * Fancy & Keziah

Thornapple Candy Apple Red "Bosha"

December 5, 2004

Maria Neff takes Best Junior Handler!  Entry of 35 Junior Handlers!
Edwardsville Illinois Kennel Club Sunday Juniors - Judge Mr. Roderick Thompson
Congratulations Maria & Mira!

Thornapple Aftershock "Diablo" pictured in November 2004

AND Diablo takes Winners Dog On Sunday, December 6!
Judge Mrs. Patti Widick Neale * Eastern Dog Club, Inc.
James Smith handling.  Thank you James & Heidi Smith!


News from Finland ....

It was a long time I write to you. But all thing is good with us over here. Jag  is still a very
good boy, we have not show him so much, but now we just have coming home from Finland´s
biggest show in the year. And wooow we hade a very good weekend, Jag was this time
ONLY BOS, but we are happy, becourse he is not in coat. And he have get a new title. He is now 
Am.Ch and Nordic winner-03 and FIN winner-04 !!!!

It was a show whit over 6000 entries. And we have 3 of Jenny and Jag babies whit us only 1year
 and 2 mounts all get exellent prize, Gun Lake Thorn´s Vanilla (Pipsa) get certificate and a new
 title Junior winner-04 and she was 2 best female, and the first female get BOB. Only 1 years old
female lady, I am so happy. The judges love this Pipsa so much. And her brother Gun Lake Thorn´s
Pancake (Jorpes) get certificate too. Only 2 certifikat distribute on a show, one in the bitces class
and one in the male class. And we get them both !!!! And that is not often junior could take the cert.
The Jenny and Jag litter has been so very good, so I will do that cross again. When we come home
tonight Jenny was in heat, so we breed her again wiht Jag. And I hope we can have lovely puppies
 in February.

I have spok with Anna-Lena and next weeken I meet up with her and Damon. I am realy interessted to
 use him, but I could not take the trip to Damon just now with Jenny to Damon, becourse I was on the
big show in Helsinki. But if I dont find a nice female who is in heat under the time Damon are in
Sweden. I hope that is ok for you, if I coult take semen of Damon ?

Next weekend we have the show in Sweden, we are ther, but Jag is not in coat, so I think Damon
 get the BOB very easy, that is not so many aussies in that show only 35 ! In Finland at some show we
 have 80 aussies in the show ring. Anna-Lena spok about some breed class we could have in Stockholm,
 a Thornapple breedclass. Offcourse I will do that. That will be very fanny to get a thornapple group
at the show.

Oh my englich is bad, I am so tired after the show and that we do tonight, breed Jenny and Jag. I will
send you pictures and we will put some on our homepage too, under news.

One time more I will thank you, for that you have sold us so very very nice, good looking and
 healty aussies and thank you for all suport you get us under all years. Thank you for all that. 
Take Care   Marie Ekholm

and Junior Handling News from Germany:

Hello,  I´m come back from America 2 month ago. Now I found time to write you.  I had a wonderfull time
and enjoyed my trip to USA and Canada.  My Tibetan Terrier Girl got fantastic results
 she finished her Amer. and Can Champion. She won all 19 shows her class and won Winners bitch.
She won 8 out of 9 possible Best of breeds+ BIG3 and BIG in Canada and in america she won 2 out of
10 possible Best of Breeds.  I also took part in Juniors and was thrilled to get such great results.  In Canada
 I won Junior handling with a australian Shepherd girl.

And in America I won 3 times in row the novice senior class with my Tibetan Terrier. the last 7 shows I got:
 1x 4th, 2x 3rd, 1x 2nd and won the lastday the open senior and went best Juniorhandler with my
 tibetan Terrier : I worked with Kathy Mines, she teached me alot.

I´m thinking about to take a australian shepherd for the Junior handling final at Crufts 2005.
 Maybe I can get lorenzo ;) It depends on mrs. Cartledge who will organize the Junirohandling Dogs.

Hope to see you at Crufts and to hear you soon.  Greetings to you Junior handlers.  Katja