SEPT #1 2004




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JULY 2004
SEPT #1 2004
SEPT #2 2004
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NOV #2 2004
DEC 2004








September 2004 - Page 1

The weeks of September  ....  What fun we have had!!!!
It takes 2 pages to tell you how much!

Week of September 1st!

We have company from New Zealand!!  Welcome Di Falconer (above) &
Coralee Jones (below)!  We've have been very busy!  On Thursday (Sept. 2), we took
a drive to Fowlerville to visit Amy and wish her a Happy Birthday!
We just had to have a puppy fix at Amy's and
snap some photos!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

L- R Thornapple Mississippi Mud *** Ch Thornapple Single Barrel *** Ch Thornapple Kiddie Cocktail
Just Chillin' At Amy's House!

"ZIPPO" will be out with Amy until March 2005 at which time he will travel to New Zealand.
We know that you and your husband, Alan, will love Zippo as much as we do!

Thornapple Hot Temptation "Zippo"
sired by ASCA CH Ragtime Light It Up * dam Thornapple Takes Control
whelped 1/10/2004

Baby Zippo!  He is sooo cute!

Weekend of September 4 & 5

Maria Neff was busy at an ASCA show weekend of September 4 & 5th!

Congratulations Maria on winning Best Junior Handler under Judges Annette Cyborn & Laura Shivers.
AND Best of Winners under Judge Sue Sellers Rose with AKC CH Ragtime Vertical Horizon!

Steve Seeler reports in from Illinois.  His boy, Thornapple Blue Crush "Zak"  
competed at his first agility trial this past weekend!
Zack did an awesome job, taking all 1st place awards and HIGH IN TRIAL!
Watch for this young dog to do great things! (Zak is a full brother to Thornapple Jose Cuervo
& Thornapple Straight Up)

Lorenzo - Ch Thornapple Climate Controlled -  went to City of Birmingham Championship Show he was BOB and Group 2!

Goose taking advantage of the Holiday weekend!

Riot and Jake enjoying a happy Labor Day Florida weekend IN SPITE of Hurricane Frances!


Rachel Brandenburg wins a spot on the MSU Dance Team!  Rachel is 2nd right on top.
50 talented dancers auditioned .... 6 were chosen!!!!!
Rachel performed at her first MSU Football game September 11!
MSU ruled defeating Central Michigan University!
CONGRATULATIONS Rachel!!!!  We are VERY PROUD of you!!!!

Austen Garrison poses above with some of the MSU Football team members.
Amy and her husband, Shane, and their son, Austen,  visited with the MSU Dance Team
and the MSU Football Team at the Meridian Mall in Okemos, Michigan. 

Shane & Austen Garrison with the MSU Dance Team.  Rachel is far right.

Cousins!  Rachel Brandenburg and Amy Garrison! 
Thank you Amy for buying a disposable camera and snapping these photos!

MSU Dance Team with MSU Football coach, John L. Smith.  Rachel 2nd left on top.


Ellen and family traveled to Remus, Michigan to attend
the 31st annual
Wheatland Music Festival. 
Our family has attended this traditional arts and music festival for the past 26 years.

Aaron Brandenburg jamming on his mandolin. 

Amy's Dad - Jim Brandenburg - has never missed a Wheatland Music Festival!

Amy & Shayna, Vikki Davidson,  Coleen Zartman and our visitors from New Zealand,
Di Falconer and Coralee Jones, exhibited our dogs at the St. Clair Kennel Club show in Goodells, Michigan.

On Saturday, Thornapple Duramax "Diesel" was Best Of Winners with Amy handling.
On Sunday, Di's new boy, Thornapple Hot Temptation "Zippo" was Winners Dog with Amy handling.

Thornapple Duramax "Diesel" Best Of Winners * St. Clair KC * September 11, 2004
(sorry our boy is naked!)

Thornapple Hot Temptation "Zippo" Winners Dog * St. Clair KC * September 12, 2004

Amy & gang also showed our puppies at the St. Clair Kennel Club All Breed Puppy Match on Saturday evening.
Coleen handled Thornapple Red Hot Outlaw to a group 1! 

Zippo - Thornapple Hot Temptation - gives his new mom, Di Falconer of New Zealand,  big kisses at the St. Clair Kennel Club Show

Shayna Garrison grooms her puppy, Thornapple All Fired Up "JayDe" at the St. Clair KC show

Thornapple Red Hot Outlaw "Scorch" wins the Herding Group at the St. Clair KC fun match.

Reporting in from BRAZIL!!!!!

Shamba was beautiful today in Rio de Janeiro! Mr. Adriano Bossa from
Argentina and Mrs. Neide Paduano!!!!!!!!!Two BIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And tomorrow we might go for another two!!!!!!!!
Shamba has now 25 BIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you again for allowing me to have him!
Marcia Berna Bertero

And of course!!!!
Another BIS today with judge Mr. Patricio Musa from Chile!!!!
That makes all together 26 Best in Shows!

Congratulations Marcia and Rasera on a JOB WELL DONE THIS WEEKEND!!!!

CH Thornapple King Of Diamonds pictured with Susan Blum * August 2004