June #1 2005




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June 30 - June 13, 2005

At the 2005 POPCORN CLUSTER in Valparaiso, Indiana!
And our gang burned up the rings!

Thornapple Chaos OfThe Heart

CH Thornapple Cafe Mocha

 June 23 - Valparaiso Kennel Club
Amy, Vikki, Jenny, Carol, Bill, Maria & Deb are in Valparaiso, Indiana.
News for today - Thornapple Chaos OfThe Heart "Fracas"
is Winners Bitch!  Co/owned with & handled by Jenny Poe.
Thornapple Funny Honey "Roxie" Reserve Winners Bitch, handled by Maria Neff.
Best Of Breed is CH Thornapple Cafe Mocha "Bailey"
owner handled by Carolyn Zernick.

Judge George Murray

Thornapple Chaos OfThe Heart

Shayna Garrison & Lumidee win two 1st place awards in Open Junior handling!

And, Congratulations Shayna Garrison on your 4th first place
 Open Junior Handling award!  6 more wins
 & you are Westminster bound!

Thornapple Powercore beating the heat!  TEMPS IN THE HIGH 90s ALL WEEKEND!

June 24 - Valparaiso Kennel Club
The results are in!  Thornapple Powercore Reserve Winners Dog -
Thornapple Chaos OfThe Heart Winners Bitch
& Ch Thornapple Cafe Mocha Best Of Breed!
Judge Sulie Greendale Paveza
And Congratulations Shayna Garrison on your 5th first place
Open Junior Handling award!  Only 5 wins to go!
And GREAT JOB Maria .... Best Junior Handler today!

Maria Neff & Grace * two Best Junior Handler awards!

Autumn Wind As You Like It

June 25 - Michiana Kennel Club
Congratulations Bill & Carolyn - Reserve Winners Dog
Autumn Wind As You Like It "Shakespeare" (sired by our Rowdy)
And Congratulations Maria Neff winner of Best Junior Handler - 2 days in a row!
Shayna Garrison was not entered Saturday & Sunday due to a wedding in the family.

NEW CH Thornapple Red Hot Outlaw

June 26 - Berrien Kennel Club
New Champion!  CH Thornapple Red Hot Outlaw!  "Scorch"
Winners Dog & Best Of Breed to finish his championship
under Judge Dr. Theo Kjellstrom.
Due to extremely high temps, Scorch was not shown in Group.
And Best Opposite Sex CH Thornapple Cafe Mocha!  Congratulations Carolyn & Bill!

A Heartfelt Thank You!    

Thank you Maria & Debbie Neff for your HARD WORK, DEDICATION and OUTSTANDING PRESENTATION of Scorch! 
We appreciate your commitment and THANK YOU for a job WELL DONE!  Sadly, Maria was not able to handle Scorch to his final win, today.
Due to a medical emergency with one of their dogs,Debbie & Maria had to rush home for emergency veterinary care this morning. Even though
Maria was not in the ring with Scorch today, she was in his heart!

Thank You Kelly Zartman for buying a show outfit from a dog show vendor
and stepping in to handle Scorch on short notice!!

PRETTY IN PINK!  Beautiful junior handlers! 
L-R Maria, Ashley, Shayna & Michelle!

Carolyn Zernick brought a beautiful birthday cake for Mother Thornapple!
Unfortunately, Mother T had to stay home to whelp Miss Mattie May puppies
and could not join her wonderful family for her birthday celebration!
Thank you too all of my wonderful Thornapple family around the world,
for Happy Birthday wishes!  I love you all!
(and to my "son" Mark Schlarb ... You ARE forgiven for missing your "mom's" birthday!)

And THANK YOU Jonathon Green (Jenny Poe's son)
for all of your hard work this weekend! 
 We couldn't have done it without your help!

Jenny Addie & Nell send news from Georgia!

Nell won two events in Gainsville, Georgia this weekend - novice weavers and open tunnelers.
We are off to a very big weekend in Alpharetta for the fourth of July.
It will be wonderful to have my dog at my side after knee surgery.
I think I need to wear PINK.  All our love Jenny and Nell.

Diane Keedy called to tell us that Miss Chante - CH Thornapple Staight Up -
won her 2nd major today to finish her championship in Orlando, Florida! 
Thank you Diane & Ami Boxer for finishing Chante with 2 majors!

Kathryn Ross-Nash reports in from the East Coast!

Goose took RWD again today and Ex went breed (over 5 other specials!!!).
Zoe and Mav got another first in Novice!!!  Kath 

Thornapple Dixie Darling "Dixie" owned by Tomomi Nakano * Oita, Japan
and unnamed Thornapple Ragtime Goodman going to Claudine Bayle * Montoison, France

New Puppy Photos!

Thornapple Glam It Up "Glamour"

From Chris Reedy * tireless Michigan Aussie Rescue volunteer rep:

SSG Greg Reedy has arrived in Afghanistan for his year long tour
(start counting, 364 days to go:). As soon as he reaches his final destination he'll send me
 his mailing address. Some of you wanted to send him a note and that's wonderful.
 He'll really appreciate the thoughts from home.  In case anyone would like to e-mail him:
Please keep him in your thoughts for a safe mission and a safe, speedy return. Thanks, Chris

Blackhorse Mountain in Afghanistan

June 18 & 19 
Another great weekend "up north" in beautiful
 Traverse City on the Grand Traverse Bay of Lake Michigan.
The weather was much more comfortable then the sizzling temps
of the previous weekend, even chilly enough to don winter coat
 on Friday evening.

Thornapple Power Core "Spitfire" won Winners Dog & Best Of Breed
 on Saturday under Roger Hartinger.

Thornapple Kiddie Cocktail "Shirley Temple"
won Winners Bitch & Best Opposite Sex on Saturday
under Roger Hartinger  & Winners Bitch & Best Of Breed
on Sunday under Mrs. Donna Buxton.

Thornapple Pot Of Gold "Jack Sparrow"
won Winners Dog, under Mrs. Donna Buxton, on Sunday.


Thornapple Baja Blast "Burst"
Best Puppy on Saturday and Puppy Group 3!

Shayna Garrison & Lumidee won 1st place on Saturday for Shayna's 3rd win towards Westminster!

Erika Prince won Best Of Breed Saturday & Sunday with her Lowchen, Maverick!

Amy's family stopped for a visit!
L-R Amy's sister, Jill, Amy's mom, Barb & nephews, Zack & Matt.
Shayna & Austen hold Zack & Matt's family dog.

A picnic on Saturday evening!  Candy & Erika's yummy salad, famous beans
& homemade strawberry shortcake, steaks grilled to perfection &
Kelly's perfect macaroni salad topped off with Michigan asparagus
and Florida sweet corn, made for a delicious dinner! 
Erika's Grandma & Dad joined us for the cookout!

Ch Thornapple Here's Your Chance --- Miss Fancy enjoyed the picnic!

Dazzley puppies have fun at the picnic! Pictured above .... black tri male.

Thornapple Ragtime Blu My Mind "Janis"

News from around the world!

Anna-Lena reports:
Thornapple got a new group winner in SIR Damon!!!!!!!
 He won a group in a show
with nearly 3000 dogs entered! Now all of our Thornapple
 dogs have won group/groups in Sweden!!!! Congratulations
to Jayne and Helene who won BOB with Mr Lorenzo
 on an other show today! I also want to tell you that Enya
is #25 & Damon is #29 on Top Dog in Sweden (All Breeds!). 
 Our Norfolk is still in the the lead. (#1) But how about
the two Thornapple dogs in the 30 best...Hugs Anna-Lena

From Kathryn Ross-Nash,
Great news for you guys!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a great weekend
with Ex and Mav getting qualifying scores on Sheep and Ex
going Breed with two breeder Judges both days! Mav also got
 a leg for his CD (just don't ask his score!!!) He
 thought that he should sit on lead when he was in the
 white fences!!!! hee hee hee) Kath

Ami Boxer & Chante had a good day in Florida!
Big show news from Florida, Chante - Thornapple Straight Up
- is making quite a "splash" down in Florida. She has now
 been shown two weekends and has picked up a total of 5
points, with one 4 point major! This past weekend we
headed to the Lakeland Kennel Club shows, there was a 4 point
 major in both dogs and bitches 15,15 (1,2). On Saturday we
showed under Mrs. Marianne Gladstone. It was a very exciting
win with everyone cheering us on. Chante won the Open Blue
class out of 5 and then took WB. In BOB she pulled us out to
the front after she went over the specials, I was really hoping,
but we ended up takin BOW.

Maria gaiting Larry (Thornapple Git R Done) at the puppy match &
showing Roxie to a Puppy Group 3 in Ohio.  Roxie won
Reserve Winners Bitch & Best Puppy.  Scorch won Winners Dog on Sunday.

How are you doing on the shows? I hope and trust well!!!! We just took a photo
of silly Miss Bliss this morning. We were working indoors, preparing for our holiday.
The dogs were outside, it’s warm and sunny here.
When we came downstairs we
Miss Bliss had found herself a new spot ……LOL Bianca

Thank you Bianca, Debbie & Betsy for sharing!

Betsy Hamkens sent  photos of Rain!
Thank you Betsy for your winning photo!

Thornapple Funny Honey --- Roxie says "make me beautiful"!
Thank you Debbie for sending this award winning photo!
Roxie is owned by Robert Harland & Penny Richards of England.