May #1 2005




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May 31 - May 14  

We celebrated our Memorial Day Holiday Weekend by
 doing 4 AKC shows at the Apple Blossom Cluster
 in Kalamazoo, Michigan!

Memorial Day is a National Holiday set aside
to honor the brave men and women of the armed services
who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country!

What a way to end the month of May!!! 

Thornapple Bring It Home "Brodie" * Winners Dog & Best Opposite Sex on Friday
& Reserve Winners Dog on Saturday * Owner handled by Sharon Young

Thornapple Tandem Axel "Axel" took Reserve Winners Dog to Brodie on Friday.

Thornapple Quadra Trac "Wrangler" * Winners Bitch & Best of Winners on Friday
& Reserve Winners Bitch on Saturday * Handled by Vikki Davidson


Thornapple I'll Never Leave "Lumidee" * Winners Bitch & Best Of Winners for a
3 point major on Sunday & Winners Bitch on Monday * Owner handled by Shayna Garrison.

Win photos with Mrs. Joan Kefelli!

BEST JUNIOR HANDLER! Shayna Garrison * 9 years old
BIG WIN from the Open Junior Class!  Shayna's 2nd time competing in Open Junior!
Entry of 33 Junior Handlers!

Win Photos for Best Junior Handler! 
Thank you Booth Photo for the complimentary photo!

Sleepy Lumi!  A winning girl needs her beauty sleep!

Thornapple That's Showbiz "Sinatra" made his debut in Kzoo!
Sinatra took Reserve Winners Dog on Monday from the 6-9 puppy class!

Beautiful Fracas watches Mom (Jenny Poe) in the ring!
Thornapple Chaos OfThe Heart  *  sired by Ch Te - Amos Top Gun Wild Child

Birthday Girl!  Jenny Poe!

Dichoric glass by Jenny Poe!

IN Saline Michigan Maria Neff was hard at work!
We dropped by the ASCA show on Saturday to visit!
On Friday, Maria took a 5 point major with Scorch, under AKC judge Mrs. Sharon Redmer.
Erin Swain awarded Scorch Best Opposite Sex in Sweeps.
Maria also won Best Junior Handler 4 of the 5 shows, taking Reserve Junior Handler at the 5th show.

Maria Neff with Grace in Open Senior Junior Handling.

Shayna Garrison won the Novice Junior Handling class on Saturday.

Austen Garrison won his class too!

Courtney Herron & Shayna Garrison!

puppy fun with Austen Garrison!

We caught up with Sunday Miles, of Countrywoods fame, at the ASCA show!
Just as she hopped into her Corvette!  LOL!

Heidi Smith wins the honor of Photo of the Week! 
Heidi snapped the photo above of her hubby, James Smith, and their girl, Thornapple Live Wire,
while in Pennsylvania this past weekend!  Surge took Reserve Winners Bitch from the puppy class, first weekend out! 

Anna-Lena reports in from Sweden! 

Hi all, Thornapple got a new group winner in SIR Damon!!!!!!!
He won a group in a show with nearly 3000 dogs entered!
Now all of our Thornapple dogs have won group/groups in Sweden!!!!
Congratulations to Jayne and Helene who won BOB with Mr. Lorenzo on an other
 show today! Hugs Anna-Lena

CH Thornapple Oh Brother "Damon"

and MORE GOOD NEWS -- from Helene in Sweden:

Hi everybody,
Yes it was a real Thornapple weekend in Sweden! Damon showed really well
down in Gothenburg and it was great he won the group! Congrats!!!
Even if she isn't a Thornapple....I must say that my bitch won best
bitch both days giving both the beautiful dogs a run for their Sweet pretty Shelby showed really well and I am so
pleased with her! She has only been to a few dog shows in the states and
this was her first weekend out. Marie (Gunlake, Finland) helped me in
best of breed and showed Shelby for me, thanks Marie! Next time you come
over to Sweden you have to bring Jag, if not before maybe the Stockholm
show in December? We can have a fun time there with 3 Thornapple male
champions in the ring!!! Hmm maybe The Thornapples would like to see
that live??!!! What do you say Mother T....? lol Hugs Heléne

Jenny & Nell send good news too! 

 Nell has just had a wonderful weekend at an Agility Trial in Gainsville.
She completed her Novice Tunnelers Title, won two legs in her Open Title Tunnelers,
and First in her jumpers event. She placed in four other events and won four more legs towards
 more titles.  I have an incredible photo coming of her flying through the air. I will send it when the
 photographer gets it to me. I am so proud as it was a combination Aussie and all breed event.
 Our Love Jenny and Nell
Congratulations, Jenny!  We can't wait for photos of Nell!

From Candy Prince: 

Hi! Well, we just got back from the awards ceremony at school.  Erika received
her academic letter for outstanding academic achievement. :)   Now I guess
I have to buy her a jacket to sew that letter to!!  In any event, we were
very proud of her!  As are we, Candy!  CONGRATS Erika!

AND .... just in!  

More exciting news on the Erika front....First, she received yet another letter today --
-- Outstanding Instrumental Band Student!
Second, she has been invited to TOUR EUROPE for 16 days next summer with
her flute!  Seven countries -- and play with various symphonies in each
country!  How neat is that???!!!  I told her she'd better start saving her
money, since the trip will cost almost $6000!  Hum, I wonder if she can
sneak a dog show in there somewhere?!!!!  :) Just had to share! Candy

And the frosting on cake!
Today, Erika received yet another letter, her Athletic Letter for Track, along
with a very prestigious award for being a Scholar Athlete!

We are very proud of our Junior Handlers who not only excel in the Junior Ring
but also in academics!  Congratulations to our scholars on a successful school year!!

A new title for Goose!

Just have to post the Goose is now- Thornapple's Wingman of Te Amo,
CGC and TDI!!!! He passed his therapy dog test with flying color
His Uncle Ex is now- AKC/ASCA CH. Te Amo's Infinite Victory, CGC,TDI. Ex
will be working with the handicap children that come for therapy at my Dad's
office and Goose, Mav and Misty will be the nursing home dog's.
Well- off to the sheepies today!! Love and kisses to all! Kath

Congratulations Maria Neff!

May 23

Buddy (Thornapple Buddy) passed his CGC today!!! He was a star and very proud of himself,
 he is now sleeping dreaming of sporting that CGC tag.  I can't tell you what a joy he is in my life,
at 14 months he is very well behaved and makes he laugh daily.  Hope all is well with you.  I will be
 checking out the Aussies in Saline this weekend. Peace Marianne & Buddy

May 18, 19, 21 & 22

From New Zealand!
Hi all, Just to keep you informed of Zippo (Ch Thornapple Hot Temptation)progress
here in New Zealand.  I am so proud, he got BEST IN GROUP today and JUNIOR IN SHOW. 
 His little fan club which is growing show by show was cheering him on all the way.
 Tomorrow is a rest day, but more shows next weekend. 

From Sweden!
Hi! We have just come home from a show in Sweden (over 3000 dogs where entered) and
 SIR Damon - Ch Thornapple Oh Brother - became BOB and group 2!!!!!!! We are so so PROUD
 of our beautiful boy!!! And I really want to send my thanks to Ellen and Amy again for
letting us have him! Congratulations to everyone after this weekend!!! Now you have a lots
 of brags to put on the website again, Mother T!!!!!!

Roxie & Maria Neff at the puppy match in Kokomo

From Maria Neff!
Hi everybody!  Maria here reporting from Greentown, Indiana where I
showed today without Mother T :(!!  Anyway I am bringing good news
about Roxie (Thornapple Funny Honey). Her first show was yesterday and
she showed sooooo well!  I couldn't believe it!  She just pranced
around the ring like she had been showing for years.  Today she showed
even better, winning her puppy class over a much older more mature
puppy.  The judge was the famous Annie Clark who
is known by some to be very intimidating both to the dog and the
handler!  Roxie stood like a rock and didn't place one foot wrong. 
Annie pointed to the open bitch for winners and to Roxie for
reserve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Not bad for a six month old puppy's second
day in the ring.  I am so proud of her!  Annie was very nice and even
spoke to Roxie in a cute, high voice!!  I have been told that's not
normal for Annie to do, but she did it for us!  Roxie is at my house
now and fitting in great.  She gave the first cat she's ever seen a
big kiss.  She's such an awesome dog!  Watch out England- here comes
Roxie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love Ya'll, Maria

Greentown, Indiana * Kokomo Cluster
We enjoyed a very successful weekend in Greentown, Indiana!

NEW CHAMPION!  CH Thornapple Starry Eye Surprise!
Najee took Winners Bitch 3 days in a row to finish her championship
 with a Best Of Winners at the Kokomo KC show, under Mrs. Charlotte Clem McGowan!
Owner/Co-Breeder handled by Victoria Davidson.  Congratulations Vikki!

Thornapple Tandem Axel * Winners Dog under Mrs. McGowan!
handled to Winners by Victoria Davidson & Best Of Opposite Sex by Maria Neff!

Best Junior Handler!  Kokomo KC * Maria Neff

Thornapple Pot Of Gold "Jack Sparrow"
Group 2 at the Puppy Match!

UKC CH Thornapple Causin' A Commotion CGC "Riot"
Thank you Ami Boxer for sharing this beautiful photo! 
Riot is sired by Ch Thornapple Oh Brother!

Congratulations Steve Seeler & Zak on finishing in 1st place
in Novice A - AKC - for 2004!!!

Photo Shoot May 16!

Looking forward to living in England!  Roxie & Riddick

Accra Ad in the English Dog Paper
announces the future arrival of Roxie & Riddick!

Thornapple Funny Honey "Roxie"
Owned by Robert Harlow & Penny Richards * England
Handled by Maria Neff until she departs for England.
Roxie will be handled by Jayne Holligan at the shows in the UK!



Thornapple Pitch Black "Riddick"
