August #2 2005




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August 21 - 1, 2005

News from Brazil!
Folhas Hi T. Family!  One of Shamba's puppies, 04 months old 
 "HAZEL" , owned by Henrique Schmitz, was shown for the first time in
 Rio de Janeiro by Mr. Tony Noronha and was BEST IN SHOW Puppy!!!!!!
Judge was
Mrs. Andrea Blumen from Argentina!!!  Are we happy?!!!! Bia is in Rio
 with Henrique and Tony and they are in the clouds. So am I!!
She is out of SHAMBA X FCI Multi Ch. Mill Creek´s Easter Jewel Julie!

Congratulations Henrique!

Kathryn Ross-Nash is published in the AKC Gazette!
Congratulations, Kath!!!!  This is a MUST read!

Handsome Goose working out in Kathryn's studio!
It's a Photo Award for Kathryn!

Maria Neff * Best Junior Handler * Marion Kennel Club
pictured with Ch Ragtime Vertical Horizon

CH Thornapple Oh Brother

I tried to call you several times earlier today... But I will send an email instead.
I can't thank you enough for our beautiful Aussies!!!!
 I start from the beginning:
Nearly all championship shows in Sweden runs for two days, because of the
showground (they don't have the space for so many dogs in one day). And this
weekend we had two big championship shows running. And it was 65 kilometers
 between them. And on Saturday our Norfolk and Aussie were at one show and they
 where on Sunday at another show. And yesterday Damon won the group,
 yes AGAIN!!!!! and Enya became BOS. Than we decide not to show Damon on the
 show today so he could be in the Best in Show at the first place... So we just
 showed Enya. And this is the most exciting and amazing part!!!! Enya won the group
 today .... Niklas drove really quick up to the first show and showed Damon in the Best
 in Show and I was still at the other place and showed Enya. Damon became second
 in the BEST IN SHOW!!!!!!!! and Enya also became second in the BEST IN SHOW!!!!!!!!
So two Thornapple dogs won the group and ended up as 2nd in the BIS!!!!!!!
Isn't it fantastic!!!! I don't know if it ever had happened before in Sweden,
that one breeder has two group winners that ends up so high in the best in show....
Hugs and thank you again! Anna-Lena

Enya pictured with owner/handler Niklas Munkvall winning Reserve Best In Show!
Photo Credit Jasper Andersson

2 days later, Anna-Lena writes:

The telephone is ringing here all the time!!!!
It's so many people who want to congrats and say how fabulous this is!!!!
I just want you to share, it's your work behind this beautiful dogs!!!

Anna-Lena reports: Damon has 4 Best in shows in just one month! 
3 were won at large championship shows (and all three in july...).
We have now shown Damon 14 times in Sweden, with this results:
11 BOB, 6 group first, 4 BIS, one BIS no 3, and one not placed in the BIS final.
 2 group 2 and one group 5. (We always place 5 in the groups in Sweden).

Ch Thornapple Oh Brother pictured with owner/handler Niklas Munkvall.

PHOTO AWARD for Ami Boxer!  Jake has taken matters into his own paws!
Since his "Mommy" will once again be a "poor" college student he
thought that it would be a good idea to help support
the family. So if anyone knows of a good job for a
"motivated red tri aussie" let him know. He will send
in his resume. Here are some shots of him "looking for
a job" hahahaha Ami and Jake the "Working Man"
Jake will be bred to Ch Thornapple Straight Up "Chante."
And actually, Jake HAS been busy lately. Swedish Ch Thornapple Summer Squeeze
has been bred (via frozen semen) to Jake for a September litter!

And Ami sent us this beautiful photo of Riot & a rainbow!

Thornapple Wingman of TeAmos  *  Winners Dog
and pictured below with his sire, Ch TeAmos Top Gun Wild Child who won Best of Breed!
Owner handled by Kathryn Ross-Nash & Zoe Nash!  Congratulations!

From Jan & Quest -

Quest earned his second Open leg at Jaxon KC on Sunday. He's still not figured
 out how to return the dumbbell w/o bumping me. I should say he hasn't  figured
out how to transition it from training to the excitement of the ring! <LOL>
He did improve his score by 1.5 points, so he's getting better and better.
 He had a perfect drop on recall, something else I've been very working hard on.
The judge even remarked that Quest was moving so fast that he almost didn't
 have time to give me the drop signal. I was also told there were several "wows"
 uttered when fellow exhibitors saw him jump. Must be good breeding, huh? :->
To celebrate our success, Quest and I shared a cup of ice cream....It was so hot
 at the show, the ice cream vendor provided a perfect end to a successful day. 
Sorry we didn't get to see you. Open B started at the same time as Aussies
showed in conformation. I'm not planning to show AKC again until the Pontiac
 shows, so we will hopefully complete the CDX there.

 The Journal just arrived today, and I was excited to see Quest made number 8
 in the quarterly Novice stats. Not bad when the first 6 dogs had at least
 three shows in that quarter and we had only 2. Perhaps we'll move up for the
 next quarter.  I was also pleased to see another Thornapple dog there!

I was sorry to hear about your web site problems. Your site is so beautiful!
 I love to go there from time to time to look at the pictures. Hope you're up
and running again soon. Take care, Jan