October #2




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Our Kennel 3
Family Jewels
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The Mailbox 11-20
The Mailbox 21-30
The Mailbox 31-40
Photo Awards 2005
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October #2
November 2005
December 2005








October 15 - 1, 2005

1st Place Open Junior * Judge Mr. Thomas W. Carneal
 Monroe Kennel Club * October 2, 2005

Wine Country * Romulus, New York * 2005

Thornapple Tandem Axel * 4 point major
Kanadasaga Kennel Club * Wine Country Shows * September 30, 2005
Judge Mr. Carl J. Anderson * Handled by Coleen "Kelly" Zartman


Our campsite overlooked one of the finger lakes.  Our show was cancelled
on Thursday due to storms with heavy winds which blew over gates and tents.

  Reno's Rainbow Bridge, Thursday, September 29, in Romulus, NY

Reno's sunset over the campground on Thursday evening.

Vikki Davidson & Kathryn Ross-Nash watch the judging.

Heidi & James Smith & Rootbeer!

Zoe Nash shows Maverick to her 3rd first place award in Novice Junior Handling.
Zoe has now advanced to Open Junior Handling. 
Congratulations Zoe!

Kathryn Ross-Nash gaits Thornapple Wingman of Te Amos "Goose"
Goose took Reserve Winners Dog to a major on Sunday

We visited the Montezuma Wildfowl Refuge
and tasted wine at the Montezuma Winery!

7000 acres of US Government land across from the State Park,
where the Wine Country shows are held, are home to the rare Seneca white deer.
a white doe and her fawn pictured above

Michigan Thornapple owner, Laura Baylis (left), brought friends & Aussie lovers from
 the Netherlands! (and the BEST cherry pie ever!) to our October Thornapple birthday
 bash on October 9! We welcomed Jeanet de Paauw (middle) & her sister, Sifra de Paauw (right)
 to puppy photo day and Birthday celebrating! Jeanet sent us photos she took at the party
which can be seen in
Mailbox #13!  Thank you Jeanet! 


Snuggling with Shayna!  photo credit Jeanet de Paauw

Cuba poses pretty for Jeanet's camera!

Shay keeps her baby warm!
and Sharon's puppy enjoys snuggles!

OK, here is the rundown from our Northwest ASC show this weekend (dated October 3, 2005)
SAT - Judge Kathy Gaut AKC
"PORTER" Ragtime Thornapple Black Butte  - WD 2 points
"ANI" Ragtime Thornapple My Way! - RWB 
SUN am - Judge Chris Levy AKC
PORTER - WD & BOW 3 point major
"ANI" Ragtime Thornapple My Way! - WB & BOS 3 point major
SUN pm - Judge Christine Feldman-Bartnick AKC
NEW ASCA Ch. Ragtime Thornapple Black Butte
"RYDER" Ragtime Let It Ryde  - RWD from the 6-9 class
"ANI" Ragtime Thornapple My Way! - RWB  again????
TTYL Jewel

Congratulations to all the weekend winners!!!!
This weekend, Ragtimes Thornapple My Way! {Ani} was RWB on Sat
and today she was WB and BOS.  She was shown beautifully by our own Jewel Fuls.
Jewel's Porter is FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yahoooooooooooooooo
Kathy and one tired Ani

September 2005 ended in sadness with the passing of two very special dogs.

Ch Thornapple Diamonds N Spurs

August 19, 1995 - September 29, 2005

photo taken August 14 2004, just days before Reno's 9th birthday.

Reno was hospitalized on Monday, September 26, with unexplained bleeding.
He seemed to improve with treatment but suddenly took a turn for the worse on Thursday.

Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:37 AM
To: thornappleaussiefamily@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Sad news from Wine Country

I have sad news for our Thornapple family this morning.

My dear sweet Amy received a phone call from Dr. Miller late yesterday
afternoon to tell her that our precious Reno had gone into shock and passed.

Reno ... ALWAYS a HAPPY smile ... ALWAYS a wiggle butt ... ALWAYS a
comedian ... and MOST IMPORTANT ... ALWAYS Amy's best bud.

I wish I could be with Amy today when she picks up Reno from Dr. Miller
for the last time.

All of my love, Amy. Reno was blessed to have you in his life as we were
to have him in ours.

Love, Auntie E

My wonderful Thornapple Family,

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for being there for me and sharing in my loss of a true champion,
 a legend, an ambassador to our breed, but most of all my dearest friend - Reno. 

I should have posted sooner, but it's been difficult because I still cry for my boy.  The hardest thing was being
 there the day before hugging & kissing him and telling him I will be back for him in a couple days.  I would have
 never imagined he wouldn't be walking out to the car with me when I came to pick him up.  This has been very
 painful for me - just wishing I could have been with him and kissed him one last good bye. 

Time will heal.  I find comfort knowing that he has touched so many of our lives.  Even from a simple photograph,
 people have fallen in love with him and our breed.  Those of us who have been fortunate enough to meet him in
person knew what a great dog he was.  He was filled with dignity and pride.  He was always happy and no-one was a
 stranger to him. 

Reno was my once in a life-time dog.  I could count on him for anything.  Besides being my shadow and best friend,
he helped raise my kids, he shined in the ring - whether it was in the breed ring, group ring, best in show ring,
 pee-wee handling, veterans class - or staring on TV during Westminster 2000, he held his head high and did it
all with his winning smile. 

Reno is in a better place now, I know he's in good hands.  I'm certain Roger McKay & Joseph Hartnagle were
there to welcome him with open arms.  I miss him so much, until we meet again I hope he is surrounded by tennis balls
and all the bones he can chew.  With all my love Reno, may you feel the hugs and catch the kisses I send you everyday.

Posted on the Thornapple Family List * October 7, 2005 

A sincere thank you to all of our friends and Thornapple family for your condolences on Reno's passing.

Muddy Reno!  Few ever saw the other side of Reno! LOL!

Elite's Black Jewel * a Reno Daughter * passed away of cancer on September 27, 2005
Jewel is mom to Glamour, Lena, Spitfire, JayDe, Fracas, Goose, Rain, Buddy, Tucker, Phoenix & Darla.

We will miss you .... our Sweet Jewel.