September 2005




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September 2005  

September 2005 ended in sadness with the passing of two very special dogs.

Ch Thornapple Diamonds N Spurs

August 19, 1995 - September 29, 2005

photo taken August 14, 2004, just days before Reno's 9th birthday.

Reno was hospitalized on Monday, September 26, with unexplained bleeding.
He seemed to improve with treatment but suddenly took a turn for the worse on Thursday.

Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 8:37 AM
Subject: Sad news from Wine Country

I have sad news for our Thornapple family this morning.

My dear sweet Amy received a phone call from Dr. Miller late yesterday
afternoon to tell her that our precious Reno had gone into shock and passed.

Reno ... ALWAYS a HAPPY smile ... ALWAYS a wiggle butt ... ALWAYS a
comedian ... and MOST IMPORTANT ... ALWAYS Amy's best bud.

I wish I could be with Amy today when she picks up Reno from Dr. Miller
for the last time.

All of my love, Amy. Reno was blessed to have you in his life as we were
to have him in ours.

Love, Auntie E

My wonderful Thornapple Family,

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for being there for me and sharing in my loss of a true champion,
 a legend, an ambassador to our breed, but most of all my dearest friend - Reno. 

I should have posted sooner, but it's been difficult because I still cry for my boy.  The hardest thing was being
 there the day before hugging & kissing him and telling him I will be back for him in a couple days.  I would have
 never imagined he wouldn't be walking out to the car with me when I came to pick him up.  This has been very
 painful for me - just wishing I could have been with him and kissed him one last good bye. 

Time will heal.  I find comfort knowing that he has touched so many of our lives.  Even from a simple photograph,
 people have fallen in love with him and our breed.  Those of us who have been fortunate enough to meet him in
person knew what a great dog he was.  He was filled with dignity and pride.  He was always happy and no-one was a
 stranger to him. 

Reno was my once in a life-time dog.  I could count on him for anything.  Besides being my shadow and best friend,
he helped raise my kids, he shined in the ring - whether it was in the breed ring, group ring, best in show ring,
 pee-wee handling, veterans class - or staring on TV during Westminster 2000, he held his head high and did it
all with his winning smile. 

Reno is in a better place now, I know he's in good hands.  I'm certain Roger McKay & Joseph Hartnagle were
there to welcome him with open arms.  I miss him so much, until we meet again I hope he is surrounded by tennis balls
and all the bones he can chew.  With all my love Reno, may you feel the hugs and catch the kisses I send you everyday.

Posted on the Thornapple Family List * October 7, 2005

A sincere thank you to all of our friends and Thornapple family for your condolences on Reno's passing.

Muddy Reno!  Few ever saw the other side of Reno! LOL!

Elite's Black Jewel * a Reno Daughter * passed away of cancer on September 27, 2005
Jewel is mom to Glamour, Lena, Spitfire, JayDe, Fracas, Goose, Rain, Buddy, Tucker, Phoenix & Darla.

We will miss you .... our Sweet Jewel.

September 26, 2005

Tonight I lost a part of my heart. Jordan and I were
with her and she will always be with us, now free from
pain. My heart breaks when I think that tomorrow
morning I will not see my baby, for 14 years I was
given a gift that I will never forget, Hannah was my
shadow and I was hers. Thank goodness for the past 14
years. Today was a very sad day.

When evening shadows fall, another day is through,
This is the special time I like to share with you.
In the autumn of your life we look back without regret,
For fate had deemed it right when you and I first met.
We've had our share of problems; passed through stormy
weather; and in these your twilight years,
It's so good to be together.
I'm happy when you're smiling though I know you are in
pain, yet with amazing patience you never once complain.
The years are passing swiftly, there's so much we have
yet to do, and whatever things we face, our love will see us through.
-Marian Jones      
Ami, We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts and prayers
 go out to you and Jordan.  Hannah was a beautiful Shetland Sheepdog
 who never showed her age. We fell in love with darling Miss Hannah from all
of the wonderful photos you have shared with us.  We know she will always
 hold that special place in your heart that only a first love can.   Ellen & Amy

Congratulations Steve & Zak on #1 Novice A 2004!
Zak is pictured upper left on page 17 of the Sept/Oct USASA Journal.
Thornapple Blue Crush OA OAJ - owned & trained by Steve Seeler

Weekend highlights from Marcia!

Hi Amy and Ellen,  shots from last show at ABC Kennel Club ABC0127. 

ABC0906 SHAMBA RESERVE BIS JUDGE Mrs. Hassi A Feyes ( Germany)

ABC0908 SHAMBA 3rd. BIS judge Mrs. Olga  Elza C. Roman

ABC0226 SHAMBA running in the the ABC Kennel Club  for his RESERVE BIS
Congratulations Marcia!  Shamba handled by Sunshine Kennels!

From Kathryn Ross-Nash, September 26 - Just a little brag!!
 Ex and Mav got their SS titles and I did a day of Obedience and Mav
added a leg. But yesterday was different- both Mav (BB) and Goose (ORM) won
their classes over beautiful dogs and Excaliber went BOB over 10 specials
and a total of 68 dogs! Thank you Breeder Judge Janet White !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There where soooooooooooooo many dogs there that I respected and loved that
this was a truly special win! Kath

Maria Neff took home a 1st and a 2nd in Junior Handling
September 24 & 25 - Columbus Indiana Shows.

A blast from the past!  Who is this happy person?  Who is this cute baby?
Who is this beautiful puppy? (see the bottom of the page for the answers!)

And we have ANOTHER mystery photo!!!!
Who is this cutie????  Hint - photo taken in 1981!

Miss Co Co Mademoiselle

St. Clair Kennel Club * September 17 & 18

Thornapple All Fired Up "JayDe" * Winners Dog for a 3 point major!
 Mrs. Shelly Hennessy * Expertly handled by Shayna Garrison!

Thornapple Ragtime Oh! Sweet Mary * Reserve Winners Bitch both days!
FIRST weekend out!  6-9 puppy class!  Just 6 months & 3 days old!
Best of Breed Puppy & Group 1 at the Puppy Match Saturday evening!
Handled in breed classes by Amy & handled at the match by Kelly Zartman!

CH Thornapple Aftershock "Diablo" * Best Of Breed on Saturday
St. Clair KC * Judge Mrs. Shelly Hennessy

Austen Garrison & his cousin, Zac Cain, took ribbons in Junior Handling
at the puppy match on Saturday evening!  Congratulations boys!

A HUG for a PUG!
(bred by the best .... Cindy Allen & Barry Christie of Aramis Pugs)

Pugs give kisses too!

Central Indiana KC * Greater Lafayette KC * September 17 & 18

Maria Neff reports in that she took Best Junior Handler
on Saturday under Judge Mrs. Irene Bivens

Carolyn Zernick took Winners Bitch with Autumn Wind Hope Diamond "Hope"
on Saturday and Best Of Opposite Sex both days with CH Thornapple Cafe Mocha.

At the puppy match on Saturday evening, Hope won
Best Puppy and a Group 4.  Maria took Best Junior Handler

Bill Burns took Winners Dog and Best Of Breed  with Autumn Wind As You Like It
 "Shakespeare" on Sunday.  He took Reserve Winners Dog on Saturday.
Hope and Shakespeare are sired by Ch Thornapple Bad Habit

Joanne Matson sent us a photo of an Aussie in a shop window in Vail Colorado!
See Joanne's beautiful Colorado photos in Mailbox #10.  Jim & Joanne recently retired
 & moved from Michigan to Colorado with their Thornapple girls, Daisy & Molly!
We are SO jealous! 

Pontiac Kennel Club * September 10 & 11

September 10 * Judge Mrs. Margaret P. Mickleson
Thornapple All Fired Up "JayDe"  * Winners Dog * Shayna handling

CH Thornapple Aftershock "Diablo" * Best Of Breed * Amy handling
(Mrs. Mickelson told Amy that she can put Diablo in HER car!)
September 11 * Judge Ms. Carol Anne Kriesel

CH Thornapple Aftershock "Diablo" Best Of Breed & Group 4

Group Judge Mr. Wayne Cunningham

Thornapple Bring It Home "Brodie" * Winners Dog * September 11
Thornapple All Fired Up "JayDe" * Reserve Winners Dog
Shayna Melinda Garrison * BEST JUNIOR HANDLER!!!!!! September 11
Thank you Judge Mrs. Linda Berberich!
One more win & Shayna is Westminster bound!

From Jan May & Quest! Pontiac Kennel Club Obedience!

We finished the title yesterday! We were three for three! Today he made it four for four,
with his best score yet and his first Open B placement (third)! It was a small class without
 a lot of competition. He needs to pick up another 2-3 points in order to place in the usual
Open B class. It was a very nice end a wonderful weekend. I am very proud of how hard
Quest tries and that he hasn't figured out how to NQ yet! <LOL>  Amy stopped by, but missed
 our run. We only had the group exercises left to do. She was going to stay to watch, but I told her it
 would be pretty boring watching 11 dogs lie down for 5 minutes and wait for the handlers to return and to
then sit for 3 minutes while waiting for the handlers. It was actually a bit more exciting than I'd planned.
 When I returned after the long sit Quest's front legs were stretched out quite a bit from where I
 had left them. I friend said he started to lie down, but the little light bulb went off in his little
 brain and he remembered he wasn't supposed to do that. She said he just froze in that position
and waited. Everyone watching was on needles and pins waiting for him to go down! I guess he
 just decided to provide a little excitement for the onlookers!  We will show a few more times this
year in Open B (at Obedience only trials), and try to improve our scores. We are working on Utility
 and hope to have that ready for the ring by spring. I just received the Journal today and Quest was
number 1 Novice Aussie for the first six months of the year!! What a good boy!!! Jan and Quest, CDX


Our VERY DEAR friend, Jayne Holligan holds Austen Garrison
& Champion Thornapple Singled Out.
Jayne visited us in 1999 after the Texas ASCA Nationals!


Answer  circa - 1981 Jewel Fuls @ 5 years old and  Blue Merle Puppy
Sire: Ch.Ragnars Muddy Buddy (One of Ragtimes Foundation sires)
Dam: Ragtimes Ful Of Statusfation (A Little Abner Of Flintridge daughter)