July 2005




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July 2005

July 31, 2005 - from Anna-Lena in Sweden:
Hi everyone. We are just home from a new show in Sweden.
 And Damon - Ch Thornapple Oh Brother - ended up as BEST IN SHOW again...
This time it was nearly 2.700 dogs. It's fantastic! We are SO SO HAPPY!!
Love, Anna-Lena


From Jewel (Ragtime) in Oregon:

Hi All, My friend Wendy Summers in Colorado called and left a voice mail this morning
 telling me that (because I never answer my phone??) she would have to call me tonight and tell
me how many specials that our red merle boy "MARLEY" was BOB over when he finished this
 morning.  So now we have the 4th ASCA Ch. from the ("TODD" Ch.Ragtimes Light It Up!
 X "DAZZLE" Ch.Thornapple Bedazzled) Cross!!! New ASCA Ch.Ragtime Thornapple Stir It Up!
 TTYL Jewel

We welcomed visitors from Denmark in July!
 Bitta & Steffen & Steffen's dad visited Amy & family 
while picking up a show pug puppy for Bitta's sister-in-law.
Little Aramis Ernhart Chase Manhattan "Banker" won Best In Show Puppy
 at a huge all breed match on Saturday!
Banker was bred by Barry Christie and Cindy Allen, Aramis Kennels LLC.

Bitta with the canine love of her life, Diablo!

Of course, Glamour must have lens time too!  Bitta, Steffen, Diablo & Glams!

A detailed account of the pepper bombing at the World Show from Marcia:

Dear friends, SHAMBA is so loved in Argentina that there was a shop
 which had objects, towels, and table sets with SHAMBA´s picture engraved!!
When people asked me which was my breed I had only to say
 "I am SHAMBA´s MOM and people would reply WOW WHAT GORGEOUS DOG HE IS!

I feel very proud of Shamba and Rasera and the Sunshine team.
I feel very thankful with The Thornapple Family who made it possible
 for us to have Shamba.  Little Giulia was at the ring side cheering
 Shamba with her little hands calling Shamba!! 
Thank you to the Thornapple Family for the good wishes!

Henrique has already posted you in on the bombs issues. Fortunately our
camping site was away from the ring where the bombs crasched. Even though
 I ran for Shamba and got a leash just in case. An Aussie would probably fly
 away if gotten loose!!!! But the gas did not got at our camping site. Thank God.

And this Marcia friend of yours was watching the DOGOS... right at the time!
I wanted to see if "that Dogo" would  win the breed...There were 160 Dogos,
60 bitches and 100 males. I was at the ring side... As there were so many dogs
 I went for a coffee 10 yards away from the ring. When I heard the first roar I
thought it was a bullet! So I ran to see what was going on! Then it came the
second bomb and  I started feeling the gas in my eyes! I ran back to the
restaurant screamed for them to open all windows and put on the exhausting
pipes! And ran to find the next exit. It was chaos! People screaming and running
in all directions! Some were going for the dogs that were just to the side of
the ring. Some had to push open a glass window and many were cut right there!
 Dogs ran loose to the outside! Some were lost for hours. People vomiting and
dismaying and being smashed by the running mob! It was just so horrible and
frightful. The Hotel next by open its door and offered milk for those in need.
 Bia (Marcia's daughter) felt very sick and was "blind" for many minutes.
Tears coming down the eyes that burnt like red pepper! Families were apart
 from the kiddos and the feeling was terrifying! Ambulances, police and all were
arriving and closed the area. Banned the DOGOS and their owners and handlers.
 4 hours went by for the show to reopen. But the show had lost its glamour.
The whole pavilion smelled gas even after so many hours. The public was
 "cold" when the show started. It was a sad end for a World Show!
DOGOS are dogs called "the killers" . And their owners are the same.
 They are bred to kill! Imagine so! Next day the Clarin, the major local newspaper
 provided the readers with a picture of one Bomb and reported 7 injured and
 4 missing dogs. 1 English bulldog dead.

Well, the show ended at 01,40 a.m.!!!!! We went back to the Hotel feeling low!
 But it is over now! We are safe and sound!  Shamba collected one more title,
Champion of Americas y Caribe (on Saturday).  He was already Argentinian Ch.!

Kisses and thanks  to you all that were with us with your hearts!

Around the world with the Thornapples!  

What an incredible week for Thornapples worldwide!
Congratulations Damon & Shamba & Miss Bliss -
3 BIG wins this week!!!

Terrorism at the World Dog Show!
Here is the information we have:
FROM ANA IN SPAIN: This is what I have for other European list:
"Just get the information that yesterday at the World Dogs Show
 (the ring with Dogo Argentino) someone throw a lachrymatory bomb
(tear-shell) in the ring with males !!!!!!!!!!  We get this details from a breeder that
was there and fortunately was near the exit.  There was a huge panic
 a horrible scene ! People start to run to the small exit, then they start to
 broke the windows and jumping out.  Lot's of people was injured.
2 dogs died (1 boxer & 1 bulldog) and in that panic lot's of dogs was
 stolen !!!!!  It seams that the responsible for that is one unhappy exhibitor !!!!!!!
 The exhibitor was unhappy how the judge Mr. E. Bosso
did judged the day before, when the judge had to leave the ring with
lots of body guards as lots of people attacked him !!!!!!!!
and the only "official" news I can have are from an Argentina newspaper :
... seven persons in the hospital!  I'm still waiting to contact by messeger
 with a friend who was there. Hugs.  Ana & Epi

From Henrique Schmitt in Brazil: I've just got off the phone with Bia,
Marcia's daughter, who told me the latest news from Argentina.
According to Bia, the Argentinean Dogo breeders threw five
pepper bombs in the ring and another two bombs in the camping area.
 Needless to say, there was panic and in the middle of the confusion
things were stolen, dogs were lost and one English Bulldog died.
The Dog Show was interrupted for at least three hours.
There are still some dogs missing, and their owners
are desperately looking for them. All Argentinean Dogos were
disqualified, and FCI is planning to abolish the breed,
prohibiting them to come to Dog Shows.  Well, I can not confirm
 these news - I am just sharing with you the
 information I've got from Bia - but if they are confirmed, it
will definitely ruin the reputation of the ones involved.
   Take care,  Henrique

Our prayers are with the victims of this tragedy!
This is a sad day for the Dog Show World.

Sunday ... July 9 .... BEST IN SHOW FOR Ch Thornapple Oh Brother!!!!!
We just took a call from Anna-Lena in Sweden!
Damon took Best In Show today at a championship show
with an entry of over 3000 dogs!!!

Ch Thornapple Oh Brother
The BIG WINNER!!!!  A well deserved vacation for Damon after his BEST IN SHOW!!!!
Photo Award for Anna-Lena!!!!!!

Anna-Lena & Niklas own the #1 ALL BREED dog in Sweden - a Norfolk Terrier!
This is the 2nd time Damon has defeated their own dog
 for Best In Show!  I will post the judges as soon as I have
 them.  We do know that the group judge is an English judge
 and the Best In Show judge, a Swedish judge.

Thornapple Moon On Fire "Lunar"

And the good news just keeps coming!!! 
Kelly reports in from Monroe Kennel Club show in Michigan,
Thornapple Moon On Fire "Lunar" (owned by Damon's owners,
the Munkvalls) took Best Of Winners & Best Opposite Sex! 
Congratulations Anna-Lena & Niklas on Lunar's first AKC points!

And can you believe it!!!  GREAT NEWS FROM PORTUGAL!
Yesterday we drove to Portugalete/Bilbao in Spain.
Bliss won Best Puppy in Breed, and than went in the ring with
 60 other best puppies in breed. Bliss was chosen
Best Puppy in Group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Then she went on to be
 selected with the best 5 puppies for BIS! We are
thrilled!!!! Darling Miss Bliss - Thornapple Mythical SkyDancer
did very well!!!
Congratulations Bianca & Jacco Heideveld of the Netherlands!
(we are hoping for pictures, Bianca!)

Epi & Bliss meet in Portugal!  And what fun they had!!!!

Just came home an hour ago, but couldn’t wait telling you we have more news.
 On Saturday at the national show in Pombal (Portugal) Bliss won Best Puppy
 in Breed, Best Puppy in Group and than went on to win BIS-3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are over the moon with this result, the judges liked her very much and
Miss Bliss enjoyed all the attention she got ;-))
On Sunday at the international show
 in Coimbra (Portugal) she won BIG-2, another wonderful result we are very happy!!

 Our Shelties did well too. Our girl Manouk took another CAC and CACIB,
now has two CACIB’s so halfway to her title (and she has only been
shown 5 times in total), our blue boy Ziggy also won CAC and CACIB and
 BOB, which makes him now an International Champion as well, so such
wonderful results from our dogs, needless to say this was a very nice holiday!!
We took photo’s, but I just don’t have the time today to search for some nice
snapshots, I hope you can wait another day. Just couldn’t let you wait any
longer for news from us and little Miss Bliss………
Bye!! Bianca

From Natasha in South Africa! Hi All! Just to let you know we
 had a fabulous weekend ... it was the South African Kennel
Union Nationals held this past weekend and another of
Dollar's (Thornapple Quadratic Equation) pups has won
the KUSA National Puppy of the year on Saturday evening
 under Mr R Bell from Australia!!!  He just raved
about this boy!!!  He now joins Wynonna who was the first
 Aussie to win this prestigious event!! I will send photos
 soon. Natasha

NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!! June 6
Ch Thornapple King Of Diamonds TAKES BEST IN SHOW IN ARGENTINA!
3000 plus entry ... PreShow to the World Show,!
Thursday, July 7th!

CH Thornapple King Of Diamonds
Best In Show & Herding Group judge pose with Shamba & Rasera!

Shamba took best in show in the opening day at the International show.
 The breed was judged by Mr. Francisco Cabrera from Argentina;
 the group was judged by Mrs. Elena Spector, also from Argentina;
and the Best in Show was given by Mr. Horst Kliebenstein from Germany.
There’s a small picture of Shamba’s Best in Show in the official
World Dog Show site: http://www.cinofilia-sud.com.ar/
 - it’s a small one, but worthy.
Thank You Henrique Schmitz for relaying
 Marcia's news from Argentina!

Best Of Breed & Group 2 at the American & Caribe Show
Saturday, July 9th, in Argentina!

July flowers!

Thornapple Glam It Up "Glamour"
Find the puppy! 

Thornapple Glam It Up .... Glamour shots!

Thornapple Powercore "Spitty"
Rub A Dub Dub ... It's Spitty in the tub!
Where's my rubber duckie, mom?

Chicago International 2005 photos are here!
(Just a few more photos to go!  Will be doing the Westminster photos next!)

From Anna-Lena in Sweden:
Hi all!!! Thanks for all the congrats,
yes Damon have had a fabulous
weekend! I have to tell you all that it was three shows.
On Friday we had a very small show with just working dogs
 and Damon became BIS even there. And on Saturday it was
also a championship show and he was group 2.
And he ended up as you all know as BEST IN SHOW!!!!!
I have to send a BIG THANK YOU to Phil & Vikki to!!!!!
 THANKS!!!!! We really love this dog!!! And we're very
happy that you let us have him!!!
Love Anna-Lena

And Natasha Baxter sends photos from South Africa!

This was a Cheetah that we went to visit on the way to a dog show in Port
Elizabeth, just outside Uitenhage. It is called the Daniell Cheetah Breeding Project where
 they breed Cheetah's and then grow them up and release them back into the wild. 
 It is the only wild cats that do not need to be taught how to hunt it is a natural
instinct. This guy who runs the project is interested in getting an Aussie
from me to help raise the cheetah cubs.  Natasha
I will send a couple more of Gerhard stroking the Cheetah's too.

 Photo Award for Natasha! 

Exciting news Jenny Addie & Nell,

I am still in awe at our Nell. This weekend she won events that had around twenty entries
in each class. WE WON SEVEN TITLES . She now has three AKC titles and legs on four other  titles.
This weekend we ran a dual meet with NADAC and ASCA. I will write all the titles down as this is
overwhelming for me.

NADAC  Novice tunnelers   TN-N - Open Tunnelers TN-O - Novice Jumpers NJC - Gamblers NGC - Weavers WV-N

       ASCA - Novice Jumpers JSN - Novice Gamblers  GSN

We are going back to finish our Rally titles with AKC on our next events. This was the first time Nel
and I had run together for a weekend since my knee surgery. Most of all we are the happiest team on the
course, every run is special for us. Nell and I love you, Jenny.

Congratulations to all of our weekend winners!


PHOTO AWARD for Ami!  It's a 4th of July party at Ami Boxer's house!
from L-R above - Chante & Jake
L-R below -
Miss Hannah, Jake, Chante & Riot  
Everyone had a good time! 

Damon (Ch Thornapple Oh Brother and daddy to Riot above!)
 celebrated the 4th of July
by winning BEST IN SHOW!!!!!
Congratulations Anna-Lena & Niklas
on your first of many BESTS
in Sweden with Damon!

And while we partied here, Zippo was busy in New Zealand!
Zippo took Winners Dog and Best Of Breed!
Congratulations Di & Alan Falconer!

June 30, July 1, 2 & 3
Lima Ohio Cluster

June 30 - Maria Neff takes Best Of Winners with Thornapple Reaction "Cole"
Thornapple Funny Honey "Roxie" takes Reserve Winners Bitch
Judge Eric Liebes * Warren County KC of Ohio * Great Job, Maria!

July 1 - Cole does it again & takes Best Of Breed over specials!
Cole also made the cut to 5 in  the group!
& Roxie takes Reserve Winners Bitch from the puppy class!
Judge Ronald R. Khohne * Warren County KC of Ohio
 Another great day, Maria!

Shayna Garrison and Thornapple Glam It Up "Glamour" collapsed when they
arrived home
from a hard working week at Auntie Ellen's!

In this season of summer gardens we find these words inspirational!


1. Peace of mind 
                   2. Peace of heart
                                    3. Peace of soul


1. Squash gossip 
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness


1. Lettuce be faithful
  2. Lettuce be kind
  3. Lettuce be patient
  4. Lettuce really love one another


1. Turnip for meetings
                      2. Turnip for service
                                   3. Turnip to help one another


1. Thyme for each other
                      2. Thyme for family
                                   3. Thyme for friends

. (author unknown)