October #1




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October 31 - 15, 2005


Finding Neverland!

It's a beautiful day for Trials riding!

Jason Waldo is up to the challenge on his Sherco Trials bike.

Aaron rides his Gas Gas Trials bike over the new rock in the Thornapple Trials Garden!
(thanks Amy for these awesome photos!)

Thornapple Dixie Darling enjoys a beautiful Michigan Fall day.
Dixie is owned by Tomomi Nakana of Japan.
 Dixie is serving her quarantine with us.
Watch for Dixie with Kelly Zartman at the Syracuse, New York, shows end of November.

Lunar loves Michigan fall colors too!
Thornapple Moon On Fire is owned by Anna-Lena & Niklas Munkvall of Sweden
Lunar is staying with us while he finishes his American Championship.
Lunar is also entered in the Syracusel, New York, shows and will be handled by Kelly as well.

Our lane is a picturesque mile long walk into Vermontville.

Best Junior Handler * Sunshine State Australian Shepherd Club
Judge Rick Gann *
Congratulations Maria Neff!

October 29 NEWS FLASH!  Thornapple End Of The Rainbow "Rain"
takes a 5 point major in South Dakota!  Rain is owned by Betsy Hamkens.
Congratulations Betsy! 

October 21, 2005

Shayna M. Garrison


"She brought tears to my eyes."  ....  Mrs. Szomoru after judging Shayna & Lumidee.

AND Shayna takes Winners Bitch & Best Of Winners with Lumidee!
Thornapple I'll Never Leave! "Lumidee"
Breed Judge Mr. Arley D. Hussin
Winners Dog & Best Opposite Sex * Thornapple Tandem Axel "Axel"
Reserve Winners Dog * Thornapple All Fired Up "JayDe"
Reserve Winners Bitch * Thornapple Chaos OfThe Heart "Fracas"

Erika Prince * 2nd Place Open Senior Junior Handling!

October 22, 2005 * Battle Creek Kennel Club * Judge Mr. Larry Adams

Winners Dog & Best Of Winners * Thornapple Power Drive "Sobe"
Reserve Winners Dog * Thornapple Tandem Axel "Axel"
Winners Bitch * Thornapple I'll Never Leave "Lumidee"
Reserve Winners Bitch * Thornapple Chaos OfThe Heart "Fracas"

Shayna 3rd place Open Junior Handling * Judge Mr. James J. Ham

October 21, 2005 * Maria Neff * Best Junior Handler * ASCA Nationals Pre-Show!

And James takes Winners Dog with Rootbeer in Springfield Illinois!
Thornapple Mississippi Mud! * Sandemac Kennel Club * Ms. Edweena McDowell
and Best Of Winners * Illinois Capitol Kennel Club * Mrs. Robert D. Smith * Thank You James!

Am/New Zealand CH Thornapple Hot Temptation * Winners Dog * Reserve Best of Breed
Junior Group * USA Judge Mr. Ralph Scoggins * Congratulations Di & Alan Falconer!

Michigan is painted with an artist's brush!!  A fall color tour on a dog show weekend!

A curious Percheron poses for a photo!

young Sandhill Cranes!

deer hunting stand

Cornfield Mystery!  
Austen Garrison and his Grandpa Jim (Jim Brandenburg, Amy's dad)
study trampled corn in their cornfield.  Did an alien spaceship land here?

Kathryn Ross-Nash shares her latest Pilates Style article with our Thornapple family!
Wow, Kathryn!  We are very impressed and proud of you!!! 
Congratulations on being published again!

October 16, 2005, News from Bitta in Denmark!

Beautiful news from Denmark. Easy Clock-Wise  “Fellow”.
(Dam. Ch Thornapple Mandarin Passion.   Sire. Ch Thornapple Oh Brother).
Owner Amdi and Lene from Denmark.
The 16 October became Fellow BIS 1 in show for working dogs and
 later that day he became BIS 4 in a big show.
I hope you all are ok – love the picture of Diablo's babies
J Love and hugs, Bitta


October 17, News from Simone in Germany,
I have heard about your Reno. That is so said.  At the first time it was my greatest wish
to have a Reno puppy.  I love him so much and his puppys. This is a big loss!!!  Do you go to the
nationals?  Some Germany breeders come to show there dogs......I wish I can come too!
The last ASCA Show the blue merle Quinn puppy Abbey win two days Best of Breed Puppy.
The judges say that she is perfect!!!  I am soooo proud.  Also two other Quinn pups won there
 classes and stand in the Winners Dog group.  Take care and hugs, Simone  

October 14 & 15 * 2005

Maria Neff was busy at a dog show in Ohio. 
Saturday, Maria was Best Junior Handler at the Mad River Valley Kennel Club show!
Judge Ms. Tina J. Turley

Sunday, Ch Thornapple Pillow Talk was Best Of Breed at the Mad River Valley
Kennel Club show!  Judge Mr. Ralph Ambrosio

It's Fall at Thornapple!  
A record crop of black walnuts can only mean one thing!
It looks like a long, cold Michigan winter ahead!

The Frog Prince enjoys the last of the warm October sunshine!

Beautiful mums paint the flower beds!

Busy bees prepare for winter!

From proud mom, Candy Prince - Erika Prince not only excels in the breed ring
 but also with her prize winning poultry and rabbits!
WOW!  What a day.  First, the Cochin Nationals.  She was only able to take
4 of her wonderful birds....everyone was in a full-blown molt (as in NAKED
chickens!!). She won Best of Variety Buff, Reserve of Variety Buff, Reserve
in Breed Youth, second in Variety Black (second to the Best Featherleg in
the entire show!), Reserve in Variety Blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    Whew -- on the
road at 5:30 a.m., back home just in the nick of time for the awards
banquet at 7:00 p.m.

The 4H county awards banquet went really well................ Erika
received Awards of Excellence in Poultry, Rabbits, Dogs.  She received the
Teen Leadership award for her mentoring of kids of all ages in many project
areas, and then the Achievement award for her MANY accomplishments with her
projects.  Then she received the highest award that any 4H member can
receive -- the Key Club Award!  Quite an honor.  This is an award that
recognizes exceptional achievement in numerous project areas.  The child
has to gain points by competing in numerous project areas, and attending
various functions, etc.  The minimum is 175 points.  Erika's score was 442
-- the highest EVER in the county!  Proud Mom here!  Thanks for letting me share.  :))
I took pictures of some awesome chickens.  I'll get them to you as soon as
possible.  Doesn't Amy like Cochins??  I seem to remember somebody in the
Thornapple family who really likes them.  Candy