End of September




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End Of September 2006

Thornapple American Power wins Best Of Breed Puppy at an ASCA show in Florida!

GOOD NEWS from Dianne Escalada in Florida! Congrats to you guys on ALL of the awesome wins
 you had over the weekend - incredible!! How fantastic to finish two more Champions for the year.
 We had fun showing this weekend as well :)  At the South Florida ASC show - Erica won BJH with Diesel,
BOBP & BOSP with Power and BOB-Altered with Pete & Shari's dog Nico.  At the AKC show - Erica won a
large juniors class with Diesel & took RWB with Gabby to a four point major (Diane Keedy took the major
 with Candee & finished her) Lauren also did very well in her open junior class taking a 1st & 4th.  
 Now we just need some cooler weather - it was a very hot weekend!!
 Take care! Dianne
Good News from New Zealand!!!!
Above is the link to the page with the photo of Zippo winning Intermediate of Group at the Nationals.
Our boy, Timone, won NZBred of Group.  Coralee won BOB with Fletch and her Denver was Best Puppy in Breed.
Our Sasin boy, bred by Phyl Ireland, was Best Junior of Breed.  It was a very successful Nationals for us!
Catch up with you later in the week.  It is now midnight and we have just returned from the show exhausted.
Kindest regards & kisses from Zippo.  Di   www.ukulunga.co.nz

NEWS from Karen & Michael Wilson * River Wind Aussies!
9-23--06 Keepstone Farm, Berryville, VA
The Belgian Tervuren Club held a one day AKC trial at Keepstone Farm.
 River Winds Sgt. Rock, HT, call name Bedford, qualified for his second leg
 in Started Sheep with a score of 91. This was also good enough for 1st place.
He beat his nearest competitor by 10 points. Bedford was co-bred with Ellen Brandenburg and
Amy Garrison. We are so proud of this young dog.
He is already working on driving so that he can go onto Intermediate.
He only needs one more leg to obtain his started title.
Bedford is owned by Michael P. Wilson of River Wind Australian Shepherds.

Congratulations Maria Neff!  Reserve Best Junior Handler!
National Junior Finals * Australian Shepherd Club Of America
National Specialty held in Wisconsin, September 23, 2006.

Congratulations, Maria & proud owner Tomomi Nakana, on a Best Of Breed
 win for Thornapple Dixie Darling!  Dixie took WB, BOW, BOB
in Columbus, Indiana at the KCCI Kennel Club show,
 Sunday, September 24, under Judge Ke Ke Kahn!

And Congratulations, Jenny & Nell!!!
She double qualified for her Rally Advanced Excellent title and Had an average score of 97.
She placed first on Saturday beating out 26 dogs in one class and 35 in another class.
We are on our way to another title. Big hugs, Jenny and Nell
Thornapple Kiss Me Nellie

Puppy Picture Day!

Rain's mom checks in!
Thornapple End Of The Rainbow CGC

I was out training the Rain Man today and Steve got some nice shots of Rain
doing the Retrieve over the High Jump and his long stay out of sight exercise. 
Thought I would send them on.  The biggest training situation with Rain is his "waits" on the retrieves. 
 He is a PISTOL.  It is hard fathom an energetic dog when I tell my friends who usually only see the laid back perfect boy.  LOL


Playtime with Diesel!  Thornapple American Power is spending time with Erica Escalada
until he flies to Poland in October with his new owner, Peter Kubica.
Power is sired by the famous ASCA/UKC CH Mandolyn Shake And Jake
featured model in the new Ralph Lauren Spring Collection and Photo Award winner below!
His dam is CH Thornapple Straight Up "Chante" co-owned with Ami Boxer.

Thornapple American Power & CH Thornapple Duramax
STRIKE A POSE!!!! (Ralph Lauren will be calling!)
 Thank you Erica Escalada for sharing this priceless photo!

ASCA/UKC CH Mandolyn Shake And Jake
Jake & Family were called to the Hamptons for a Ralph Lauren
Spring Collection photo shoot! (read all of the details below!)
 Jake took time from his busy schedule
to hit the streets of Manhattan!
Photo Credit Ami Boxer

Okay, you two!!!  Do I have your attention????
 Kim Maloney's darling Miss Mathilde and her partner in crime,
Cooper, catching holy heck from Big Dog, Riley!

Fall apples for Evan Michael Brandenburg


SOMEDAY .... I will ride my Trials Motorcycle over this here rock!!!!