Mid October




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Mid October 2006

Di sends Good News from New Zealand ... October 21!
CH Thornapple Hot Temptation "Zippo"

Today, while Allan and I were busy 6 hours away getting a Junior in Show with a Thornapple Son,
our Sasin Boy, Bronwyn and Coralee were showing Zippo, and between them, managed to win Best of Group,
 Intermediate of Group and Intermediate of Show!!!!  What a weekend!

By the way, our Thornapple Son, Nuka, out of Murky,
 earned his final CC and we can now call him a Champion (Subject to NZKC)
Love to Nandi and kisses from Zippo

And the Good News from New Zealand just keeps coming ... October 22!

Well the star performed did it again on Monday at the show.
Dog CC, Best of Breed and then Reserve in Group and Intermediate of Group. 
 To cap off a really great weekend, he went Intermediate in Show again with Coralee handling him!!!!
It was so nice to watch my own dog do well instead of always being the one in the ring.

 You have really done us proud - a stunning boy you sent - what a winner,
and certainly consistency seems to be the order of the day with all the others
that you have sent around the world that do so well for their owners.  CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 

 I hope to be able to send some photos after next weekend,
as the weather was really lousy this long weekend here in NZ, and it just poured and poured. 
By the way, Sunday's show was outside, and Monday when the weather was even worse,
 was inside so he had a win both in and out.  He never put a foot wrong other than his leap for joy
 when the judge approaches to give him an award.  It is a habit we have to work to get rid of as it
now happens too often! LOL  He started doing it after being told he was a good boy after getting a CC
or doing a nice run away and back etc and getting some bait.  Now having to change my way of showing him. 
 He is far tooooooooo smart!!!!!  Well, kisses from Zippo and kisses for Nandi

And from Coralee in New Zealand ...
Thought I would just send you a quick e-mail saying what a joy Zippo was to handle this weekend.
 We had lots of fun as Di will have told you by now. I showed him for his Best Of Group win on Sunday
and also showed him for his Reserve of Group win and his Intermediate in Show win on the Monday.
 He is a real joy and gave me heaps of cuddles and smooches.

Denver (a Zippo puppy) is still looking really good and I have entered him for shows at the
end of November. Will keep my fingers crossed he doesn't go through that un-coordinated stage.
I hope to get some photos of him this weekend and will send them to you.
Take care, Coralee


The Michigan USASA Specialty WIN PHOTOS are here! 



Sometimes a baby needs a helping hand!  Evan *** 9 months old October 22!   

News from Betsy Hamkens in North Dakota!

Rain received his official Therapy Vest so his new name is: Thornapple End of the Rainbow, CGC, ThD. 
Thought I would send on his picture since he looks so official.  I would like to send a picture or two
when he is actually doing therapy work but our laws in this state are real weird about taking pictures
 without the written permission of everyone in the picture and if they are minors it needs to be a
parent or guardian so when I do therapy work it is rather difficult since I do not know who 
Rain will be visiting with each time.  Betsy


And it's a NEW ADDITION for Betsy! 
Cloud makes his arrival in an October North Dakota snowstorm.
Rain checks out his new little Buddy, Thornapple Diamond InThe Clouds!
Cloud is sired by Ch Thornapple King Of Diamonds.
His mommy is Ch Thornapple Russian ToA Party
Congratulations on your new baby, Betsy!

Attached are some pictures of Cloud's first day in ND.  Retrieving already!!!!  
He is greeting Rain and having a good old time in the snow. 
Look at the mouthful of grass he dug up and has in his mouth. 
 He needed a salad LOL after that airplane trip.  The last ones are at my
winter training building. Look at that little guy retrieve and run. He is settling in pretty good
and has decide all his vocal comments do not get him very far:)))))  Later, Betsy

Thank you Ami Boxer for sharing this very festive photo
of Ralph Lauren star, Jake, picking out a pumpkin!

Shayna (right) & her friend, Hannah (left), along with Abby & Zyla,
wish you a very SPOOKY HALLOWEEN!


Thornapple Pucker Up "Pucker"
Best Puppy in Specialty Show in Canada!

Thornapple Pucker Up "Pucker"
Best Puppy In Group * Canadian Kennel Club Show

CH Thornapple Single Barrel "Cruzan"
Best Of Winners * October 15 * Canadian Kennel Club Show
Handled to all wins by Lyndsey Isley
Our thanks to the Isleys for taking our gang to a weekend of shows in Canada!