February 2006




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 February 2006

Ch Thornapple Aftershock "Diablo"

First show in Denmark!

Owned and loved by Bitta and Steffen Wohliche!

There were 3251 dogs entered at the dog show and there were 28 dogs in group 1!
 …so that is quite good win to become best in group!

The group judge was Hans v.d. Berg form Netherlands .... Bitta

Congratulations Bitta and Steffen on your exciting win!

Conditioning for a group 1 win in Denmark! (some dogs have a tough life! LOL!)

ASCA/UKC CH Thornapple Red Dirt Road
Rasheed takes Winners Dog, Best of Breed Puppy and Puppy Group 3!
Chicago International Kennel Club * February 2006

UKC CH Thornapple Red Dirt Road  takes back to back
BEST IN SHOWS at two UKC shows in Kalamazoo, Michigan,
 February 18, 2006 * Handled by Maria Neff!
Congratulations Maria on a job well done!

Rasheed has 3 UKC Best In Show wins at the age of 11 months!
Watch for this dynamic duo at the USASA National Specialty, April 2006!

First Show * Best of Breed & Group 1 * Diane Raymond * Best In Show Michelle Wachob
Second Show * Best of Breed & Group 1 * Matthew Proctor * Best In Show * Kim Hines (far left)

Kathryn Ross-Nash shovels a pathway to her porch!

We survived the largest snowfall ever in New Jersey/New York City!
We braved two feet of snow to drive the big van, loaded with 8 people,
 into the city on Sunday to see Beauty and the Beast! The snowstorm did have
it's advantages! Except for a few taxi cabs, we were the only ones on the road! 
 The show was spectacular, theater half full so we were seated close to the stage!
 Lots of tables available at Carmine's for dinner after our show. 
What an incredible weekend!  Our girls did an awesome job!
  Thank you Kathryn, Wayne, Zoe & Zak Nash for your hospitality!
Kathryn, your cooking is the best (and your pineapple martinis ...
well what can we say!)!  We have lots of photos to share.


Scenic overview along I80 in Pennsylvania!
Shayna's first trip to the Westminster Kennel Club  show!

Shayna's Nana & Amy's mother-in-law, Sharon, joined us on our trip.

Remember our service men and women on Valentine's Day! 

 Chris Reedy (Michigan Aussie Rescue Rep) shares a photo from Afghanistan! 
Hubby Greg is pictured 2nd from left.
"Here is a picture taken while we were on the last mission. 
The person to my left is Ben Evens, to my far right is Brian Moore
(Vermont Guard) and Noel Plaska."

Just want to report that Diesel took a 4 point major under Richard Pittman on March 10.
He took Winners Dog & Best Opposite Sex.  On March 11, Diesel was Reserve Winners Dog under Rick Gann.
Erica also won Best Junior Handler at all four shows:)  Dianne
Awesome job,  Erica!

NEWSFLASH!  February 4, 2006!
Canadian Champion Thornapple Duramax "Diesel" takes a 5 point major under
Mrs. Pat Robinson at an ASCA show in Florida!  Diesel also won Reserve Winners Dog
 to a 5 point major under Judge Bill Robinson. And Best Junior Handler all 3 shows with
 Erica Escalada!  Congratulations, Erica!

And from St. Louis, Missouri, Maria Neff reports a major win for
UKC CH Thornapple Red Dirt Road "Rasheed" under judge, Kym Base,
and Best Junior Handler with Ch Ragtime Vertical Horizon all 4 shows at an
ASCA show there! Diablo baby, Thornapple Oooo La La "Paris" wins Best Opposite Sex
under judge Debbie Reneau with an entry of 25!

Thornapple Red Dirt Road takes Best Of Winners, on Sunday too!
 Thank you Judge Terry Morgan!

Thornapple Pot Of Gold "Jack Sparrow" takes Winners Dog &
 Best Opposite Sex Altered on Saturday under Kym Base.
Jack also takes Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex on Sunday
 under Linda Roques!  Jack is owned & loved by Monty & Kathi Wood.

And on Sunday, Thornapple Git R Done "Larry" takes Best of Opposite Sex
for a 5 point major under Linda Roques. Larry is co-owned with Maria Neff.

Great Job, Maria!

 Hey Mother Thornapple, just dropping a note that Jimmeye Moore,
"Porter's" mom, called this morning to let me know that he had finished
 his INT CH w/ a BOB and a group 3.  I will send details later.  Jewel