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Mid May

And from Maria Neff * May 29 * 5 Best Junior Handler Awards at the ASCA show in Saline, Michigan
and Best Opposite Sex under ASCA Judge Janet White with UKC/ASCA Ch Thornapple Red Dirt Road!
Good Job, Maria!

At the same ASCA Show ... Thornapple Jack Sparrow took Winners Dog/Altered two days ...
One of those wins being a major!  Congratulations Monty & Kathy Wood!

Dog Handling isn't Maria's only talent!!!!!  This exciting news from Mom, Debbie Neff!!!!
Just had to brag - Maria received her tests scores back for the tests that is given to all Ohio 10th graders.
 Writing - Math - science - reading - history  Her test scores were the highest anyone can achieve. 
  Just a few months ago she got back her pre- SATs scores and had  the highest score in her  school. 
  I hope scholarships  are in the making!!!!!   Debbie
Way to go!  Congratulations, Maria!

Erika Prince tells us that she also scored high on her SAT's this year!! 
Erika scored in the top 3% of all High School Juniors!
We are proud of you, Erika!  Congratulations!

We salute all of our Thornapple Junior Handlers who not only excel in the Breed/Junior Ring
but ALSO in the Classroom!!!!  We are very proud of our Juniors!!!! 


CH Thoranpple Oh Brother "Damon"

May 29 * News from Easy Kennel in  Sweden!

We have been on a dog show yesteraday and today. Damon became group winner and BIS-3,
Glidden got CC and second best dog, Lunar third best dog. Janis CC and BOS.
You got price of honor on the breeders group, but we didn't place in the final ... Hugs'n love, Anna-Lena
Awesome News, Anna-Lena!

Thornapple Paint The Town  "Glidden"

Thornapple Moon On Fire "Lunar"

Weekend of May 19, 20 & 21, Ellen, Vikki, Jenny & Maria did a 3 day show in
Greentown, Indiana  .... Amy & Shayna competed at a 2 day show in Flint, Michigan.

Marion Kennel Club * May 19, 2006 * Judge Mrs. Patricia A. Mowbray-Morgan

Autumn Wind As You Like It * Winners Dog

Autumn Wind As You Like It * Winners Dog * owner/handled by Bill & Carolyn Zernick
(sired by CH Thornapple Bad Habit)
Thornapple Razzle Dazzle Em * Reserve Winners Dog * owned by Lisa Penton * OK City, Oklahoma
handled by Victoria Davidson
Thornapple I Have A Dream * Reserve Winners Bitch * owner/handled by Jenny Poe

UKC/ASCA CH Thornapple Red Dirt Road * Major Win

Kokomo Kennel Club * May 20, 2006 * Judge Mrs. Chris Walkowicz
UKC/ASCA CH Thornapple Red Dirt Road * Winners Dog * Best of Winners * 3 pt major
 handled by Maria Neff

Thornapple Git R Done * Major Win

Thornapple Git R Done * Winners Bitch * Best Opposite Sex * 3 pt major * owner/handled by Maria Neff
Thornapple Up The Ante * Reserve Winners Bitch * handled by Carolyn & Bill Zernick

Thornapple Up The Ante * Major Win!

Kokomo Kennel Club * May 21, 2006 * Judge Mr. James W. Maloney
Thornapple Reaction * Winners Dog * 3 pt major * owned by Monty & Kathy Wood
handled by Maria Neff
Autumn Wind As You Like It * Reserve Winners Dog * owner/handled by Bill & Carolyn Zernick
Thornapple Up The Ante * Best Of Winners * Best Opposite Sex * 3 pt major

Genesee Valley Kennel Club * May 20, 2006 * Judge Dr. Robert Smith

Thornapple Powercore * Winners Dog * Best Opposite Sex

Shayna Garrison 1st Place Open Junior Handler * Dr. Carmen Battaglia

Erika Prince * Best Junior Handler!  Progressive Dog Club

Genesee Valley Kennel Club * May 21, 2006 * Judge Dr. Carmen Battaglia

Thornapple Powercore * Winners Dog * Best Of Winners * Best Of Breed

Beautiful JayDe at the Genesee Valley KC shows!

Shayna & JayDe in Junior Handling

Fun at the Genesee Valley show! 

Chante & Jake celebrate a friend's birthday in Southern Florida!
(Some dogs have it made!)

I just had to send some of the photos from Jake and
Chante at their friend's Birthday party!  Chante LOVED
the dog ice cream and got it stuck on her nose, we
were dying laughing .... they played bobbing for hot
dogs (of which Chante was NOT going to stick her head
in water... that is too much to ask of a pregnant
princess) .... Ami

Lovebirds Chante & Jake poolside!

Thornapple Wingman Of Te-Amo "Goose" * Best Of Winners * May 20, 2006
Owner Handled by Kathryn Ross-Nash


It's Mommy's Birthday!  May 22, 2006!  Happy 20th Birthday, Chelsea!!!!!
(And Evan's 4 month birthday on May 22!)
Chelsea and family joined Grandpa Fred for the Birthday celebration!
Grandpa suffered a cardiac arrest in November 2005.  We are happy and blessed
 that he is here with us to celebrate Chelsea's birthday!

From Left to Right back * Aaron, Cyrus and Rachel Brandenburg
Front * Grandpa Fred Miller, Chelsea & Evan Brandenburg
We love you Dad, Grandpa & Great Grandpa!

Evan at 4 months ... turkey hunting, Mommy Please!

From Phyllis in Australia!!! This is just the start.  Our Australian Capital Territory (Canberra ACT)
  was the first State in Australia for the introduction of the ban on tail docking, quite a few years ago,
 then it was introduced in Parliament in the other States, and then became a National Ban when the
Federal Government adopted the Animal Welfare Bill, I think it was in 2003, containing the ban on tail
 docking.  You will have to rally as much support as possible to try and stop it in its tracks, if you wish to
continue to dock. Once through in NY City, it will have a waterfall effect when all States will gradually
 introduce the Bill.  This is what happened in Australia.   Once through in one State, it makes it so much
easier for it to be accepted by the other States to adopt and pass the Bill.
Phyl in Qld.

Email everyone on the committee!

May June 2006 USASA Journal - back cover