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December starts with a bang!
THE 2007 AKC/EUKANUBA National Dog Show

Click here for Results & Photos!

HUGE NEWS From Finland!!!!!
CH Thornapple Hot Wheels "Jag" wins BEST OF BREED at the BIG FINNISH WINTER SHOW!
This is a repeat win for Jag!!!!
Judge Carin Akesson of Sweden *** Show is held in Helsinki, Finland *** 56 Australian Shepherd entries!
From Marie --- Yes, Jag did it again!!! 7 years old man go up and take the BOB!
Lots of young wonderful Aussie males were at this Winner show. And he took a new
title again!! It will be Jags 3rd title this year!!!! And his 3 CACIB!!!
And we have NOT show him much this last year.
He has sooooo very long title now! Our king! He is our GOLD BOY. He is
always ready for long trips and long days at the show area. We love him. I
wonder if I can get a better dog someday, I don't think so. He is all!
A wonderful family dog, show dog, a healthy dog, a very good dog in our
breeding, he have only give us healthy puppies!!!
The total entries was 8.500. Just under 60 Aussies entries.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Miss Thornapple Ruby Passion!!!
Birthday News From Marie in Sweden .....
Lucy wants to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of her siblings.
She hopes that everybody has a good birthday!
Thank you for my little Lucy!  I cannot believe she is 2 years old!
Hugs, Marie & Lucy (Lucy pictured in her favorite resting place with her B'Day gifts!)


NEWS FROM beautiful SUNNY WARM Miami!!!!!
We went to the Greater Miami AKC show this weekend and had a great time.
Erica & Diesel took 1st Place in Open Senior
New AKC CDX Title for Ch. Soundtracks No Doubt with two 1st Place Wins 
Q'd in Jumpers w/Weaves with a 1st Place Win
Also received the 2007 Junior Achievement Award from OTCPBC
Wishing Everyone a Very Happy Holiday Season!
Dianne & Erica :)  CONGRATULATIONS! Job well done!

Erica Escalada & Ch Thornapple Duramax "Diesel"
Ice (Thornapple Mercury Arctic Shake) sends warm Texas winter wishes!
He is 4 months old now and will be showing at the USASA Regional Specialty in TX this January.
 Ice is owned, trained and presented by Eileen Kosakowski.
For more photos, see The Mailbox #33!
A December Walk in Miami, Florida!  OH if we could be so lucky!  We have ICE here in Michigan!
Thank you for sharing, Ami & Jordan Romanelli!  Riot ... Jake .... & a naked Chante!
For more photos, see The Mailbox #32!

We can't wait for the Florida dog shows in January!  See ya soon!!!!

Dreamy & Alejandra enjoy a December SUMMER day in Chile!

Thornapple Talkin Smack now has her own International Page!

Alejandra's fiancé, Gaspar, loves Dreamy!

Playtime in Chile!

BEST JUNIOR HANDLER *** Ingham County Kennel Club *** December 2, 2007!
Congratulations, Erika Prince, on winning BEST JUNIOR HANDLER at your very last dog show as a Junior Handler!
Erika showed her special girl ... her 1st Junior Handling doggy ... Ch Thornapple Seminole Wind!
Keziah LOVED being in the ring again!  She showed her heart out & WOWED the judge!
GOOD LUCK in your Pre-Med Studies! 

Congratulations Aaron Brandenburg & Thornapple Seduction
Best Of Breed Puppy & Herding Group 4 with Reese!
Ingham County Kennel Club Puppy Match, Friday, November 30th **** Breeder Judge Erin Swain

Thought you might enjoy a few updated pictures of the boys.  They are both doing wonderful and spoiled rotten.
They both have their Rally Advance titles and will be going for their Excellent title starting next year.
Player is still going strong in agility.  He's in Open Jumpers and Excellent Standard and Open Fast and soon we
will be doing USDAA shows too. He measured at exactly 22 inches for his final AKC measurement! 
Can you believe how tall he has gotten.  My instructor loves him too and says he was built for the sport.
We wanted to wish you happy holidays and a wonderful new year!!

L-R --- Riot *** Jake *** Chante
I just had to share what Jordan (the most wonderful
husband ever) had commissioned for me! The artist is:
He saw the work on the Food Network and has been
working with the artist for months to get it done. I
cannot get over how realistic it is! Ami

December 1, 2007 *** Dixie puppy update! *** Eyes are open!!!
Dixie's puppy blog!  Check it out!

Tomomi's pick blue merle girl, True *** Isn't she darling!
Dam: Ch Thornapple Dixie Darling *** Sire: Ch Thornapple Single Barrel

Miss True on December 5th ... Dixie babies!


Beautiful Annie loves Dixie's babies!
On right -- Tomomi's pick blue merle girl, True, December 7 -- sired By Ch Thornapple Single Barrel


Cruzan vacations 'Up North!'  Laura Baylis of Star Aussies opened her heart & home to Cruzie for winter visit!
Cruzan is kicking up his heels & leaping for joy in anticipation of a new love affair with Ch Briarbrook's Mademoiselle 'Elle."

Laura & Cruzan no sooner arrived at home Saturday evening (Dec 1st) when they were hit with 14 inches of new snow!

Canine Chronicle *** November/December 2007

Back Cover ** USASA Journal ** November/December 2007