January Begins




2007 News In Review
2006 News In Review
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Animal Rights Archives
Animal Rights Archives
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Show Shots 2007
Show Shots 2006
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Matsons Photos
Amy's Slideshow
Our Kennel
Our Kennel 2
Our Kennel 3
Family Jewels
Junior Handlers
Photo Albums 1-10
Photo Albums 11-20
Photo Albums 21-30
Photo Albums 31-40
Photo Albums 41-50
Photo Albums 51 - 60
The Mailbox 1-10
The Mailbox 11-20
The Mailbox 21-30
The Mailbox 31-40
Photo Awards 2005
Photo Awards 2006
Photo Awards 2007
Classics In Print
Observed Trials
Wheatland Music Festival
Alpena Tractor Show
Roger McKay
Michael Wilson
Alaska Conservation
MSU Dance Team
Shayna's Schipperke
Career Day

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Mid-End April
USASA Nationals07
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2nd Wk September
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Eukanuba Dog Show
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Christmas Greetings
Christmas Greetings








January 2007 Begins!


Golf Weather in Michigan on December 28!
(and a THUNDERSTORM on New Year's Eve!  Who could imagine!)
Temps in the 50s makes great weather for a photo shoot!  

Saying Goodbye to Miss Lucy!
Having completed her quarantine to travel to Sweden, Thornapple Ruby Passion is heading
to her new owners' arms, Marie & Joakim Samuelsson, on Thursday, January 4th. 

Lucy arrives in Sweden safe & sound January 4, 2007!  From Marie:
Good Morning!  Lucy was a little bit nervous when we picked her up, but now she is doing just fine.
She has picked out all the dog toys and put them all over the house.  This morning we went out on a
trip to the wood and she thought it was wonderful.  All my dogs think she is very strange when she
don't have any tail *smile*.  She does not eat that much yet but soon I think she will do that,
but she eats dog candy!!!  Lucy is a kind and adorable dog.  She don't do any harm.
Thank you very much for Lucy!!!  Marie

Goodbye, sweet Lucy, we will miss you!  (And Tammy, the Pug, will miss you LOTS & LOTS!)

Thornapple Diamonds At Tiffanys "Tiffany" * Sire Ch Thornapple King Of Diamonds * Dam Ch Thornapple Russian ToA Party
whelped August 21, 2006


Thornapple ShowStopper "Danity" * Sire Ch Thornapple King Of Diamonds * Dam Ch Thornapple Bedazzled
whelped September 2, 2006


Thornapple Little Black Dress "Audrey" * Sire Ch Thornapple King Of Diamonds * Dam Ch Thornapple Russian ToA Party
whelped August 21, 2006 * Congratulations Stacey & Sheryl Chia Xiang Min of Singapore on your beautiful new girl!
Audrey will be competing at dog shows in Singapore!


Thornapple Come Atcha Truckin "Mac" * Sire Ch Thornapple King Of Diamonds * Dam Ch Thornapple Russian ToA Party
whelped August 21, 2006


Thornapple Interstellar Overdrive "Fury" * Sire Ch Thornapple King Of Diamonds * Dam Ch Thornapple Russian ToA Party
whelped August 21, 2006


Drew now has a name!  And it's a name that fits him perfectly!  Thornapple BOLD MOVES!!!!  And MOVE he does!!!!
 Sire Ch Thornapple King Of Diamonds * Dam CH Thornapple Russian ToA Party
whelped August 21, 2006



Thornapple Promiscuous "Monet" * Sire Ch Thornapple Red Hot Outlaw * Dam Cork-Kerry's Sweet Vidalia
Monet is a full litter sister to Thornapple Scandalous "Mika."  When Mika's championship is complete,
Monet will be handled to her championship from the Bred By Class, by her co-owner/co-breeder, Coleen "Kelly" Zartman.


A perfect day for chopping wood too!  Aunt Rachel, Ty & Evan cut firewood with the new chainsaw!

Evan says ... Check it out!   New Website!  www.usasajuniors.com 

The USASA Junior Showmanship Committee is accepting donations for 2007.
For more information on how the donations are used to support the USASA Junior Handlers,
check out the NEW Junior Showmanship website www.usasajuniors.com !

FROM AMY GARRISON ... Hi everyone - Happy New Year!!! 
Nikki called to say her computer took a nasty crash and while her husband is attempting to rebuild the hard drive,
she asked that I include her mailing address for any donations that are being made on behalf of the
 USASA Junior Showmanship Committee.  Nikki Marenbach Hengy, 27310 Barkman Ave., Roseville, MI  48066

 Thank you to everyone!  Wishing you a 2007 full of health, happiness and success.
USASA JSC ... Amy, Nikki, Candy, Deb

And ... it's a HUGE brag for Miss Shayna M. Garrison!
Shayna received an official AKC certificate today
awarding her #8 Herding Group Junior Handler for 2006!
This is an incredible accomplishment for a 10 year old Open Junior Handler!

Mom & Dad, Auntie and Uncle, Cousins and all of the Thornapples salute you, Miss Shayna!

From Amy -- What a surprise to receive the AKC certificate in the mail!  Shayna was thrilled!! 
We are so proud of her hard work, dedication and great sportsmanship ....
all accomplished from the Open Junior Class, at the tender age of 10!!! 
I quickly glanced at the Best Junior web site and counted roughly 651 kids who showed
 Herding dogs!! AMAZING!!  Way to go Shayna!  Keep up the great work!  We love you!!
Mom & Dad and all your doggies that love you just as much!!!

Shayna is on the All A Honor Roll this semester!


Congratulations, Maria Neff, on being awarded #4 Herding Group Junior Handler for 2006!
Maria maintains a 4.0 grade point average and is in the National Honor Society.
Maria is also a member of the Australian Shepherd Club Of America 500 Club!

Huge Congrats also go out to Erika Prince on being awarded a Presidential Scholarship! 
 Erika will graduate in June.  She received a full academic scholarship to Saginaw Valley College
 in Michigan where Erika will study Human Anatomy & Pre Med!

And Congratulations on your 2006 accomplishments Erica Escalada!  Erica is a member of the
Australian Shepherd Club of America 500 Club.  She is overall High Score Junior Obedience.
In the Florida Australian Shepherd Association, she is 2006 High Point Junior Handler,
High Point Class Dog with Ch Thornapple Duramax, High Point Agility with Ch Soundtracks
No Doubt CGC, CD, RN, RJ-N.  Erica is an all A & B student who is involved in many
 extracurricular school activities. 

We will be updating our Junior Handler pages to include ALL of their magnificent accomplishments for 2006!

Our Juniors Rock!