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February Begins 2007

Ellen's cell   *   517-202-6462   thornapple@bignet.net

PETA's successes with a North Carolina jury haven't translated well into the court of public opinion.
 As we wrote in yesterday's Norfolk (VA) Virginian-Pilot, the fact that PETA unapologetically kills healthy cats and dogs
 has done irrevocable damage to the group's reputation.

[R]easonable people can agree that if the whole trial was a sham, and if the jury made the right decision (and that's a big "if"),
it's hard to see the group as anything but hopelessly hypocritical in light of the testimony from PETA's employees...

[K]illing of animals, whatever the circumstances, is not something we've come to expect from PETA.
Yet in front of a judge and jury this month, PETA's defense lawyer argued that animals Hinkle injected with a lethal drug were
"PETA's property, and she had the absolute legal authority" to do it.

Remember that the next time PETA argues that ranchers, restaurants or clothiers don't have that same legal authority.

The Virginian-Pilot also ran a response piece from Daphna Nachminovitch, who leads PETA's ironically named "Rescue Department."
 ("Rescuing" pets from what? Oxygen over-consumption?) Nachminovitch basically argued that PETA staffers were doing the animals they
killed a favor because the conditions in North Carolina shelters are so bad.

You would expect an animal "rights" group to at least make a good faith effort to find "rescued" pets homes before killing them.
But in North Carolina, PETA's workers didn't even wait to get out of the parking lot before they "put down" dozens of perfectly healthy
 and adoptable animals.  And very little of PETA's $25 million dollar budget goes towards pet adoption programs.
 So while PETA may be helping animals by taking them out of substandard shelters, what it does to them clearly violates the principle
 of animal "rights" as it is commonly understood.

That message has gotten through to at least one long-time PETA donor. Yesterday, animal activist Brennan Browne --
 a PETA "supporter and defender since 1980" -- announced on an animal rights mailing list that he's removing PETA as the beneficiary
 of his $3 million life insurance policy because, in his words...

It turns my stomach to think I've been giving 26 years of support to an organization that has been
 unceremoniously killing and trashing innocents by the thousands.

The Center For Copyright © 2007 Center for Consumer Freedom. All Rights Reserved.
P.O. Box 27414 | Washington, DC 20038 | Tel: 202-463-7112 | info@consumerfreedom.com  

Kelly & Mika at the Brooksville Florida shows.

We have disappointing news for Mika and Kelly.  When Mika's New Champion certificate
 arrived on Feb. 10, we noticed  Kelly's name did not appear as co-owner on the New Champion
 Certificate. We immediately placed a phone call to AKC.  It seems that a transfer dated and mailed
to AKC on September 12, 2006, was never received.  In order to finish a dog from the AKC Bred By
Exhibitor Class, the person who handles the dog in the class must have his/her name as registered
 co-owner with AKC prior to exhibiting in the class at an AKC show.  Since AKC has no record of the
transfer, Mika's championship is not recognized.

The silver lining to the story is that two of our own bitches picked up Mika's majors.  Our
Ch Thornapple Git R Done "Larry," is now a finished champion thanks to two Reserves
 to Mika's 4 point majors at the MSU Dog Shows in December 2006 and a major win in
Indianapolis weekend of February 10.  Congratulations Maria Neff on your new champion!
 And our bitch,
Thornapple Flirtin' With Fire "Flame" now has 12 points with two majors ...
thanks to two Reserves to Mika wins at the January 2006 Brooksville, Florida shows.

Kelly's name has been officially added to Mika's AKC papers.  Kelly is anxious to start
over!  TWICE the fun for Mika & Kelly!  Nothing wrong with that!  Their first show will
be the Tar Heel Circuit at the end of March in Raleigh, North Carolina!

Mika's page and her gallery will be added to a new page on the Future Stars page.
A NEW adventure begins!


Ch Propwash Hey Jude ... handled by Amy ... Judge Joe Hartnagle

Amy was asked to put together some fun photos from the past
and some cute photos from the present for a Hospitality Night
 slide show at the USASA Nationals. We  just have to share!
Amy's Slideshow

Ch Thornapple My Baby Loves Me "Martina"  & Amy * Artwork by McCartney

Future AKC Best In Show Winner CH Thornapple Breakn' New Ground "Billy"

ASCA CH Thornapple Hershey Kiss with ASCA Breeder Judge Nikki Hengy!

Indy Winter Classic February 8, 9, 10 & 11

Autumn Wind Hope Diamond "Hope" (sired by Ch Thornapple Bad Habit)
Reserve Winners Bitch Feb 8 * Judge Bettie L. Krause
Winners Bitch * Best Of Winners Feb 9 * Judge Lenora M. Riddle * 4 point major!
 Congratulations, Carolyn Zernick and Hope!

Wyndcrest Quote Me Later "Penn" (son of Ch Thornapple Code Red)
Reserve Winners Dog to a 4 point major from the 6-9 puppy class!  Judge Bettie L. Krause
Congratulations to owners Art & Pam Davis of Indiana & breeder Nikki Hengy

New Champion Thornapple Git R Done "Larry"
Congratulations, Maria Neff, on your new AKC champion!
Winners Bitch Feb 10 * Judge Robert C.  Thomas * 4 point major!

Maria Neff * First Place Open Senior Feb 11 * Judge Karl H. Kreck

CH Thornapple Red Hot Outlaw "Scorch"
Best Of Breed Feb 9 * Judge Lenore M. Riddle * Handled by Robbie Hughes
Thank you Robbie, Lenny & Maria for filling Lyndsey's shoes while she rests her sprained ankle!

There is a NEW FACE in town!
Thornapple First Class "Major"
Congratulations Anna-Lena & Niklkas Munkvall on your gorgeous new boy!

Trouble?  It's not me!
PHOTO AWARD!!!!  Congratulations Lauren Escalada!

Thank you Dianne & Lauren Escalada & Ami Boxer for the incredible photographs of Major!

Handled by Erica Escalada
Thank you Erica Escalada for training and showing Major at the Florida ASCA shows while he serves his
quarantine.  Major will fly to his new home in Sweden with the Munkvalls after the USASA Nationals at
the end of April.  Look for Erica & Major to do great things while he is with her!

Major won Best Opposite Sex under breeder judge Dorothy Montano
 at the Forida Australian Sherpherd Associaton show February 11.

Welcome Sheryl & Stacey Chia Xiang Min to our International family!
Thornapple Little Black Dress "Audrey" must serve 30 days in quarantine
before moving into her new home in Singapore!  She enjoys daily visits with
 her new family and especially loves the treats they bring!

Congratulations Betsy & Rain on making the Clean Run magazine!

 Gateway Australian Shepherd Club Show
February 3 & 4 * St. Louis, Missouri
Show Results

photo credit John Beals
Thornapple Sky's The Limit "Skylar"
 Reserve Winners Dog to a 5 pt major * Judge Erik Brickson
Winners Dog for a 5 point major * Judge Mary Price
Winners Dog * Best Of Winners * Best Of Breed for a 5 point major * Judge Linda Roques
Handled by Maria Neff

photo credit John Beals

photo credit John Beals

Thornapple Git R Done "Larry"
Winners Bitch * Best Opposite Sex for a 5 point major * Judge Linda Roques
Owner handled by Maria Neff

Movement doesn't get any better then this!  Photo credit John Beals
Thornapple Ooo La La "Paris"
Paris won two large 12-18 puppy classes!

Maria Neff ***
Best Junior Handler * Erik Brickson
Reserve Junior Handler * Gemi Brickson
Reserve Junior Handler * Mary Price
Best Junior Handler * Linda Roques

Evan says, "We gave!  How about you?????"
 New Website!  www.usasajuniors.com 

Hudsyn says "Come on everyone, dig deep into your pockets!
 Support the AWESOME USASA Junior Handlers!"

The USASA Junior Showmanship Committee is accepting donations for 2007.
For more information on how the donations are used to support the USASA Junior Handlers,
check out the NEW Junior Showmanship website

THANK YOU to all who have contributed!

A VERY chilly, snowy Michigan February with temps of 18 below 0!